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Posts posted by peipunk

  1. Well I suppose I could chime in with a little bit of my opinions...I am not going to say much about the first day, I thought the playing was solid but not super inspired to be honest. I was not interested at all in the Character Zero encore.

    The second day afternoon set was a step up I thought; I haven't relistened to either it or the first day again yet so I will have to check them out. Then...

    The Exile set made me so happy, it was unreal; I forgot how much I loved that album. I honestly thought it would be too good to be true. And then when I saw that it was the one, I was afraid they wouldn't pull it off very well. I was wrong! They obviously put a great deal of effort into it, and the horns and Sharon Jones and the other female singer were amazing. I was surprised, I thought the two lowpoints were actually two of the "hits" that are usually highlights of the album; Tumblin' Dice and Torn and Frayed. I think the guitar tones and singing are just so dear to me that I couldn't give Trey a pass, hehe. I think from I Just Want To See His Face on was stellar, Page and Sharon slayed Let It Loose, Stop Breakin' Down was dirty, and of course Shine A Light and Soul Survivor are just such incredible songs, it didn't matter who was playing them to me at that point.

    For Mark Tonin: yes my friend, it is quite an amazing thing to see your favorite band play one of your favorite albums! I consider myself lucky.

    I missed the first couple songs of the third set (Backwards and Fluffhead) because Margot and I were on the Ferris Wheel......which was cool itself. I threw down HARD after that. Great Ghost jam, I always liked Circus and a super YEM. Suzy with horns and singers was a very vibrant finish.

    I missed most of the acoustic set Sunday to drink Bloody Marys while watching football(at a huge screen in the concert area). So sue me.

    The second Sunday set was slightly marred by a massive train wreck going into the slow part of Reba...but was quickly redeemed with a great Wedge. I had been telling everyone in my group on the way to the show I wanted Split Open and Melt and 2001 so when I got the SOAM to close the first set, I was thrilled. ALTHOUGH it was not nearly as good as the one they pulled out at Red Rocks, which, until I listen to these shows again, is still my favorite track of Phish 3.0.

    The final set was almost a dream set list; Sugar Shack was a nice break after loving the Free, and after not really liking Light, it was redeemed by a great jam. I got my 2001, but it was very short and not very jammy at all. I was fine with the Esther encore, it is a very distinctive Phish song and they executed it very well (maybe a couple minor vocal flubs). To be honest, I don't feel like I need to hear Tweeprise anymore, but I wasn't doing any complaining after that 3rd set.

    My biggest beefs with Phish 3.0 are a couple of selfish Trey points I suppose; his guitar tone has a LOT more treble than in the past. Not nearly as much of the old smooth slippery sound. I miss it. The other thing is, would it kill you to lay a couple loops down here or there for 2001 or some other weird shit? There is very very little of the old evil Phish (this is why I love the Red Rocks SOAM). Most "jams" in the songs are not jams, they are rock guitar solos. However, beyond these things, like I have said to people, a bad Phish show is still a lot more fun than any other show I can imagine.

    The weekend was VERY well organized and an amazing time. I will probably hold out from any summer tour stuff next year to save up for going to this if they do it again; I hope they do!

  2. Lets see, I actually was fit as fuck at one point...provincial Silver medals in the 1500M and the 800M in High School. Canada Games rugby in Kamloops in 1993...I was small, but I loved getting hit. LOVED it; rugby was a good sport for me, I miss it tons.

    Played nets all through minor hockey...I miss that too...

    Thats it! This thread has made me decide to clean my life up and get back in shape! I'll keep you posted on my glorious comeback to fitness respectability.

  3. You watching Min at GB there?

    Yes. There was a healthy contingent of jersey wearing hardcores of both teams. It was sweltering hot. I was trying to drink my Bloody Mary in the shade of a small tree trunk and still see the game.

    On another note there was like a thousand people in this area watching the World Series game between sets on Sunday night.

    I would write more (at least I looked after my Rich Stadium brethren first) but I am severely jet lagged, flew out of L.A. Monday night at 10:30, couldn't sleep on the plane, got into TO at 6Am, had to wait 4 hrs, couldn't sleep on the bench, got home yesterday at 2. Uggggghhhhh I feel like I am underwater right now.

  4. I've said it before and I'll say it again.


    After betting against the cunts for 4 weeks straight, I finally broke down and picked them to win this week. If that dumbass Chester Taylor hadn't let that pass go through his hands they probably would have covered the 4 pt win.

  5. I mean Axl can still sing,

    Axl could sing?!?!?!? ;)

    I remember a story my buddy John Parker told me one time after he heard GnR open for Iron Maiden in Moncton. He said Axl's voice was soooooo bad live that he said to himself "well there's one band thats going NOWHERE". This was right about the time Appetite was being released.

  6. Yes NWO is hot and solid but don't forget about the Colts because they are on a bye week.....

    And does anyone care to chime in on Brady yesterday? WOW! Maybe his mojo is rising?!!

    Word! I am already looking forward to Colts/Pats in Week 10.

    5 TD's in one quarter is just. too. ridiculous. to. comprehend.

  7. New Orleans is the best team in football. A solid defence to go along with their offence.

    Yes! And no one expected this defense to be playing like this.

    I keep waiting and waiting for Favre to shit the bed...someone please tell me its coming! Just goes to show you how important the O-line is (again).

    The media love in for Sanchez ahould come back to Earth at any time now

    I think that crash landed with the 5th interception yesterday.

  8. Fuuuuuck me what another amazing day of football. The fourth quarter of Vikings/Ravens was amazing, I can't believe Favre did it yet again, and that the Ravens blew the kick after that amazing comeback. Flacco is playing amazing fourth quarter football, he deserves to get a break.

    Tennesse WTF!

    You just can't predict all this shit that happens, that's what makes every Sunday such a treat.

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