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Posts posted by bokonon

  1. i am not a vegan because i love fuzzy little animals. i am a vegan because farming of animals takes a huge toll on the environment. i am trying to reduce the impact i leave on the planet. i am not some flakey little animal lover that thinks cows and such have the same rights as humans. if i was starving out in the wilderness you can bet your ass i would chase down bambi and kill it with my teeth if i was hungry enough. but i can be vegan and thus i am. it is my little way of being a tree hugger.

  2. i think it is pretty sad that someone like avril is considered to be the "alternative" choice for a young female role model. she is as much a part of the hollywood machine as britney spears and jessica simpson, she just wears dark coulours instead of pink. lets analyze the situation here. put a check beside the characteristics shared by avril and britney and jessica:

    lots of makeup- check

    expensive clothes- check

    no clear demonstration of original talent- check

    valued for their clearly defined pigeon hole in society- check

    sex objects (in one way or another)- check

    symbol of american capitalism and fickle low-brow excuse for culture- check.

    creates a brand instead of an actual product worth purchasing on its own- check.

    fu©k britney, avril and whoever the hell else. they all blow.

    personally, i am going to try to introduce my niece to people like david suzuki, ghandi and his family and margaret atwood. i am not going to have this illogical notion of how a person needs to have heroes that are of the same biological gender, that is arbitrary and false. personally, i think ideas like that keep sexism alive.

  3. ok, here is a clue that it is fake people, use that (un)common sense. if a person has enough balloons so that he can sell 75 and still have some left over, how the hell does he disappear in to a crowd? it's not fu©king hard to follow the huge mass of balloons!

    fu©k, guys are dumb.

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