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Kanada Kev

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Everything posted by Kanada Kev

  1. PM me if you are a big Springsteen fan. I've got something fer ya
  2. They are only listing the Sep 10 show right now, but the 11th could be added. CA $35.50 Internet Onsale Info Onsale to General Public: Tue, 08/28/07 10:00 AM EDT HERE IS WHAT IS DANIEL LANOIS WITH BRIAN BLADE THE GREAT HALL 1027 QUEEN ST W., TOR MON SEP 10 2007 10:00PM
  3. AWESOME!!! Tix go on sale next Tuesday through TickerBastard. He’s playing the Great Hall at Queen and Dovercourt. Sept 10 and 11.
  4. Kanada Kev


    LOL ... maybe we should start a tribute act. Who else could you recruit to learn the Finnish lyrics to YMCA and be able to dance like that?!?!?!
  5. Jerry's doll Time to listen to some late 70s Garcia
  6. 42. Theme: Songs about birds. 1. Beatles - And Your Bird Can Sing 2. Genesis - Dodo 3. Rheostatics - Little Bird, Little Bird 4. The Eels - Birdgirl On A Cell Phone 5. Engelbert Humperdinck - Lesbian Seagull 6. Prince - When Doves Cry 7. Wings - Bluebird 8. Ween - Little Birdy 9. Leonard Cohen - Bird On The Wire 10. John Denver - I am an Eagle 11. Be Good Tanyas - The Littlest Birds 12. Bob Marley - Three Little Birds 258. Songs With Birds In The Title 1. It's A Beautiful Day - White Bird 2. Calexico - Woven Birds 3. The Grateful Dead - Bird Song 4. Neko Case - Maybe Sparrow 5. The Beatles - Blackbird 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
  7. Kanada Kev


    I expect to see you at the next show in that outfit and performing those moves!
  8. Kanada Kev


    Craziest video i've seen in a long time. I think the Finn playing bass graduated to a death metal band 10 years after this
  9. Of course that did happen in El Paso, right Brad? I think Miller is using that money to shoe the children with no shoes on their feet.
  10. Yeah, right Fred, you lousy turd ... I AM TOO SEXY FOR MY SHIRT! And Boy George... i REALLY DO want to hurt you!
  11. No matter how many times Michael Jackson asked me to beat it ... i flat out said NO FUCKING WAY DUDE!
  12. 257. Songs with Identical Titles 1. Bird Song - Grateful Dead / The Golden Dogs 2. Modern Love - David Bowie / Peter Gabriel 3. Loser - Grateful Dead / Beck 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
  13. That's true, they do! They must be trying even harder to become "Canada's Team". I hate that moniker for any team that is not our "national" team in an "international tourney". When the Jays were winning pennants and championships they kept calling them Canada's team ... f that! That's a slap in the face (or was) to the mighty Expos.
  14. Those are pretty good, IMHO! I like them way better than the font they were using for the numbers over the past bunch of years ... also, they got rid of that weird gold box pattern trim around the bottom on some of them, and that logo of the Houses of Parliament on the shoulder
  15. I heard Sens fans saying the same thing today when they took a look at their new jerseys. LOL ... however' date=' I don't think that they look bad at all. Now, you won't see me wearing one, but I like them. The numbers and lettering on the back I have yet to see though (and that can look like shit sometimes). [img']http://cdn.nhl.com/senators/images/upload/2007/08/01_four_players-2.jpg
  16. Interesting commentary on this whole issue ... Beat a Woman? Play On; Beat a Dog? You're Gone Run Date: 08/21/07 By Sandra Kobrin WeNews commentator Football superstar Michael Vick is in big trouble for his role in a dog fighting ring. Sandra Kobrin agrees he's in the wrong, but wonders at the outrage deficit when it comes to the guys who beat their wives and girlfriends and stay in the game. Editor's Note: The following is a commentary. The opinions expressed are those of the author and not necessarily the views of Women's eNews. Sandra Kobrin (WOMENSENEWS)--National Football League superstar Michael Vick is in trouble, serious trouble. Federal prosecutors charged the Atlanta Falcons' quarterback with animal abuse for his role as the alleged leader of a dog-fighting ring and, after denying it for months, Vick pleaded guilty on Monday. He faces stiff sentencing. He's in big trouble with the NFL too, which has said he might never play professionally again. According to Gene Upshaw, executive director of the NFL's Player Association, "the practice of dog-fighting is offensive and completely unacceptable." I just wish the NFL had the same outrage toward spousal abuse and other forms of domestic violence. But they don't. Not by a long shot. Scores of NFL players as well as players from the National Basketball Association and Major League Baseball have been convicted of domestic abuse, yet they play on with no fear of losing their careers. Most pay small fines, if that, and are back on the field immediately. The message is clear. Beat a woman? Play on. Beat a dog? You're gone. What could possibly account for this bizarre situation? Part of it is that it's the dog days of August--the notoriously silly season for news--so the Vick story has attracted tremendous press attention. But it's been all over TV as well during the past four months, since Vick's indictment in April. Animal Lobby Attacks The anti-animal abuse lobby, meanwhile, is going after Vick with all four paws. PETA, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, which received almost $30 million in contributions last year, according to its Web site, and other animal rights organizations are demanding a boycott of companies that continue to sponsor Vick and are bombarding the NFL with letters demanding a no-tolerance policy when it comes to cruelty to animals by football players. On blogs, the outrage continues on sackvick.net and other sites, with comments like "lets give #7, 7 to life," or "lets make Michael Vick into dog food." A cottage industry of anti-Vick merchandise is out there. You can buy a chew toy for your dog in with a likeness of Vick, a "hang Vick" hat or even an eye-for-eye justice T-shirt that says "Stick Vick in the Pit." Vick has already lost most of his sponsorship deals worth millions of dollars and he deserves to lose a whole lot more. But the disproportionate punishment of Vick--while athletes who commit violence against women are let off the hook--has to be wondered at. Might it be that domestic violence and spousal abuse is so pervasive in sports that it's simply too costly for leagues to suspend so many men? What would happen after all if those poor dear teams couldn't fill their rosters? Numbers Are Astounding The number of athletes arrested for domestic violence or spousal abuse is astounding. A three-year study published in 1995 by researchers at Northwestern University found that while male student-athletes are 3 percent of the population, they represent 19 percent of sexual assault perpetrators and 35 percent of domestic violence perpetrators. There are even Web site chronicles that treat the steady stream of offenders as if it were a joke. Check out badjocks.com or playersbehavingbadly.com. Maybe then again, don't. It's enough to make you sick. Roger Goodell, the new NFL commissioner, has made it his mandate to crack down on athletes who misbehave. In April Goodell introduced a new conduct policy that stiffens penalties and holds franchises responsible when their players get into trouble. Just recently Goodell suspended the Tennessee Titans' troubled player Adam "Pacman" Jones for the 2007 season. Jones had been arrested five times since he was drafted by the NFL in 2005 and has been involved in 11 separate police investigations. Most recently, during what amounted to a brawl at a strip club, he grabbed a stripper and banged her head into the ground. He will not be paid during his suspension and must apply for reinstatement. Spousal Abuse Gets a Pass But no one has been suspended in the NFL for spouse abuse or domestic violence, even though they've been arrested and convicted. The NFL Players Association's Upshaw said in a statement: "We believe the criminal conduct to which Mr. Vick has pled guilty today cannot be condoned under any circumstances." I say the NFL's indifference to the acts of domestic violence by other players cannot be condoned under any circumstances. Major League Baseball, meanwhile, isn't any better in punishing spousal abusers. Last summer Philadelphia Phillies' pitcher Brett Myers assaulted his wife on a public Boston street and was charged with assault and battery. Major League Baseball did not penalize him, shrugging it off as an off-field incident. Are they saying a player needs to abuse his spouse during a game to get sanctioned? If so, just how does that work? Don't expect anything better from the National Basketball Association. Jason Kidd of the NBA's New Jersey Nets pleaded guilty to spousal abuse in 2001. Was he punished by the NBA? No. The Sacramento Kings' Ron Artest was suspended last season for 72 games for fighting in the stands. In March he was arrested for domestic violence. For that he got what amounted to a hand slap; an immediate two-game suspension and a $600 fine for a player who makes several million a year. Artest pled no contest to the domestic violence charge and was sentenced 100 hours of community service, a 10-day work project and mandated extensive counseling. The NBA did nothing here too. Maybe if he had committed the transgression on national TV--as with the fan brawl--more would have happened. Maybe if he'd hurt a dog he would have been benched for the season. Sandra Kobrin is a Los Angeles writer and columnist.
  17. New use for Vick jerseys: [Wagging tail in agreement]: The Atlanta Humane Society is now accepting Michael Vick t-shirts and jerseys. They'll be used as bedding, chew toys and rags for cleaning up dog doo. Which is only appropriate, right, Rocky?
  18. This world gets crazier by the minute: http://www.cbc.ca/canada/ottawa/story/2007/08/22/ot-police-070822.html?ref=rss Undercover cops tried to incite violence in Montebello: union leader YouTube video shows union leaders trying to push back masked men Last Updated: Wednesday, August 22, 2007 | 4:06 PM ET CBC News Organizers of the protests at the North American leaders' summit in Montebello, Que., say they have video that shows police disguised as masked demonstrators tried to incite violence on Monday. About 1,200 protesters were in the small resort town near Ottawa as Prime Minister Stephen Harper met with U.S. President George W. Bush and Mexican President Felipe Calderon at a two-day summit to discuss issues under the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America pact. The video titled Stop SPP Protest — Union Leader stops provocateurs, posted on YouTube Tuesday, was shown at a news conference held Wednesday in Ottawa by protest organizers, including Dave Coles, president of the Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union, who appears in the video. In the footage filmed Monday afternoon, three burly men with bandanas and other covers over their faces push through protesters toward a line of riot police. One of the men has a rock in his hand. As they move forward, Coles and other union leaders dressed in suits order the men to put the rock down and leave, accuse them of being police agents provocateurs, and try unsuccessfully to unmask them. In the end, they squeeze behind the police line, where they are calmly handcuffed. "The Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union believes that the security force at Montebello were ordered to infiltrate our peaceful assembly and to provoke incidents," Coles told reporters. "I think the evidence that we've shown you today reinforces the view." Coles showed photographs of the masked men's and police officers' boots taken during the handcuffing, in which they appear to have identical tread patterns on their soles. He also questioned why other activists have been unable to identify the three men whose images have been broadcast worldwide and demanded to know who the masked men were. "Do they have any connection to the Quebec police force or the Royal Canadian Mounted Police or are they part of some other security force that was at Montebello?" Coles asked, adding that he wants to know how the Prime Minister's Office was involved in security during the protests. He suggested that the government might want to provoke violence in order justify its security budget for the summit and discredit protesters. "They want to defuse our questions ... by trying to make it look like some radical group trying to create a confrontation," he said. The RCMP has refused to comment, while Quebec's provincial force has flatly denied that its officers were involved in the incident. It said it is not releasing any names as no charges were laid. Retired police officer believes masked men were cops Meanwhile, a retired Ottawa police officer who was formerly in charge of overseeing demonstrations for the force said he questions who the masked men really are, after viewing the video. "Were they legitimate protesters? I don’t think so," said Doug Kirkland. "Well, if they weren't police, I think they might well have been working in the best interests of police." He added that if the situation was as it appeared, he did not approve of the tactic. "It's pretty close to baiting," he said. On Wednesday, the mayor of Montebello thanked police and protesters, praising the fact that there wasn't a single report of damage during the two-day summit. The Security and Prosperity Partnership pact, signed in 2005, is intended to forge closer trade and security links between the countries. Opponents say negotiations about the agreement are secretive and undemocratic, and the treaty itself erodes Canada's control over its natural resources, security and defence.
  19. Thanks for that, i just read up a bit on Skinner. I first thought of Principle Skinner, but then I realized it was somebody else . That kind of reinforcement works wonders with dogs, especially when they are pups. It worked with conquering the fear of storms, petting them while they are eating, even litter box training as puppies! It all has to be maintained, and of course my dogs get cheeky and talk back to me all the time. Especially Marley. Now that's one great sniffer! So Dylyn's got the lab sniffer and is prob a great swimmer with webbed paws, and of course highly intelligent with the Border Collie in there. I had a friend with a border collie and would literally HERD my pugs in his backyard ... it was hilarious.
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