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Posts posted by peipunk

  1. I've got a great idea...just like they weight how many electoral college votes a state gets by population, individual votes should be weighted by intelligence of the person voting! So the millions of Johnny Rednecks down south who are saying we should just nuke everybody else might only count for a half or a quarter of a vote each, while all the people who actually know whats going on might actually count for 2 votes each. Whaddya think, do you think its too late to get them to recount this election??

    :: :: :: :: ::

  2. Although, the Mollusk and Chocolate and Cheese both have a special place in my heart, and I agree that White Pepper is the best to sing along to, I think I have to go with Quebec. I will confess to not knowing the older stuff as well, but I have heard them, and just don't think that they are as consistently good as the newer material. Bottom line: I love Ween.

  3. Good lord!!! I have been watching my rooomate play this all day(he had one preordered-it was released today), and holy sh!t if you liked Vice City, you'll love this (of course). With an unbelievable soundtrack to play to( featuring such gems as Eminence Front and Free Bird on the classic rock channel, Pressure Drop on the reggae channel, NWA, Dr. Dre and 2pac on the hard core hip hop, classic hip hop with Public Enemy and Rob Base and DJ EZ Rock( It Takes 2), a country station, a classic alternative station with Soundgarden, STP, Jane's Addiction, and a House station), there is a slew of new features. Your character must eat food to keep his energy up, but eat too much junk and he gets fat! As well, you can build up your muscles at the gym and learn different forms of hand to hand combat, you can ride BMX and do tricks, and your skills at all things constantly improve the more you do them (driving, shooting, etc.). All in all, guaranteed to take a lot of time from your life if you're a geek like me!!

  4. I'll have to go with Velvet on this one. Although I have heard lots of people with stories of not being able to sleep and upset stomachs, the only effect on me was that I didn't want to smoke. Since I first bought it over 3 years ago, I was never focused enough to take it for the full 2 months that they recommend, so I had lots of relapses, but even taking one a day for the first couple weeks of quitting made a huge difference for me in taking away the cravings. Look ma, no smokes! I'm all clear and confident now.

  5. For me, its all about the world class rhythm section. Brad Barr being a fabulous guitar player and emotional singer is just icing on the cake. The first time I saw The Slip on the B stage (the green) at Phish Oswego '99, I turned to my buddy and said "this bass player makes Mike Gordon look like a chump". My buddy was not too impressed, and I certainly wouldn't say things like that anymore (P.S. I love Gordo), but the crazy sh!t that Marc and Andrew pull out keeps me mesmerized. However, you're not the only one who feels like you do; when we opened for the Breakfast in Hartford, there was about 800+ people there, and we heard that the night before there were under 200 for the Slip. It blows my mind in a sad way.

  6. What an amazing weekend of cool people and amazing music... big props out to the Burt Neilson Band and Grand Theft Bus for rocking the beer tent hard...there was a great Canadian representation, how about the big gang of East Coasters! Thanks to moe. for continuing to do things right...

  7. Here's one of my favourite old Kung quotes...I found it by doing a search on "jamalamadingdong"....

    I'll take what I dish in this case with one major fucking proviso. The bands need people like myself, they need to know that there are people in the audience who aren't going to say 8 million variations on 'it's all good braaaaah'. Does anybody really take the time to track what these bands are doing, what they're singing about (or not), what directions there moving in. Does any American ever even see the names of these bands written in print. Besides the fact that no one pays me to do this and I rarely ask for comped tickets. I'm not a fucking journalist, I'm not a professional, and like all the musicians I don't ask (or have to) for permission before I create something (or urinate in peoples ears as it were). And so what if there are a whack of slick ass looking websites out there jambands, jamhub, jamaholic, jamalamadingdong, jamorama, jammeupthehoop.... It all comes to naught if there isn't a story to tell. Content is king you know. So whose going to tell the story?

    from this hilarious old thread.... nero infighting

    hey kung, whatever happened to those special edition nero logs that showed up on Northern Heads?

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