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Posts posted by peipunk

  1. Merry Christmas from Florida! Got shitfaced drunk at Epcot Center Wednesday (so drunk my wife had to hold the hands of my brother and I when we were walking out so we wouldn't fall into people) and I'll be thinking of you guys when I am at the Dolphins game tomorrow!

  2. nice one.

    teen dances at the North Star Arena were awesome.


    One of my first gigs ever was there, at a teen dance when I was 17-18. I was playing bass on a keyboard in a band called "Headcase", affectionately known by our fans as "The Headaches".

    And Jaydawg you are talking about David Hayden.

  3. 60450_L.jpg

    Just thought I would share something I am proud of, my Aunt and Uncle did the Tour d'Afrique last year and actually wrote and released a book about the experience.

    "Tour d'afrique passes through 10 African countries in approximately 96 cycling days with an average distance of 125 km per day It is broken up by 24 rest days and a day of travel crossing Lake Nassar from Sudan to Egypt."

    Tour d'Afrique

    Here is their website:

    Rustico Riders

    and their publisher of their book:

    Author House

    Pretty amazing that they did this as 63 and 62 year old people! I hope I am as in shape and motivated at that age.

  4. WTF?

    Did you have to dig that bottle out of the ground?


    How did this get turned around on me?

    Those are tree climbing hands, I'll have you know.

    No one else agrees with me? Its the TITLE. The title of one the greatest albums ever, FFS. GET IT RIGHT.

  5. what-grinds-my-gears.jpg

    Well, its been a year since this thread so I thought I would be OK to start another.

    Dear George Stroumboulopoulos,

    Did you notice I spelled your name right? I actually took the time to look it up to make sure it was correct. I mention this because its relevant to what I am writing you about!

    I listened to your show "The Strombo Show" last night while I was driving home from watching football. I quite liked it! And I generally like you as a Canadian media person. I liked it until you got to a section of the show where you played a whole side of an album. You built it up quite a bit, saying this album was legendary and one of the most important of its time, and how it was the reason Eric Clapton quit Cream.

    This was all fine and dandy, I was quite pleased to listen to this, of course the album is Music From Big Pink and it made a great soundtrack for my 20 minute drive.


    YOU CALLED IT BY THE WRONG NAME AT LEAST 20 TIMES. It might have been OK just once. IT IS NOT "MUSIC FROM THE BIG PINK". The name of the album is "Music From Big Pink". NO "THE". Beyond your own ignorance for not knowing this, is your show taped live? Would none of your crew or producers or your co host interrupt to tell you the difference or maybe they just didn't know the difference either?

    I have to say, the first couple times you said "Music From THE Big Pink" and told stories like you were an expert on the subject, I just cringed. However, after about the 20th time, I was actually so angry I almost had to pull over.

    Please. Get your shit correct.


    Chris Buote

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