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Posts posted by bouche

  1. All you need to do is challenge me to an arm wrestle. If you win, you get to be #1. That's all there is to it.

    I am still undefeated to this day. Well, H almost had my arm down one night, but she was drinking lite beer, and I was drinking Ice beer. I think there's a 1.5% difference in alcohol contenet.

  2. Damn that was fun. I was very happy to enjoy Bobby added to the mix.

    I only mention Bobby, because he was a major stand-out of added entertainment value to the musicians Phil, Jimmy and Rob.

    Those guys sound great together. Sailor>Saint was by far the biggest butt kicker in there. Fire certainly didn't sound rapped or as bad as I had imagined. I wouldn't even call it bad in any way. Was Mickey the devil that night Sloth? [Wink]

    I had a pain-in-the-ass time trying to get good 'n' close to snap some pics, but the security was VERY tight up close. They were making people dance in front of their seats, so I had to pretend seats were mine here and there. I finally gave up because it was taking up too much brain-power and I wasn't focused on the music as much as I wanted to be.

    I'm always suprised at who I run into at large-sized events. I ran into Stapes-ez pa, who gave me a bunch of stickers to hand out. I also ran into #1 Burt Neilson Band fan Jared, for those that know him.

    Vermont Dave and friends are ALWAYS a blast to hang out with for shows. Hopefully Vermont Dave can get them online here.

    I dont' think I have enough shots worthy of even one page in the gallery right now. SO here's my favorite for a 1024x768 desktop wallpaper. Just click it to get the big one, and set it as your desktop.


  3. I remember taking a tour of a few things like the NBC studios. They'll walk you into the Saturday Night Live studio on the way. You'll probably run into someone you recognize too.

    Hell, that coudl happen anywhere in NYC. You could also find out the procedure for standby tickets for shows like Conan O'Brien tapings, or the Jon Stewart show. When I was there, you were guaranteed to get into Conan, the show was in it's first or second year.

    NBC tour info

    Jon Stewart (Daily Show) Studio address and info

    Walking around NYC, time square, central park can have alot of entertainment value and it's free.

    There are also some free museums as well.

  4. Hey now! I just noticed that Vermont Bob is now a skank!

    Welcome Dude! I hope you're feeling normal again. Hopefully we'll all hook up again for nero in B-town or Dark Star Orchestra show.

    Now, where's Vermont Art and Vermont Steve?

  5. I have DVD-Audio of American Beauty.

    If you have a 5.1 dolby digital, that format is KILLER. I'd still like to hear it in an actual dvd-audio player, but it's great in a regular ol' DVD player. Trey also have Workingman's Dead and Trey released his album in 5.1 here.

    There still are other competing formats though like DTS Audio which I'm not sure if that can run through my digital receiver like DVD-Audio discs.

    If you have the hardware, give them a shot!

  6. Hey MarcO. Although I knew you were joking,I haven't been following the phish groups.

    It is amazing how high and mighty people feel as a phan so they can complain about details that mean nothing.

    It seems that even 'they' aren't going for the music, but just to say that they were there.

  7. "I'm going to Europe for Spring break, why didn't they go there?!?"

    That's beautifuL!

    Is the vegas dvd really bad quality? that wouldn't make any sense to me. If it was broadcast on the internet, that has nothing to do with the way it would have been shot. I'm sure they planned on using the footage for something (like DVD) eventually.

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