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Kanada Kev

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Everything posted by Kanada Kev

  1. Guys come on! This is no more confusing than some we've already had. Song title's words are in alphabetical order (min 3) and no repetition (i.e. Five Five Five): Magical Mystery Tour Mad Man Moon Dave's Energy Guide Dog Stole Things Born Cross Eyed THEN, the next entry follows alphabetically from the last word of the previous song.
  2. Theme: Songs titles whose words (min 3) are in alphabetical order (and continue from one entry to the next) ex The Beatles - Magical Mystery Tour (next entry to follow "Tour") 1. Genesis - Mad Man Moon 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
  3. Spandex is what keeps the pent-up energy IN! You gotta get those off AD
  4. Songs to listen to when in need for an aggressive release of pent up negative energy: 1. The Who - Won't get fooled again 2. Living Colour - Middle Man 3. Neil Young - Fuckin' Up 4. Grateful Dead - River Of Nine Sorrows 5. Nine Inch Nails - Closer 6. Talking Heads - Psycho Killer 7. System Of A Down - Chop Suey 8. Pink Floyd - Sheep 9. Metallica - Master of Puppets 10. Slade - In Like a Shot (From My Gun) 11. Rage Against the Machine - Killing in the Name 12. Billy Idol - Rebel Yell
  5. Anil Gupta ... http://www.inklinestudio.com/
  6. I like the argument that if the rabbis say no to weed for Passover, then they are saying YES to the rest of the year No hash matzos? Wed Mar 28, 2007 10:40AM BST JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Marijuana is not kosher for Passover, a pro-cannabis advocacy group says, advising Jews who observe the week-long holiday's special dietary laws to take a break from smoking the weed. The Green Leaf Party announced on Wednesday that products of the cannibis plant have been grouped by rabbis within a family of foods such as peas, beans and lentils that is off-limits to Jews of European descent during Passover. The Green Leaf Party, which has made several unsuccessful attempts to win election to parliament on a platform urging marijuana's legalisation, said it was issuing its advisory as a service to Jews who don't want to break ritual law. Photo But it said the rabbinical ban for the holiday beginning at sunset on Monday, during which many Jews eat matzos, or unleavened bread, could be a blessing in disguise. "Logic dictates that if the rabbis say cannabis is non-kosher for Passover, it is apparently kosher during the rest of the year," Michelle Levin, a spokeswoman for the party, told the YNet news web site.
  7. http://www.nhl.com/nhl/app/?service=page&page=NewsPage&articleid=298292 Northeast: Maple Leafs will keep Tucker at the core James Murphy | NHL.com correspondent Mar 28, 2007, 12:00 PM EDT Maple Leafs' forward Darcy Tucker's all-around ability helped land him a new four-year contract with the team. When teammate Tomas Kaberle was being carried off on a stretcher after being hit from behind by New Jersey Devils forward Cam Janssen, Toronto Maple Leafs forward Darcy Tucker raced out of the dressing room to challenge and berate Janssen for what he deemed was a cheap shot. Tucker wasn’t playing in that game at New Jersey, March 2. Instead he was riding a bike in the dressing room, still recovering from a broken foot. But there he was, coming to the aid of a teammate after watching the hit on the dressing room television. This was just another example of the attributes Tucker brings to the rink and one of the main reasons Toronto General Manager John Ferguson decided to re-sign the veteran forward last month to new four-year deal worth $3 million per season, and why, if the Maple Leafs make it to the playoffs this season, Tucker will be a key factor. “He’s the type of player that every player likes to have and needs,†Ferguson said. “He’s a competitor, he scores, he plays defensive hockey, and he’s a great teammate. He’s always there for you and ready to go to battle for you. He’s a natural leader and you see that on and off the ice. We felt that those were qualities we need here and Darcy brings those to the table night in and night out.†Ferguson compared Tucker to former Boston Bruins forward Terry O’Reilly. “You could compare them in the sense that they’re a rare breed that brings toughness and scoring to the rink every night,†Ferguson said. At 5-foot-10, 170 pounds, Tucker is obviously smaller than the O’Reilly, who was 6-1, 200 pounds in his playing days, but as Ferguson points out, Tucker’s game is just as big. “O’Reilly was a lot bigger, but Darcy plays bigger than his size,†Ferguson said. Like O’Reilly, Tucker has built a reputation up as one of the League’s greatest agitators and in the words of Ferguson, “he’s the guy everyone loves to play with or for, but hates to play against. I know 'hate' is a strong word, but that’s how strong his game his, that he brings out strong emotions from not only his teammates and fans, but also his opponents and their fans.†One of the attributes Ferguson respects most about Tucker is his willingness to go to places on the ice that other players can’t – or won't – visit. “His willingness to sacrifice himself and make a play or goal happen is one of his greatest attributes," Ferguson said. "In today’s game, I still believe toughness, willingness and the ability to get to the net are rewarded.†With three straight 20-goal seasons, Tucker’s stats are proving his boss to be correct. “There’s no coincidence between that willingness and his increase in scoring over the past few seasons,†Ferguson said. “Hard work is rewarded and he works hard every night.†That increase in scoring and consistent effort is what led to the hefty pay raise Ferguson gave Tucker last month. “We felt that deal made sense for Tucker and his family first and foremost, as well as for the present and future of this organization,†Ferguson said. “We feel the deal recognizes his value and yet under the salary cap, allows us to build around him and other players that are the core of this team. He fits very well into the core of our group on and off the ice and is an important part of our team right now as we push for the playoffs and in the future.â€
  8. NOW contest: http://www.nowtoronto.com/cgi-bin/EH/EventHandler.cgi?Actn=Entry_Form&Fnm=lucindaconcert&User_ID=contests
  9. Thank YOU! That really did make me laugh out loud
  10. LOL They're converting you good up there
  11. Classic line from The Family Guy. What a show
  12. Why did I think that a pic like that would be on its way from the dude in Parry Sound? Classic shot! (and goal)
  13. Did you order the Canadian Speedos like that one Baj? The Canadian Invasion needs 'em. I'm gonna wolf down a box of Twinkies in preparation
  14. Sorry, my lexicon got adversely affected by the brilliant postings of the mighty one who has to suffer here attending to the plebian concerns of us ignorant people who type well before they think. You may think of me in a sexual, crude way and it would be far from stupid btw - Nobody messes with Tyne ... period!
  15. :grin: Avast ye! Arrrrrgghhh! Any seaworthy sailor, or pirate, knows that what ye speak of is the landlubber way of spelling that thar word. Kind of like spelling "cool" "kewl". The plank be ready for you if you don't shape-up and listen to those who have been around this world since before this board was discovered.
  16. Sorry AD ... that happens sometimes. I know that you were spelling that word the way you did because you saw Kung Allmighty do it that way. However, anyone who's been around boats at all knows that it is spelled Gunwale. I know it was just an oversight AD I like the Greatful Dead and Fish ... how about you?
  17. Don't mess with Tyne Daly! In any case it's really not cool and you are lucky I don't fuÇking rock your head in.
  18. D'oh! I'm getting sucked into the evil vortex and am slowly being consumed by the giant hogweed of critics. Soon i'll be calling the kettle black and there will be no coming back ... AAAHHHHHH. I think i'm starting to feel some of that sea sickness coming on. Look out ... i'm gonna hurl!
  19. This makes me laugh. You said you don't care for all of the losers in here, yet you make a comment such as this to somehow "prove" your greatness to us. You were being a "music critic" before this board existed? Big Whoop! You've been a "head" for longer than many here? Big Whoop! I didn't know we had Deadhead "rankings" here. What's the criteria? Number of shows attended? How long you've been listening? Buddy, that's so NOT being a head (other than of the "dick" kind). So you earn a few bucks for writing about music? So what? Does that mean that you are so much more credible when it comes to analysing a form of art and determining whether it is valid or not! I don't think so. Music/art is not about making EVERYONE agree with how it makes you feel or what it means. "Critics" such as you believe you so greatly are should try being a little more humble from time to time and get off your high horse. A critic is a legless man who teaches running. (Anonymous) A non-doer is very often a critic – that is, someone who sits back and watches doers, and then waxes philosophically about how the doers are doing. It's easy to be a critic, but being a doer requires effort, risk, and change. (Wayne Dyer) A critic is a bundle of biases held loosely together by a sense of taste. (Whitney Balliett) They are quite hopeless - drooling, driveling, doleful, depressing, dropsical drips. (Thomas Beecham) Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how it's done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves. (Brendan Behan) -The Devil's Dictionary, 1911 critic, n. A person who boasts himself hard to please because nobody tries to please him. (Ambrose Bierce) Life is much too short to worry about art critics. (Peter William Brown) A critic never fights the battle; they just go around shooting the wounded. (Tyne Daly) Now, in reality, the world has paid too great a compliment to critics, and has imagined them to be men of much greater profundity then they really are. (Henry Fielding) A critic is a man created to praise greater men than himself, but he is never able to find them. (Richard Le Gallienne) Insects sting, not from malice, but because they want to live. It is the same with critics – they desire our blood, not our pain. (Friedrich Nietzsche) It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; because there is not effort without error and shortcomings; but who does actually strive to do the deed; who knows the great enthusiasm, the great devotion, who spends himself in a worthy cause, who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement and who at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly. So that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat. (Theodore Roosevelt) http://quote.robertgenn.com/getquotes.php?catid=67
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