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Kanada Kev

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Everything posted by Kanada Kev

  1. 1. The Rye 2. The Bubble Boy 3. Crazy Joe Devola 4. Frogger 5. Goldfish (lost in the parking garage) 6. The puffy shirt 7. The doll that looks like George's Mom 8. You got a question, you ask the 8-Ball! 9. Nobody beats me, because I'm The Wiz! 10. Oranges for Japanese TV executives 11. Indian Giver 12. Pee Stain on the couch 13. The Elaine mannaquin 14. The fatal wedding invitations 15. Kramer's mistaken vanity plates ("ASSMAN") 16. The Butter Shave (motorized cart) 17. The Caddy (bra) 18. The Jimmy (sneakers) 19. Eggplant Calzone (George can't buy for himself because he got caught stealing from the tip jar.) 20. The Dinner Party ("look to the cookie") 21. The Red Dot (cashmere sweater) 22. Mr. Pitts golf clubs 23. the coffee table book 24. Kramer's bagel strike 25. "i can't spare a square" (Toilet paper) 26. little Jerry cockfighting (rooster) 27. George selling computers for his Father 28. cake in Mr.Pitts office from auction 29. George the hand model 30. the pie that Jerry's girlfriend won't eat 31. the BIG salad 32. Kramer and Newman making sausages at Jerry's 33. Fucilli Jerry (Kramer's noodle people) 34. Today's Sponge (Elaine's birth control) 35. boston creme donut in garbage (George eats) 36. Mr. Pitt's white socks 37. laughing at pez dispenser at opera 38. Elaine banned from ordering chinese food 39. no soup for you! (on scooter) 40. Jerry's girlfriend's toy collection 41. the golf ball stuck in whale's blowhole 42. top of the muffin restaurant(muffin bottoms) 43. Elaine's religious boyfriend (Jesus fish) 44. the ju-jey fruits (sp?)elaine stopped for before the hospital 45. the junior mints that kramer loses in the surgery 46. the maestro..above the frogger 47. the executive beltless trench coat invented by Maury Seinfeld 48. the urban sombrero on the indian 49. the bro/manzeer also on the indian 50. the "european man bag" jerry's holding it 51. the AIDS ribbon on the sweater 52. Georges scooter chase 53. Fusili Jerry! 54. Puddy's 8 ball jacket 55. George hits a squirrel with his car 56. Is he Sponge worthy? (Today's sponge) 57. The Kramer (painting)
  2. Have a kickass bday man! Here's to ya
  3. Yep, back to work on another beer and working at staying cool in the pool Hard work, but somebody's gotta do it
  4. 1. The Rye 2. The Bubble Boy 3. Crazy Joe Devola 4. Frogger 5. Goldfish (lost in the parking garage)
  5. How many Seinfeld themes can you find in this painting: 1. The Rye 2.
  6. Kanada Kev

    Gov Mule

    Gonna catch 'em Thursday in Rochacha
  7. Interesting post about how Red Rocks was born out of The New Deal. Great pics too: http://redgreenandblue.org/2009/07/30/red-rocks-rock-n-roll-and-fdrs-new-deal/
  8. http://baconbaconbaconbaconbacon.com/
  9. A video about the stage design: http://www.u2.com/static/index/index/content/redzone#
  10. Agreed. I can't wait to see it. Maybe Balsilli and Blackberry should forget about the NHL and just pump money into killer shows/tours, etc.
  11. So then shouldn't that mean that Blackberry should be getting the flack from Byrne too? With opulent spending being done by many other individuals and businesses, i'm sure that there could be a ton of examples that overshadow the spending on this U2 tour. Everything is "out of balance" with that kind of argument.
  12. So, has this been an unusually dry summer for big blockbuster movies? Is this still part of the Writers' Strike hangover? Or is Hollywood just getting shittier and shittier? Just watched this trailer for THE GOODS. Looks potentially hilarious The Goods: Exclusive New Red Band Trailer - watch more funny videos
  13. Thanks for the links. Can't wait to hear this show. Looks great and the reviews are fantastic. Check the one out from Mr. Miner: http://phishthoughts.com/2009/07/31/step-three/ In a clear step forward, and quite a strong statement out of the gates, Phish greeted the salivating Colorado crowd with a barn-burning second set last night at Red Rocks. Boasting a much looser and more exploratory feel, the band navigated a frame that raised more than a few eyebrows on the opening night of tour. Above all else, the show represented a third-step in the re-evolution of Phish that could easily deliver us to the greenest pastures yet. Building off of Hampton’s recital-esque showcase and June’s directed, yet not-so-exploratory improv, the band loosened considerably last night with playing that reminded us of who we are really dealing there on stage. Using the other-worldy atmosphere of Red Rocks to launch phase three of their comeback, the surreal, tiered and barrier-less surroundings gave you the distinct sensation of floating in space while watching Phish perform on another planet. And perform they did. Kicking off summer’s second leg with the heaviest “Mike’s Groove†of 3.0, the band finally treated their classic suite with the care it deserves. Blowing out both ends of the “Groove†with the most significant incarnations of “Mike’s†and “Weekapaug†since their return, the band let the juices flow, and opened the four-night stand with a monstrous roar. Yet the band silenced any over-celebration with the ominous opening of the first-ever Red Rocks “Ghost.†Certainly the centerpiece of the second set, this extended jam explored several psychedelic palettes before before Trey picked up on a familiar melody- possibly a quote- and built it into the peak of the jam. Stretching in many directions, it was a joy to hear Phish take their time and craft an exploratory excursion of the likes that we haven’t seen this summer. The conversation piece of many a post-show conversation, this “Ghost†exhibited the risk-taking, open-ended improv that we have all missed so dearly, foreshadowing what is to come. The non-stop meat of the second set continued with a looser, more extensive “Wolfman’s,†whose rounded contours and bulbous, over-sized grooves matched its surroundings perfectly. Taking the jam in a more exploratory direction, the band found themselves into a quasi-reprise of the “Ghost†jam that had preceded it, thematically tying the two pieces together. The “Ghost > Wolfman’s†excursion will certainly live on as an early tour-highlight, regardless of what is to follow. The band followed up the set’s darker journeys with a beautifully placed “Limb By Limbâ€, brightening the feel to the otherwise sinister set. Also centered in this cool oasis was a stunning performance of “Billy Breathes,†a song the band had soundchecked earlier and prepared for this moment. Taking the necessary patience and allowing the composition to blossom, this was certainly a highlight of the second set. As if the band hadn’t done enough on night one of tour, Trey was chomping at the bit to start up “Bowie†as Page wound down his piano solo of “Squirming Coil.†A devastating version of the show-closer put a furious exclamation point on a incredibly encouraging first night of tour. Boasting a far more relaxed feel than any of the June shows, it seems that Phish is settling into a more confident style of communication. With almost virtually no straight ahead rock-based improv, Phish brought it last night, relying far more on their original creativity and less on the pre-charted path of any of their songs. Another page has been turned in the the ongoing saga of the Phish, and all signs point to shining galaxies ahead. With improvisation aplenty that already outshone a lot of June, last night got things started in the best way possible. These next three nights are gonna be something special. *** First Set Notes: A well-placed and poignant “Divided Sky†opened the show as the inclement weather of the day broke into a beautiful night for music. The second song “Ocelot†gave us the first glimpse of the band’s looser style, as Phish explored the piece for its most engaging version yet. The “Stash†was completely off the meat rack, immediately dwarfing any piece of improv from June and crafting one of the enduring memories of the evening. Stash away those June recordings and make room for new ones, because it will only be getting better from here!
  14. It's some guy's video resume piece. That's the relevance of the last frames.
  15. Lovin' this right now Watch the HD version street tests from Najork on Vimeo.
  16. Now that's a sweet deal for sure! I'd take that in a heartbeat and drop my current account. Maybe I'll call Rogers and ask them to match that if they want my business. Worth a shot?
  17. Kanada Kev

    Heroes Thread

    All series I have to catch up on. On on Season 3 of BSG, and halfway through Band of Brothers. LOVIN' em both Wire, Rescue Me, True Blood, etc. all on the list
  18. Just stumbled upon this song after looking something up for a coworker. Fucking hilarious. LOL'd a number of times. Well done Mr. Wainwright: The Acid Song : I had not taken acid for twelve years, But one night last summer I did. I was adrift in a bar room, Acting like a jerk and a kid. I knew we were asking for trouble, Trouble was what we would get. Five of us dropped in the girls' room, Psycadilisized insane quintet. Well that bathroom got crowded in no time, Our minds were all blown in one flash, Everyone in there got ugly, We exited out of there fast. Back in the bar we were happy, Feeling great, no problem, Back in the bar we were fine. Till Johnny turned into a Nazi, And Mary threw up all her wine. Well in no time we all were ejected, Soon we were out on the street. The sidewalk began to perspire, We had glass and dog shit at our feet. We went over to Mary's apartment Come on! To listen to the Grateful Dead. On the way there we lost Johnny, He had opted for Bellevue instead. Well I'm really glad we did this, it feels great. Just like the old days, I love this. I know my hair's on fire, it's like incense or something. You know, your face is melting, It is, it's all the colours of the rainbow. Hey you wanna hold some fruit? Come on, hold some fruit! It breeds, it really does! Have a cantaloupe, come on. Ah, no I dunno where the Donovan tape is. Well I had to get out of that city, Bobby was bringing me down. Me and my darling young Susie, Said so long and drove out of town. Driving on acid is easy Driving on acid's a breeze. Just keep the car on the highway Don't laugh and don't fart and don't sneeze. Oh we got to my house in the country In the country man The trees were all throbbing and green Susie was sure she had cancer I was sure I was James Dean We went down the lake to go swimming Come on let's try it out Down to the lake for a swim Susie said, "water cures cancer" I asked her to please call me Jim. Yes acid is usually dangerous The mild-mannered can quickly turn mean LSD can surely derange us Unless you possess Thorazine So next time you wanna go out there When you feel like fitting your head Think twice before dropping acid Hold out for mushrooms instead!
  19. Kanada Kev

    Heroes Thread

    T-Bag to the rescue. He grew his hand back and got an Irish accent. He MUST be a superhero Maya was the WORST character/storyline on the show IMHO.
  20. I like this version so much better than the initial release: esp. the Long And Winding Road without all those sappy strings
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