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Posts posted by scottieking

  1. Since Sean has already mentioned one of my more important Rheos gigs, the only thing I can think to write is not a specfic memory but more a flash of the things that made Rheos shows great.

    -the days of Martin's chain smoking and personally keeping a smoke tally (I counted 14 once)

    -audience interaction and parcipation

    -Dave and Martin's banter

    -ANY time the Blue Hysteria made an appearence. What a guitar. One night, the other shortneck was broken and Martin announced he would have to play that one all night. HEAVEN

    -Yelling for Song of Flight, having Dave look and Martin, saying sure, why not and doing it

    -acapella Legal Age Life

    Many more I'm sure, but I just got up.

  2. Man in the I-Pod era, I only actually own two of these on disc (and yes, purchased)and they're so good, I had to cheat and put six cause technically one isn't out for awhile. But enough with the explaining...

    Easy Star All Stars -Radiodread - They're back and this time it's OK Computer. Not as consistent as Dub Side but good nonetheless

    Cold War Kids - Up In Rags - This little indie EP has infected my brain with their minimalist sound and terrific sound writing

    MMW with Trey - 7 22 06 - 10k Fest - Gag. Sick.

    The Hard Life and Times of Guy Terrifico Soundtrack - Seen the movie? Dare you not to own the soundtrack.

    The Sadies Live Volume one - Not only do you get 42 tracks of the fackin Sadies, but Neko Case, Heavy Trash, Keelor and Cuddy, and a host of guests. Great cross-section of the influence these guys have. And of course, LIVE SADIES!

    My Morning Jacket - Okonokos - Double Live- Hell Yeah, MMJ live was the highlight of my Lolla weekend. Band at the apex of their power. NOT YET RELEASED.

    Hon Mentions also to Band of Horses, and Kings of Leon Live Ep

  3. The last three movies saw that really liked where:

    Brick - Crime Noir set amongst teens. Dug this alot.

    V for Vendetta - VERY COOL. I didn't think it could hold a candle to the comic but it was very well done.

    The Matador- Worth it just to see Pierce Brosnan shake off those James Bond Blues by playing the least James Bond character ever!

  4. I use this very text during my 1950's unit in Gr 10 history. The reactions are always quite stunned. Then I get them to re-write the guide for the 21 century. It's interesting the variety in attitudes. Some kids claim that around their house this is still how it is (this is Elgin County after all)

  5. You people have excellent taste. I love this show so much and I'm glad to hear it holds up in re-runs. I think I'm going to start grabbing old seasons soon.

    I even use it in the classroom. Issac and Ishmael is good and there's supreme court/lobbying one that involves Josh running around like a maniac that is great for explaining that nutty world.

  6. Or how about last night, when we got BOTH on the Daily Show?

    Anybody see this, with Colbert showing up to "force" an apology to Geraldo from Jon?

    It was great fun to see Stephen back in his "old" spot again.

    I love both and think that it is becoming a bit of an apples and oranges situation. Colbert is more of a character satire with risque edge whereas Stewart has almost transformed into a legitimate news critic and proveyer of the obsure.

    I love both.

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