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Kanada Kev

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Everything posted by Kanada Kev

  1. Watching the simulcast in a theater in Buffalo. Met some heads in the lot preshow for a few beers and a spliff (weird at a movie theater) and the fuzz were actually there keeping an eye on it. While in the comforts of the A/C theater, and witnessing that performance, I was glad I was not there too. Felt sorry for a lot of folks who had to turn around. Not a great way to end it.
  2. More like why the Halen bros didn't want to include him. I'd be surprised if this tour doesn't fall apart again before it starts ... or at least by the second week in. As much as I want to go, i'm not getting a ticket ahead of time from Tbastard and then having to deal with a refund (minus conveniences) because Eddie or Alex have a hissy fit.
  3. Interesting train of thought. Kinda messes with your mind. Would totally freak out a lot of religious types I'm sure thinking that their "god" is a sim player . http://www.nytimes.com/2007/08/14/science/14tier.html?ei=5124&en=22efff4469281187&ex=1344744000&adxnnl=1&partner=permalink&exprod=permalink&adxnnlx=1187101355-5HWiLxChv9ReqvISlLpTnQ
  4. So, i see on another list that it's Oliver's bday. Have a good one. I'd say I'd have a drink in your honour tonight, but I gotta stay away from the booze. I'll toast to your belated bday tomorrow Hippo, Birdy, two Ewes.
  5. You probably saw me (obnoxious hawaiin shirt on). Sorry I didn't know what you guys looked like.
  6. Dick Cheney on why America shouldn't invade Iraq (1994) Sounded reasonable at the time, no?
  7. i know ... i'm bad. I'll be back again to pay more attention. I'm tellin' ya, it was that damn booze cruise that threw me off course for the night
  8. Man, ended up getting there at midnight. Was still in booze cruise mode from the afternoon. Had some friends out on the patio where we proceeded to burn a bunch and have a good laugh. Kinda bummed i didn't end up catching much of the music. Wish they had speakers out there. I can barely stay awake at work right now
  9. Just got home ... big office party cruise on a boat this afternoon. I'm primed GOtta wait for my ride and take care of a couple of errands and i'll be there. Cheers, Kevin
  10. I'm your ice cream man ... this should be fun
  11. #254. Songs with a number and a colour in the title. 1. Nena - 99 Red Balloons 2. Richard Thompson - 1952 Vincent Black Lightning 3. White Stripes - 300 M.P.H. Torrential Outpour Blues 4. James Brown - Say It Loud (I'm Black and I'm Proud), Pts. 1 & 2 5. The Flaming Lips - Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots pt. 2 6. Prince and the New Power Generation - 3 Chains O' Gold 7. Jerry Garcia Acoustic Band - Blue Yodel #9 (Standing On The Corner) 8. The Bad Plus - 1972 Bronze Medalist 9. Bob Dylan & Johnny Cash - Blues Yodel #1 10. 11. 12.
  12. Good call. I haven't seen them in YEARS. I may just be in the neighbourhood as well. What time do they usually go on?
  13. WoW! Great work you 2. Congratulations and welcome to the joyous event of becoming parents. Kids ROCK! Damn, mine are up north until Tuesday and I miss 'em already
  14. A R R R R G G H Yet they contain that their God is "Love". After just getting back from a weekend with my "Godly" relatives this just makes me want to puke AGAIN.
  15. Thanks DEM. Scary to think that there is a "private army" as big as the US in Iraq. The private war will continue as the US backs out I'm sure. The corporations and business interests won't back down if they can't seem to pressure the US GOv't to remain.
  16. Go away for a number of days and come back to great news like this gig's announcement. Sweet. Wha? I remember more than 6 people being at the El Mo that night or was I seeing through 6 pairs of beer goggles?
  17. http://www.pattismith.net/souvenance.html JEROME JOHN GARCIA Jerry August 1, 1942 - August 9, 1995 It is said Jerry died smiling in his sleep. Where did he go? Far beyond the land of Dead encampments, of fellow travelers joining a wandering carnival skirting the afterlife. Deep within his sleeping cells perhaps he reentered the atmosphere of his boyhood. Crouching in knee pants scraping the sidewalks with colored chalks. Lifting his ear to the sound of birds chirping his future note by note. We are Jerry's future. We lift our ear to his music. And we continue to live, smiling ourselves.
  18. Press Release: Marijuana Dealers Offer Schwarzenegger One Billion Dollars Posted in In the Trenches by David Guard on Mon, 08/06/2007 - 2:13pm FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: August 6, 2007 Contact: Clifford Schaffer, tel: 661-268-0442, e-mail: info@letuspaytaxes.com Marijuana Dealers Offer Schwarzenegger One Billion Dollars August 6 -- A coalition of California marijuana growers and dealers has offered Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger one billion dollars to solve the current state budget crisis. The group, calling itself Let Us Pay Taxes makes the offer through its web site LetUsPayTaxes.com. The offer comes at a time when the California legislature is deadlocked on a new budget and California has stopped issuing checks for vitally needed social services. Legislators are currently arguing over which programs will be cut in order to balance the budget. “It is ridiculous that California can’t pay its bills,†said spokesman Clifford Schaffer. “It is a tragedy that they will cut badly needed services and programs such as medical care for the elderly and prison drug treatment when the money to fund all these programs and more is there and available. Everyone who is currently waiting for a check from the state should be enraged at this foolishness.†Regulation and taxation of marijuana could produce six billion dollars in additional tax revenue, according to economic studies linked from their web site LetUsPayTaxes.com. In addition, it could save up to ten billion dollars in enforcement costs. “That is a conservative estimate,†said Schaffer. “By other estimates, the revenues could be five times that. The economists are with us all the way on this one. Marijuana prohibition is an economic disaster.†“Let’s face reality,†Schaffer says. “Marijuana legalization is inevitable. The situation is already beyond control in California. The state and local authorities have offered safe harbor for medical marijuana use and the Federal Government simply doesn’t have the resources for effective control.†More importantly, says Schaffer, the operators of the medical marijuana clubs are no longer afraid of the Federal Government. “If you talk to them, you will find that they know they are going to win this battle. They know that the DEA is vastly outnumbered and can’t begin to prosecute all of them. The few that are prosecuted are accepting their fate as martyrs because they know that what they are doing is right. They are willing to sacrifice themselves to make the point that the Federal Government has just gone too far in interfering with very personal and private decisions. There is no way the DEA is going to win this battle. At this point, it is all over but the counting of the money – and the victims of the DEA.†Schaffer went on to say that the national market for marijuana has been estimated from a low of ten billion dollars per year to more than fifty billion dollars per year. “The first states to regulate and tax marijuana will receive an economic bonanza bigger than the original California Gold Rush,†says Schaffer. “Some states will get rich like the Saudis.†Schaffer predicts that it will not take long for some local areas to wake up to the economic possibilities. “We are talking potentially big bucks here,†he said. “The Canadians are already starting to take note of a cannabis-fueled economic boom in some areas. Politicians can’t resist fresh cash, especially when it is coming to their local community. There will be big winners and losers here. The winners will be the ones who recognize the foregone conclusion first.†The group also cites foreign terrorism as a reason to regulate and tax marijuana. “Drug Czar John Walters is being dishonest when he says that marijuana money goes to criminals and terrorists. The only reason any of that money goes to criminals or terrorists is because of the prohibition that Walters supports,†said Schaffer. “Marijuana prohibition makes criminals rich just like alcohol prohibition did. The criminals are now so rich and powerful that they can challenge the legitimate governments of their own countries. There is no reason to send billions of dollars per year to foreign criminal gangs when patriotic Americans make the best products in the world. There is no reason to suffer such a huge foreign trade deficit when that money could be providing jobs and funding badly needed services right here in the USA.†Let Us Pay Taxes calls upon all US citizens to sign their petition at their web site http://LetUsPayTaxes.com and press the issue with their lawmakers. “Take the money, please,†said Schaffer. “These people want to contribute. Now it is up to our politicians to tell us why they want to send those billions to foreign criminal gangs rather than to their own voters.â€
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