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dimafleck: the living legend.

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Everything posted by dimafleck: the living legend.

  1. first off. yes... there are some incredible acts on. some are stellar additions. and yes... some elitists will point out some real gems like SWELL SEASON, MASTADON, TALIB, and so on and claim that those that think the line up is shit don't know much about ogod music. and yes... the roots rockers will mention names like KRAUS, BELA, ALLMANS, LEVON, LITTLE FEAT...etc but incredible acts and real gems come through toronto on a regular basis... bonnaroo isn't just a line up... its an overal kind of GATHERING of acts that create a certain experience. and this gathering ...highlighted by thhe 3 weakest headliner's ever... is complete BS. yes yes "headliners don't mean shit..." headliners SET THE PACE...bring about an overall additude, overal message... an undertone for the whole festival. MATALLICA??? are you fucking kidding me? is this really happening? first bonnaroo i am out. PETTY, DAVE MATTHEWS BAND, PHIL AND FRIENDS, RADIOHEAD. these worthy headliners. and i hate jambands.
  2. no country for old men was amazing. 2007 was a great year for film.
  3. meh. i'm from the school of thought that believes that all this kind of stuff is A) idealistic and useless. I like buying things, and i don't receycle. the most impressive thing humans will ever achieve is distroying this planet. or it will destroy us. ARE YOU WITH US? OR AGAINST US????
  4. that ding's over and over again loudly? are you fucking kidding me !?
  5. not too shabby. if you see this film.... pay close attention to the beach scene. it is a 7 minute or so scene that does not cut once.... best blocking of a shot i've ever scene..... shits all over the long shots in Children of Men.
  6. also, the score is by Johnny Greenwood for those that care and it is absolutely amazing.
  7. if you DDL you are going to shit. by far, my most favorite performance by him. I have never seen such intensity from an actor... right down to the veins on his forehead. the score, the sets, the acting.. everything. the most captivating movie going experiences i've ever had. masterpeice.
  8. HEY! the "incident" took me a long to get over okay.
  9. who tries to salvage their shitty pants ....honestly.
  10. i watched the first season of dexter and thought it was complete garbage.
  11. all you have to do is hide it when they check you at the gate
  12. well, its time for me to leave to NYC to party it up with Infected Musrhoom. oh my. much love to my one and only boochey.... happy new year. you have made me soup when I was sick, spooned me when I was lonely, gotten naked with me when I needed sexual healing and have made me feel like the sexually educated fabulous smart intelligent talented and gorgeous sex machine that I am. I could never even imagine being fortunate enough to spend my days next to someone who is so incredibly kind, giving and obviously good looking as this love of my life. Thank you for every kind word, shoulder to lean on and beautiful sexual adventure you have given me. You are by far the most incredible person in my life. Thank you, thank you, thank you, booche, you fucking bombshell. thanks to the nero crew because i totally rocked out to SoOn today while driving around town. thanks to bouche for making this all possible. thanks to baj. but most importantly, new years is a time for reflection.... so newrider and the chameleon can eat my ass out of a cup 2girls1cup style. Happy New Year you filthy hippies.
  13. my fav snipit is Mario Cart entering the world of GTA. its brilliant.
  14. is this the one with Frodo? its good.... however, that is the worst mis casting ever. FRODO? anyone could beat the shit out of the guy.
  15. what a great way to celebrate christmas by stealing and spreading unreleased music from your favorite band... nothing says christmas like a nice slap in the face. eat shit newrider.
  16. good god. a video so bad, i won't even post it. if you are crazy enough to go onto google and search for it... and then find a link that works.... then you deserve it. oh. my. i retire.
  17. person you've met, and have had wild fantasies about while masturbating: 1. booche.
  18. you listen to cds for the same reason my grandmother still listens to records.
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