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Posts posted by bokonon

  1. Why do I feel like I'm eight years-old again...my siblings used to do this to me all the time. Talk about stuff I don't understand and then not tell me what it means.

    You guys are a bunch of jerks and I'm telling Mum!

  2. Biology could be cool, show kids how the concept of race doesn't actually exist genetically. I could share more DNA with a Vietnemese girl with my facial structure and body type than I do with my own cousins. Or talk about how the human body adapts over time to the conditions of the environment.

  3. Math could be more diverse showing the different number systems that were used in history. Some of it's pretty basic, like roman numerals, counting systems of other cultures...hey, and what about the abacus? I don't know how it's done but I've heard you can do some incredibly complex things on that.

    The other sciences could emphasize the discoveries made in different cultures more. Like in chemistry how the Moors (I think) discovered gunpowder. I'm sure there a hundreds more examples that could be appropriate for all age levels throughout the education system. Generally I think the sciences are okay since they are based on emprical evidence, but give credit where credit is due.

  4. Okay, so that post is not that well written as I was having a brainstorm and writing as it came out, but basically what I want to say is that one school is not going to solve the problem, but a major change like re-writing the whole curriculum could have a significant impact.

  5. Well, the article doesn't give a lot of detail but it does say two important points:

    1. little white children can go there too (sic) I'm assuming that asians, natives and everyone else can as well.

    2. the curriculum and teachers are not going to be 100% black, but it will be Afrocentric (which was also spelled Africentric in another paragraph)

    However, I do think this is a bandaid solution, making one school "Afrocentric". I think a big problem with the curriculum are the history courses. They are very Eurocentric. If we re-wrote the entire curriculum, especially history to more accurately represent Canada's diverse history then maybe we could help decrease the drop out rate of blacks all over the province, instead of just one neighborhood of Toronto. If we extend this theme to other courses and other ethnicities school would be so much better! Music class with Afro-week, India Week, Japan Week would have been so much cooler than singing crappy nursery rhymes all through elementary school. You could tie in the music class to geography and social studies too. Hell, you could even get home-ec in on this! My high school had esthetics classes and I bet there's a lot of different cosmetics used in the other half of the world.

    Yep, that's it, I've solved the problem ;) rewrite the whole entire curriculum in Ontario from elementary school all through high school to reflect diversity. That way, no one feels ostracized and it will help decrease racism, too since it's based mostly on fear of the unknown and ignorance. I'm sure kids in tiny farming communities don't get much contact with east African drumming, Indian food or traditional Japanese music.

  6. <<>>

    way to reclaim your soul sister! thank god you've gone back to books!

    It's only if I get the job, if not I'm still in car sales. It's not as schiestery as it's reputation. I don't mess with people at all. I sell a product I fully believe in (I really love Fords) and I think their prices are very reasonable. I just love books more than Fords. There are a lot more different books than there are different Fords. I'm getting kinda bored.

  7. Hey Skanks,

    I'm asking for vibes because I applied to work at the Paris library. As much as I love Fords I still love books more...and let's face it, nobody likes a salesperson. :( So if you are so inclined, send me your good vibes, sexy or otherwise! ;)

  8. The best place I went last year was Daytona Beach, FLA. I've never left North America (yet) but this is my favorite place so far, even if most Canadians aren't big fans of the states. Personally, I have a great time whenever I go. And I find that guys south of Dixie are incredibly polite and really know how to treat a woman.

    Daytona Beach


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    Although, I don't know if I would do it without a helmet again, I've held someone's head together after a bike accident where they were wearing no helmet.

    Modded Studebaker: you see the coolest cars in Daytona


    My Surfing Buddy: He's a surfing biker mechanic....I love some Americans! ;)


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