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Posts posted by bokonon

  1. Lovely reply there Bokonon.

    I think everyone knows someone male or female that plays these games, I wasn't singling out females in general, just in my very recent experience, girls play wicked mind games. I don't know if guys do or not, I've never been in that situation.

    I've recently been duped by a girl with the king of all mind games, I'd share but it's a bit too personal for the internet.


    i didn't mean that reply as a personal joust, i just like to be vulgar when expressing my opionions about sexism! i really hate being lumped all together with all women. trust me, most women don't even like me. i don't have a very typical value system and i find that this is often threatening. i really don't mean it to be. i really just wish people would live how they want to and let me do the same and we will all concede to try not to hurt other people. i really don't like to be forced to conform to other people's standards or ideals. such as quite recently when i got made fun of for not having that much clothing. (meaning that i wear the same clothes in frequent rotation) most women my age seem to really care about that. i don't. i only have so much space in my drawers and so much money to buy clothes as i have lived on my own while working at sh!tty low paying jobs since i was 17. when it is a choice between having lots of good food to eat and getting a spiffy new whatever from that oh so cool store, i go for the food. and that is my rant for today.

  2. girls play the best mind games. and by best i mean worst.

    Amen brother.

    fu©k you! :) it's your own damn fault for going for the weird ones. i know one guy that plays the worst mind games i have ever seen in my life, he is one manipulative bastard and will fu©k with you until he either gets what he wants or fucks up your life and your entire view of yourself. little fu©ker can't take the fact that finally someone wont give him all that he wants.

  3. -

    - I farted out loud in my cubicle and didn't care...at all.

    i am gald you didn't leave the sanctuary, you're great! i hope your a woman too, it's more funny when we fart in public, it's less expected. it makes it even better if you laugh after.

  4. old domestic cars are not crap! this guy named paul johnson who is keeping a chevette for me (ok really it's just his car and i love it so i ask him if i can buy it every time i see him) and it is a '79 with 200k and he bought it for $300 and hasn't had any real problems with it. i tell ya', it shall be mine, oh yes, it shall be mine.

    i also had a 1987 volvo 740 gle with over 400k and it ran great. unfortunately i co-owned it with someone else and since they actually had a licence when we split i thought it would only be fair that they kept the car. i miss maggie.

  5. i started my job at the library and the people all seem really smart and my job is fun. there is also a vegetarian cafe with internet access in the basement. i think that is an omen that i am supposed to work there. it is a five minute walk from my apartment (which i love) and i have an hour for lunch so that means i get to come home for lunch. i love it!

  6. fall is a time of transition and that is always hard. i think the vibes are especially weird because we are not prepared for the weather to cool down yet since we never had a really bad heat wave. our biological clocks and our minds are out of synch. what really helped me to feel a little better lately was to relax and not do anything on saturday night. just stayed home and read the globe and mail, the kw record and cat's eye by margaret atwood. ate good vegan food all day and drank lots of water. oh yeah, and all this was preceeded by a healthy dose of yoga. feeling much better now.

    and i am also really excited as i start my new job at the library tomorrow. woo hoo! it's so funny to see me in "librarian clothes" after wearing wonderfully old and beat up clothes and shoes all summer long.

  7. even if you are a member you can change your preferences so that you show up as anonymous and also not have whatever thread you are looking at show up. my preferences are set that way. i don't really know why i did it, since i post in almost every thread that i read anyways, i just don't see a point in changing it back. call me lazy, i don't care.

  8. everytime anyone says anything that has any substance to it there will always be people who offer a very different point of view. we don't all have to agree, we just have to respect the fact that we are all sentient beings (to varying degrees :) ) and therefore will have our own things to say. you have supporters and you have naysayers. it happens all the time. i seriously think this board will be losing a valuable member with good ideas and interesting opinions, so don't go!

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