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Posts posted by peipunk

  1. The Norris Division rocks, e-mails a-flying everywhere, halfway through round 3....

    ....or we just don't have anything better to do.

    I know its frustrating AD, but at first I expected this to take at least a week to 10 days...theres no big rush, really.

  2. We should have just made private topics here on the board with each division invited instead of e-mails....and then submitted the results to badams....if people actually are that concerned about privacy. Like I said before, me no care. I'm just showing you guys how smart I am.


    me bored at work.

  3. Sorry, Andre, I have to stick up for Shane a bit here. A mistake, yes, never say its gonna happen until you're sure, but don't completely write the guy off, he was trying. I feel I owe him this defense after him being mainly responsible for Shoreline getting the lineup that it did here on PEI.

  4. Don't get me wrong buddy; I would have paid the $100 to see just those 2 sets. I just felt a bit frustrated for the people who probably didn't intend to miss the headliners, but were too baked and caught up in the Slowcoaster and Burt Neilson to even realize the other stuff was going on. All in all, I still have a BIG thumbs up.

  5. I did manage to catch some of Themasses...forgot to mention that I thought they were great.... they played Heart of the Sunrise by Yes!!! Prog-rock forever, baby.

    Also had a great time hanging out with Chrosie and had a surprise appearance by Pootie Tang and his lady. Uncle Funguy and Northern Wish and I were lapping up what seemed to be the private performance of Poor Boy. I also forgot to mention that Summer of my Fall was a socks-rocker. Jesus!! Guigsy, where were ya buddy??

  6. Wow, what an amazing time. I'm not one to write a big review (at least not now while I feel utterly brain dead) but I'll briefly mention a couple of things about the weekend.

    Steve Kimock Band: I think that this may have been my favourite Evolve set ever. I knew it was going to be good, but OH MY GOD, I was losing my mind.

    Surprise Me Mr. Davis: A bit of a stumble to start the show; Nathan Moore breaks a string. Marc helps him change it between songs. Brad's guitar stops working- he is given another guitar. Then, Nathan breaks another string. Somewhat flustered, he is given another guitar. The boys then settle in (although there was a beautiful Poor Boy 2nd song in before the shit happened) and rip out my favourite song of the whole weekend- I Hate Love. I don't know many of their songs, but Rubber Ball was in there, and I was mesmerized as usual by the world class musicaianship. Awesome.




    Friday night Slowcoaster's set overlapped with Steve Kimock. We left Slowcoaster 30 minutes into their set and still missed the beginning of Steve Kimock.

    Saturday night, Burt Neilson's set overlapped with SMMD. I left the Burt's 4 songs in (after epic versions of In The Belly and Down With The Sound) ran full speed to the main stage, where, I shit you not, there was about 40 people watching Surprise Me Mr. Davis. I nearly pulled out what little hair I have left. People gradually trickled over, but....


    But the bands only play until midnight??? Is this necessary??

    Wassabi was given what was BY FAR the best timeslot of the weekend. That's all I'm saying about that.

    The DJ after Kimock was AWESOME....and then DJ Harry drove us back to our campsite by doing a 15 minute remix of Push It to start his set.....????

    Weather was great for the weekend, but I guess the rain that came right before Friday really messed the place up....there was a lot of muddy quagmires, big tractor ruts, and a lot of rough terrain. I also overheard people saying that the entire stage had slid in the mud Thursday night and had to be rebuilt on Friday.

    Overall, we had an amazing weekend, Saturday was so hot that we went to the beach for the afternoon...it was great but I'm sorry I missed Fat Jebus. All of Green sounded the best I have ever heard them Friday night too. What else.....oh, the Gratefully Deadicated Sound System was a very welcome late night sanctuary for a lot of people...the tent was ROCKING until the wee hours.

    For reference, this was a great deal smaller than last years Evolve; THIS IS ONLY MY PERSONAL ESTIMATE, but I thought that there was about 5000 people at last year's Evolve, close to 2000 at Shoreline and I'm guessing about 3000 at this year's Evolve. Any corrections to these guesses would be welcome.

    I hope people don't think I'm being a whiny bitch, I had an AWESOME weekend and there was some amazing music, but I just can't understand why these great bands have to compete with each other. Other than that, thank you Evolve for bringing some world class entertainment so close to home for me, and I hope you continue to do so.




  7. Good lord!! Chrosie lost their canopy?!?! I'll tell them this right away...over our lobster supper at the Fisherman's Wharf tonight (unlimited seafood chowder and fresh mussels at the salad bar).

    (new paragraph for MarcO's sake)

    How about an updated picture? And another self portrait with that great shit-eating grin, if you don't mind.

  8. Although I use the three dots (or more) quite a bit, I'm a big fan of the semi-colon. The choice of semi-colon, hyphen or "ellipsis" seems to be a perfect little garnish to make your written phrase read exactly like you would speak it. Me likey. Commas or periods inside of quotations, not so much.

    Formality does have a degree of influence, I find myself too often going back over e-mails to capitalize things that I have missed- mostly as a result of increased laziness caused by increased online time. I'm with rubberdinghy though, a place like this is the place to bust out the laziness, signifying informality.

    sometimes its just the right thing!!!


  9. I played with all the regulars, 11-12 people most of whom I put out including the Sloth which was my favorite moment.

    Ahhahaha, I bet there's still smoke coming out of his ears...you'll probably have to give him a wide berth for a few days.

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