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dimafleck: the living legend.

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Everything posted by dimafleck: the living legend.

  1. the 330 bucks for coachella (3 days+ camping not including service and shipping) seems a bit steep. and a by "a bit" i mean "ridiculous. plus the short set times (50 minutes for most) and the strict camping rules...not to mention the music ending at midnight... but it really seems like some serious shit goes on there--> prince for example. whats it like?
  2. stinky fucking dread locked mutants ruin shows for me. and big assholes that push their way to the front with their tiny girl friend leading them, and thens tand directly infront of me. i'll elbow his back to death.
  3. just saw this movie. after hearing a bunch of people rave about it, i never got around to watching this film. wow. just wow. what a western.
  4. aight... so Zuccini Corn Onion Tomatios (the are canned spanish tomatoes... do not use normal tomaotoes) fresh cilantro fresh oragano garlic lime juice habenaro. grill the zuchini and the corn and let it cool. steam 1 quarter of the habenero. throw the tomatios, cilantro and oregano, garlic and habenero in a chopper until its all nice and salsa-y. take the grilled corn off the cob (try to get some of the corn nice and blackened) and chopped up the zuccini and add it to the rest of the chopped goodness. add lime juice, salt and pepper to taste. i'm telling you mother fuckers... this is gold.
  5. i'm a look for a wide selection of cheap, used bikes. they don't have to be in good condition. PURPOSE: i am looking for a specific kind of bike that i will fix up over the next month.
  6. i can taste the wook in that video. tastes like the beer at the bottom of a beer can, some sort of herb i can't put my finger on, and the toilet at finch station.
  7. did you grafetto tag the stairwell of the elmo with "OL HICKSTER"? i saw that.
  8. a brief review: 1) that place smelled like my sock drawer. 2) filthy fucking electro hippies are the worst breed of hippy. Burning Man called, they want their identity crisis back. 3) an artist that refers to himself as Bassnectar deserves a sound system that can produce some thick fucking bass. The stereo i keep in my bathroom would have done him more justice. awful fucking sound in there. especially a little further back. 4) what the fuck happened to that venue? it used to have a sweet lounge and some personality... 5) fucking putrid in there. thick, disgusting heat. maybe i'm just a little bitter because its 8am and i'm at work.
  9. did i mention how pathetic it makes bonnaroo look? WSP? again. jesus.
  10. last time he came through the elmo is was too much fun and i did it solo... amazing energy.
  11. no. when i go to shows, the girl standing directly next to me becomes my "girlfriend" for the night. i never really build up the courage to say anything.. but still....
  12. the opener made me sick. i can push play and dance around like an ape screaming giberish. the fucker going into the audience almost elbowed my girlfriend in nose.
  13. amazing. great energy. super fun, but super short dance party. fantastic crowd, whcih was somthign i was worried about because toronto hipsters make me want to vomit even more so than jamband.ca hippies.
  14. its a deal, its a steal, its sale of the fuckin century. fuck it nick, i think i'll buy it.
  15. so i realized that i have way to many dvds and i never listen to my cds.... so i'm clearing out the clutter. i already sold a bunch to some record stores.... but they aren't taking these. anyone intrested. 30 bucks for the whole lot. Gov't Mule: The Deepest End: 2cds, 1 concert dvd. Pink Floyd: Pluse Keller Williams Sight (live concert dvd) Oceans 11 Sopranos Box Sets (Seasons 1 and 2)
  16. its a well known fact that girls don't know anything about music, and the ones that do, you marry.
  17. i've always hated being at show, especially one thats supposed to be dancable and full of energy and being surrounded by nothign but dudes 3 rows deep on all sides. i just cant do it. i don't care to talk with girls (because girls are idiots) at shows. i just need them there. the jam scene is horrible for that shit...because in the event that there is a female in the room, she is usally hideous.
  18. i don't know... the shows are next week. mgmt and hot chip are both sell outs though. i managed to score hot chip off craigs for face. HUGE! ticekts are selling for 120
  19. tuesday- MGMT at the mod club Wednesday-hot chip at the PHNX fri- bassnectar at the elmo
  20. except for boots riley. that was garbage.
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