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Posts posted by bokonon

  1. Speaking of hats.....I stole someone's at Frontier Town on Labour Day. It's black and kinda like a small cowboy hat. It's made of felt. I don't know who's it is. I drank a lot of everything that weekend. If it's yours, I'm sorrry. I've still got it.

  2. I slept twenty hours on wednesday and had all sorts of crazy assed dreams. Lots about being very thirsty and finally getting a drink after a shitload of effort.

  3. Superstack kick ass! Balls out rock with brains behind it. Those brains belong to some very nice people, too. They consistently put on a really great, high energy show. I am thoroughly impressed by Superstack.

    Superstack......FUCK YEAH!

  4. What do I identify with? Hmmmmm....let's see. I dress like a mod, listen to heavy metal, eat like a hippie and dance like a rabid chinchilla. I'm just confused and attracted to the pretty colours I think. I don't know, I don't really think about my motivations for doing something that is intrinsically enjoyable. Why do you like the first warm day of spring? Shows are hugs for my ears. :)

  5. I'm a devout and regularly practising hedonist. This scene is a big part of my philosophy of living. Eat, drink and be merry are wonderful things to do. Listening to good music with a bunch of people that just want to play and have fun is a great time. I just find it disturbing how people in Toronto don't dance. Standing still and listening to music is just not as fun as dancing and getting rowdy.

  6. The show was a barrell of rowdy monkeys! My legs hurt from dancing and my liver hurts from hanging out with Band Whore. The show was a wicked mix of old classics and new tunes. They had a guest keyboard player named Pat which was a nice touch, I love Jomomma with keys.....now if we could only get that woodwind back..... :P

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