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Posts posted by bokonon

  1. I'm really sorry if I offended anyone. What I am trying to express is that we as North American women have all of our rights and we don't need to fight for them anymore. We are not oppressed, we are not victimized, we do not need to distinguish ourselves by our gender. In fact, doing so is setting back the women's movement by creating an unecessary division between men and women. I am thoroughly impressed by the work done by historical women. In fact, I'm reading an amazing book right now that highlights some work done in the past that I reap the benefits of. (A People's History of the United States by Howard Zinn, check it out!) We have our rights now lets truly act as equals and not try to set ourselves apart, aside or above men.

    Honestly, sometimes I think the women's movement went too far in some very strange directions. Two areas that immediately spring to mind are family law and standardized testing of emergency services workers. In family law, courts usually favour women, which is biased and illogical. In many divorce cases women are awarded alimony, which is absolutely assinine! Why would a man have to pay his ex-wife so she can maintain her living standard. If she wanted to keep her present lifestyle then she can either stay married or get a job that will allow her to stay in the same wage brackett. Also, custody battles often blindly favor the mother, which is not always in the child's best interest. As for emergency services workers, many of the physical tests have different standards for men and women. If your house was burning dowm, would you care about what is between the legs of the person rescuing your unconscious body from the flames? Would you be lauding the victories of the women's movement if your dad burnt to a crisp because the little waif that went to save him couldn't lift him? Of course not.

    Gender discrimination can only be eradicated through making the whole concept of gender completely irrelevant.

  2. I am fully respectful of the women in North American history who fought for the rights I enjoy now. I also actively support the ongoing struggles of women in other countries. I regularly donate my time, money and books to education and literacy groups around the globe. But I will not donate to a charity that only supports girls' education. That is discriminatory and counter-productive. I hope for and work towards a world of equality, where things like gender, race or creed are only relevant on a personal level, not political. Anything that divides the human race is going to divert us along the path to acheiving equality.

  3. Being articulate and opinionated is equated to "preachie". Interesting, especially since it's either spelled wrong or should be capitalized. I am surprised you got through university with diction and grammar like yours. Where did you go, Lakehead?

  4. The only way to acheive true gender equity is to eradicate the division all together. By having international women's day and women's mechanics classes and other things that separate and isolate women and men we set back the progress of the cause of true equality. Equal means the same treatment. What is between your legs is only relevant in a few select situations. The voting poll is not one of them. A date on the calendar is not one of them. Shop class is not one of them. Yes, it sucks to be a woman and have to bleed. But you know what? I bet it sucks to have external sex organs too! It's also true that women have to be in pain to have babies. But you don't have to have babies. Don't want the pain, then don't have babies! I am so sick of all this bullshit about women being victimized and opressed. The only time my gender ever opressed me was when I couldn't join scouts in the eighties, and now that's different too. So stop whining and complaining and take advantage of all the opportunities that are out there for you.

    -by One Liberated Person

  5. I remember being passed a cigarrette by my biological dad when I was about five. It didn't seem like that big of a deal. I smoked some, coughed and passed it on.

    The first time I smoked BTs was the summer going in to grade eight. My sister got stuck bringing me with her all over Port Elgin. She said if I wanted to come out with her friends then I had to do what they did. Since I had smoked the hash too I couldn't tell my Mom. Good times, good times.

  6. Got unlimited transportation for $100 a month' date=' that is fucking cheap! I love this city!!![/quote']

    In Hamilton we get it for $65! And if you don't have a monthly pass, you can use your $1.70 fare to travel on unlimited routes in any direction for two hours - including round trips and stopovers. ;-)

    Yeah, but who wants to be in Hamilton! :P

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