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Posts posted by bokonon

  1. Just picture us making out again.

    it's a good thing you're in c-town and i am in k-town or i would be in a lot of sh!t! :) my boyfriend and my girlfriend would probably be both even madder at me! :)

    what is really going on is a friend of mine is misinterpreting my actions and motivations and thinks i want them, but really i just want who i got and i want them to be happy. i can't help it if i am a ginormous flirt and cute too! my other friends can tell when a hug is just a hug... etc.!

  2. that's not diesel dog that jared is watching, that is steve murphy's band, i think they are calling themselves crazy stick bird, but to me it reminds me of guesthouse, mark wilson, and all the other bands from brantford! (except jomomma, but even still there is the hillhorst connection)

  3. when i had shift induced insomnia i did the golf thing too! it's always on in the morning and i didn't even have cable. get home at seven thirty and out by eight thirty, it was great. also, masturbation works too, but i can't really get hot for golf. that's when i had to put in my tapes of the crocodile hunter. :)

  4. don't you hate it when someone tries to fu©k with your life because you won't do what they want you to so they threaten to wreck what you have?

    i think that sucks,how about you? especially when all you want is to see that person honestly happy and just be their friend.

    sorry about the whining but i feel really fu©ked up right now.honestly, it is making me wonder about everything i am doing now or have ever done in my life and i just want to lay down and sleep under my blankets and listen to the wind in the trees for the rest of forever.

  5. I guess I'm different,I enjoy the music musicians make more so then how they dress or cut their hair.Then again,I did finish highschool years ago,leaving behind me those type of things..


    but only a little.

    i am really sick of this ageist crap. i am 23, i don't and have not worn expensive clothes for at least fifteen years, i have a crappy haircut (i love my disaster, don't get me wrong) i don't watch much music (or tv more than simpsons on sunday) i have good taste in music, but i am not a slave to any of it, and i really don't give a rats ass how people dress or cut their hair or what they drive or whatever. if i cared about all of this sh!t, you know, since i am so young and wet behind the ears, would i be such a square, would i dress like such a weirdo and only have about five different outfits? just because i am young doesn't mean that i am an idiot. so SCREW YOU!

    but i do agree with all the other stuff you said. but still

    SCREW YOU! :)

  6. oh yeah, numbers eleven and twelve for my favourite top ten from the weekend (it makes sense to me, so shooosh!)

    11. paan and persephone, what would a festival be without some deities?

    12. tala, totally forgot what they were called due to the severe impairment of my language capabilites from extra-heady mushrooms!

    ok and number thirteen too.

    13. extra heady mushrooms.

  7. Did I hear something about a inflat-agator?Hmmmm....you might have some 'splainin to do!!!..............My sweet friend Sarah brought her new infatable Dragon-gator and found it busted up behind some tents....Please explain!!

    Side note ....that was the best CTMF at IZZY'S so far in my books based on the vibes....so much fun

    New Idea....Next time let's camp in a circle as to not turn our backs on anyone!!

    circle the wagons, there's trouble afoot!

  8. douglas i hear and feel what you are saying. i am pretty square myself, (even pot makes me gag) the only thing i am pretty adamantly against is when people don't have the freedom to make their own choices about what is right for them. i just find it really sad when people have the freedom to make personal choices but lack the skills to make them properly, which many of us have done. i know that when i was doing really stupid sh!t to myself i was glad to have friends that followed shitidiot's advice. (thank-you peaches, for one) i was totally pissed at her for about six months but she has been my best friend for over fifteen years.

  9. i love the relaxed absurdity of ctmf, especially this time! what an awesome mix of people and music!

    there was a favourit top ten things from ctmf from the canada day party so now i am doing it for labour day:

    1. "fu©k, i love cookies!" -absurd sentence said with such conviction and passion to warrant the development of a cookie cult.

    2. clifford, the big red drunk. what a fu©king disaster, so very disorganized, i love you man!

    3. selling all my wraps in under an hour on saturday and again on sunday, thank you all very much! next year i will bring more.

    4. having conversations with people that i normally don't talk to.

    5. making my ex my coffee bitch on saturday! hahahah thanks surmanski!

    6. having all the band whores together for the diesel dog set. sweet.

    7. kaejema, diesel dog, mark wilson and the way it is, blue quarter, the silvertones, grand theft bus, smurphy the man whore's band, (whatever the hell they are calling themselves!) jomomma

    8. swimming and the really nice weather and not getting sunburned

    9. seeing my browntown crew, whoever wants to move to kitchener can come and live on my futon while you find an apartment, i miss everybody. (of course you can just come and stay for a little too whenever you feel like it.)

    10. becoming an aunt at 202 am on sept. 6, 2004. vivian athena long is my niece! :) :) :)

  10. I'll be there Friday Night...I'll be playing that night and our drummer is looking forward in meeting the band whores.

    the band whores will be mobilized at 6pm. departure from cambridge, one quick "layover" in brantford and then on to the sprawling metropolis of waterford! woo hoo, here's to whoring it up all night long!

    by the way, how is your grammar? we are band whores, not bands' whores!


    i love being evil and hyper-literate!

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