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Everything posted by peipunk

  1. Hey, you aren't the only guys who should be picked on, lets not forget Don Cherry picked Bochenski to win the Calder last year....
  2. So, hows the album? (Cyberhippie, OiNK is a invite only torrent site)
  3. Did somone say Atlanta Hawks fans? Is there any more tortured basketball fans than us? This may very well be the reason I don't watch basketball anymore. My heart was broken, no, ripped to shreds, when the Hawks traded Dominique for that no good bum Danny Manning, right at the deadline, in a year where they were really playing well as a team(even Nique was passing the ball) and on their way to the playoffs. Since that moment they have been absolutely terrible and not had a glimmer of hope even with all the lottery picks. #21 4LIFE (this almost brought a tear to my eye writing this)
  4. DISCLAIMER :::I DO NOT ENDORSE NOT LOCKING YOUR DOORS::: I certainly locked my doors when I lived in Ontario, and would have appreciated a reminder to do so when I was there, especially after this story. However, not only do I not lock my doors at night, I leave my keys in my van overnight. One of the perks of living in such a small place, and it allows to me to live out a saying I am very fond of, "it is better to be occasionally cheated than perpetually suspicious". I wouldn't be saying that if I woke up one morning and my bass or my computer were gone!
  5. YES!!! It makes me feel special seeing Freddy looking at me all sly like that. Oh and happy birthday!
  6. Bah, a couple of arseholes I know want to get together and jam. Thanks AD, I better be on the ball in November I guess, I am assuming a Habs game would sell pretty good?
  7. So...now it look like I will be in Ottawa on the weekend of Jan 12-13 and it also looks like I have 4 of my best friends flying up from the Island for the weekend as well....lo and behold, who is also in Ottawa that weekend but les Glorieux; Habs and Sens Saturday afternoon(its so perfect). Anything I need to know about the best way to get tickets, or do I just go to the Sens website and do the normal stuff...I will probably be looking for 6 cheap seats. Just thought I would throw this out and see if anyone had anything to say.
  8. peipunk

    Vibes for Taj

    Get well soon Taj!!!
  9. I must chime in here briefly and agree with Pablo, I have gotten butterflies in my stomach a couple times before and after hearing peoples reactions! This to me is more like a big family reunion, being on stage playing this music will be like a wicked secondary bonus to seeing so many people (YOU people) together in one room! Thank you all for your sentiments, and I can't freakin' wait for January!
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