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Posts posted by bokonon

  1. yes' date=' but have you read "all of the works of the Presocratic philosophers, all of Plato's dialogues, most of Aristotle's works and the Arabic Aristotelians like Averroes. All of the Greek Tragedians, all of the later commentators like Aristophenes whose work The Frogs is a seminal criticism of dialectics"?????[/quote']

    Of course! Though, I was high on cocaine.

    Was? That's the only way I read Plato, or the seminal crticisms of dialectics. Fucking amateur.

  2. Where's Yo? Is this like the hippie version of Where's Waldo? Find the giant bearded wookie among all the other bearded wookies! FUN FUN FUN. Yo is awesome. He was at the Wassabi show at the Reverb. Yo helped me wash my dishes at Izzy's when I had my broken wrist. That was so nice.

  3. I have the same cup that's in your avatar, Wanda got it for me for Christmas.

    Oh yeah, and thanks. I love the one of the bass player the most (sorry, I suck with names). I got the pedals, the stack and the whole musician/instrument combo in a fucking awesome rockstar pose ta boot!

  4. 1) need a good laugh

    2) want to enter a bizzare world of confusion

    3) want to take a few minutes to breathe, in between high-stress work.

    4) Promote shows, or to find out what I'm doing this weekend!

    5) Want to share a funny or interesting internet video clip

    6) want to be challenged around things I would otherwise take for granted (Politics being these days the first forum I routinely check out)

    7)can't go to the zoo and prefer to imagine what the "animals" look like anyway

    8) Need to make a few notes on the effects of technology on over-opinionated hippies for my sociology thesis

    9) Wake up groggy, then check the climate of the site as would a horoscope

    10) Want to add to my total amount of posts ended in asking a question, do I ever get answers?

    11) Whenever I need to know things, like what's going on this weekend or what the fuck "nvivo" means, and to help YATS with his thesis. I don't think I'm heady enough to be a hippy though, but I won't tell anyone I tainted your sample.

  5. And my niggas shit kills your Jew weed every time sucka.

    I'm not Jewish and last time I checked you were stuck in Ottawa trolling the boards for herb.


    YATS, you're great. Feeling better yet? P.S. I love your dog. He epitomizes puppy-dog eyes.

  6. Mud and I are moving into an old church ...


    I always thought this would be so cool (or an old school house)

    where? give the details (and date and time of the housewarming :P )

    My grandma used to live in the schoolhouse in Waterford (or is it Wilsonville? Where the fuck is the boundary?) near Izzy's right on the highway. It's really run down now, but in the eighties when she lived there it was really cool. She had a sewing business in one of the classrooms where my brother, sister and I would play all the time. There were horses next door too, it was really cool. Lots of light too, I remember laying under the houseplants and pretending I was in the tropics. I was such a cute kid. :P

  7. Thank-you Toronto!

    The first opener was a little weak, a shining example of what I call "generock" (a conglomeration of generic and rock, in case it's not obvious) all their songs sounded the same and were rather whiney. The second opener had some skills but the frontman's scarf-play was distracting from the music. But let's be honest, we didn't come for the openers so that's enough about them.

    Jimmy Swift sounded amazing! I thought the mix combined with that venue were absolutely stellar. That place is set up so perfectly as it really was an opera house, so it's built for sound. I also liked that it was easy to see the band, there was lots of room to dance at the back of the crowd and the bar was set away from the crowd, but two side bars were available for shots and beers. I will definitely go see more shows there simply because of the practicality of the venue. It sucks that the venue is in cracktown and has a little shakedown on the way in, but nothing is perfect, eh. I really can't express how much I have come to appreciate JSB over the last year. The show last night totally cemented that sentiment. I'm finding it difficult to give an accurate desription of the show because of the consistently solid performance that JSB delivers. All I can say is that it was the Jimmy Swift Band as they always are; solid jams, high energy and skillful playing. Thank-you guys for another excellent show with encores and thanks Toronto for given'er partying!

  8. hypthetically speaking:

    Dinner with Mark, my grandma, Ghandi, Janis Joplin, Robin Williams and Marilyn Manson at Sushi on Bloor

    Go see Wassabi Collective, Chameleon Project and U2 play at Lee's Palace until five in the morning-ish

    Pofu with guacamole and scotch bonnet sauce for breakfast.

    A trek down Queen St. W in the afternoon


    go to work at the ROM archives

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