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Kanada Kev

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Everything posted by Kanada Kev

  1. For entertainment value you can't go wrong with the VP debate. I'll be watching it for sure: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/7646243.stm While it's on, i'll be recording The Office and the Canadian debate to watch after. Would hate to have to choose only one
  2. Sarah Palin Disney trailer: http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1831461
  3. Right on. Would love to catch her next time around. Do you think she'll be back anytime soon?
  4. Damn!! Wish this had been on another night. I'd have been there in a heartbeat Thanks for offering up the guestlist too. Say hi to Maria for me
  5. In case anyone was interested, i was just sent this info: Re-tooled and re-energized, the Toronto Raptors are ready to blaze through the 2008-2009 season! Get on board! Toronto Star Subscribers are being offered the opportunity to purchase single-game tickets BEFORE they go on sale to the general public. Your exclusive pre-sale is ONE DAY ONLY - tomorrow, Thursday, October 2nd, from 10:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.. CLICK HERE to get your tickets. Use the special password STAR in the "Presale Offer box". Let's Go Raptors!
  6. Win 2 tix for the opening game in Detroit, 2 train passes, and 1 night hotel. Enter here: http://molsonrivalrytrain.mlsecontests.com/Enter.aspx Password: STAR You can always take me if you win
  7. Moore's points on how to fix this. While I don't always agree with him and his ways, there's a lot of good stuff in this:
  8. Well then, it looks like that's what we'll just have to do Holy shit ... it's less than 2 weeks away now!!!
  9. Just a link to the fact that the Dead are playing together again at Penn State (Google search link). If Phish are there playing with them too i might just shit my pants!
  10. Killer jams while she plays the flute (sometime after the swimsuit competition )
  11. More from the vice-presidential genius' mouth: Watch CBS Videos Online
  12. [color:purple]Maybe SHE should be debating Palin tomorrow night Wait, that WAS Palin on that ATV (sandwiched between those 2 hotties )
  13. Thanks hamilton, that's what I was getting at. It's like comparing the quality of the fairways and greens on a public golf-course and a private one I have family living in the Parry Sound area and they have a brand new hospital up there. There are minimal wait times and service is relatively quick. I reminded my Dad that this wasn't because it was superior to the hospitals in Toronto, but rather because it is servicing FAR FEWER people. It's good that they plan for future growth, but eventually it will be bogged-down with wait times, etc. unless a better funding system is discovered.
  14. Now this US voter knows the score!! Redneck Woman Rails on Obama - Watch more free videos
  15. Kanada Kev

    Fall Election

  16. Huh?? How does this sound like Harris other than the fact that Ollie described it is common-sense in nature: Maybe if I said we were going to cut provincial funding to the hospitals and instead provide huge tax-incentives for private companies to build, administer and run hospitals then it could be that way Now, it's great that you mentioned: So, Traverse City has a couple of hospitals to service a regional population of 142,000 and is well ranked. However, what I also wanted to know was how many of those people have coverage to get service at that hospital? How many people can afford to pay out-of-pocket for getting that top-100 care?? Seriously it makes a big difference. If our hospitals did NOT have to service everyone, and only those who could afford it, i'd bet that their care would rank in that top-100 as well. While our system is by no means perfect, it's the simple knowledge and assurance that as a citizen you can get at least some form of care (and more if you have $$) than none at all. By investing in the system and making it better we all gain from it.
  17. Hell yeah!! Before During and After Anyone else going to be down on the floor? Shit, maybe I can "stub-down" some folks
  18. I agree. That's why i said that the system needs to address this. What I'm curious about it whether areas with populations of 110,000 in the USA are getting all that as well. Are they? And of those 110,000 how many are covered or can actually pay for the treatment that is required. I'm just posing a question out of curiosity.
  19. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/09/29/the-emnew-yorkerem-can-se_n_130354.html What has been the takeaway from the abundance of Sarah Palin coverage over the past few weeks? This week's New Yorker boils it down. See below: From Charlie Gibson's interview with Sarah Palin: GIBSON: What insight into Russian actions, particularly in the last couple of weeks, does the proximity of the state give you? PALIN: They're our next door neighbors and you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska. From Katie Couric's interview with Sarah Palin: COURIC: You've cited Alaska's proximity to Russia as part of your foreign policy experience. What did you mean by that? PALIN: That Alaska has a very narrow maritime border between a foreign country, Russia, and on our other side, the land-- boundary that we have with-- Canada. It-- it's funny that a comment like that was-- kind of made to-- cari-- I don't know, you know? Reporters-- COURIC: Mock? PALIN: Yeah, mocked, I guess that's the word, yeah. COURIC: Explain to me why that enhances your foreign policy credentials. Story continues below PALIN: Well, it certainly does because our-- our next door neighbors are foreign countries. They're in the state that I am the executive of. And there in Russia-- COURIC: Have you ever been involved with any negotiations, for example, with the Russians? PALIN: We have trade missions back and forth. We-- we do-- it's very important when you consider even national security issues with Russia as Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where-- where do they go? It's Alaska. It's just right over the border. It is-- from Alaska that we send those out to make sure that an eye is being kept on this very powerful nation, Russia, because they are right there. They are right next to-- to our state. From "Saturday Night Live": AMY POEHLER AS HILLARY CLINTON: I believe that diplomacy should be the cornerstone of any foreign policy. TINA FEY AS PALIN: And I can see Russia from my house!
  20. I just got through (12:50). I was able to enter my number, but I can't "confirm" it yet by entering the image of a word to prove you are human. Anyway, here's the direct link to the page for entering your number: https://www.lnnte-dncl.gc.ca/insnum-regnum-eng
  21. Cool. http://www.newsarama.com/comics/090825-WaidColbert.html
  22. First off, i'm glad to hear that your health is OK after your ordeal birdy. That's scary shit. I think that it is interesting to look at the comparison between the US and Canada and how the discussion has raised the rural vs. urban aspect. To me it only makes sense that you are more likely to find more specialists, equipment, beds, hospitals, doctors, nurses, etc. in large urban areas. Do I think that those in more rural areas should suffer? NO! The system is flawed this way. However, geographically there is no way that you'll be within 15mins of a large-scale hospital in every rural location in the country. There definitely should be a better system that can ensure that services are available to everyone, but sometimes you're just going to have to go the distance to get it. I'm wondering if this is radically different in the US? If you were living in a rural area in the US are there hospitals all over the place? If you can afford health coverage you're still going to have to drive to a regional health care centre that could be a fair distance away, no? Have you ever talked to Americans about really good experiences with their HMO's??? Is it just me or does everyone down there have a horror story about one? Talk about being treated like a number ... Hey, if i REALLY needed care and they couldn't provide it for me in good time here in Canada I would DEFINITELY be looking at alternatives and ways to finance it by going elsewhere.
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