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Posts posted by bouche

  1. The graphix were done really fast by me last night to get the forums running for monday. They are going to be updated soon, and probably way cool.

    [color:"purple"]AVATARS can now be uploaded by users who need it hosted. I haven't tested it yet, but it should be a nice new feature.

    I haven't really had a chance to poke around too much as I just spent all my time getting this place working and creating the style.

  2. click on My Home, and then you can set your preferences there. Things like 'number of posts per page' and 'number of topics per page' are all configurable. The smaller the number, the easier it is on servers and bandwidth.

  3. Welcome to the new look and feel of the Sanctuary. It's loaded with new features that I haven't even begun to uncover yet. Notable, you can now select certain forums as your favorites, and everyone has a sort of personalized home page called 'My Home' which consolidates all of your profile tools and configured options.

    Take a moment and visit your 'My Home' page and configure your profile with all of the new settings. Add your birthday and it will show up on the calendar. Also, you can fill out a few more fields in your profile to let people know what you like and dislike. "Favorite Band", "Favorite Album", and "Instrument" are among the new personal details.

    This place will probably endure a few tweaks and changes over the coming weeks, so if you see anything weird going on, it will probably pass. If it continues, email sanctuary@jambands.ca and let me know what's going on.

  4. yo velvet,

    I managed to take the signed and numbered ones with me at the end of the night.

    email me bouche@jambands.ca and I can drop them off to you.

    I know there were a few folks that were going to buy them from you later. Donovan, Jordan...among a few others.

    I hope you didn't lose Gord's package!

    Vermont Dave, there's one here for you too bro!

    I also have one from a dude that had an afro and had a real "holiday glow" at the end of the night....anyone know Jon Edwards-Davies?

    Also I have Low Roller, Giggles, Canned Beats, and Arcane's posters here.

  5. I certainly don't see alot of complaining here CB...heheh. Just some 'constructive' criticism from secondtube that didn't have anything constructive about it.

    I downloaded disc 2 and 3 the other night at 689 KB/sec. Needless to say, that I had each disc in under a 2 minutes.

    Seems like the server speeds will be fine when they aren't bottlenecked by free downloads.

    But, if you want to see free downloads, you should certainly email them. I sent one in, and suggested that they release a free soundboard every once and a while.

    This is a milestone in music delivery IMHO. I think Phish is stepping up to the plate and taking things under their control, and when they do that, it usually comes out real good.

    my best example is their ability to put on such huge music events and still keep the porta potties clean

  6. Who's in Ottawa that has a computer outside of work? Gotta come out and have some fun for Boxing Day at the Cafe Dekcuf if you are. I'm looking forward to the acoustical (heheh) Dr. Huxxy and then Spincycle tomorrow night.

    They blew me away at Babylon last month.

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