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Posts posted by scottieking

  1. Just a reminder, here's their real names

    John Paul Tremblay (Julian)

    Robb Wells (Ricky)

    Mike Smith (Bubbles)

    and not to forget Mike Clattenburg who puts the whole thing together!

    Well done. Those are great shots. Robb's eyes are pretty much where mine are whenever I get things posted on this forum (nice and red and slitty)

  2. 1st listen impressions:

    I think because I (dare I say, we all) have watched the metamorphasis of these songs, a few of these versions are going to take some getting used to. Specifically, I'm not fond of "If One of Us"'s new vibe, and certainly didn't hear enough of Brad's wonderful guitar playing throughout.

    That being said, this is a finely produced, multilayered and well executed album.

    It just feels like a new pair of shoes. There are things you miss about the old pair, it doesn't quite fit right yet, but clearly they are new, improved and more "in style".

  3. Worst QoTD ever.

    Yesterday's was a thin question to begin with, now you wanna milk it even more?!?

    [color:purple]Yah, I can't wait to see the philosophical blockbuster you've got cookin for tomorrow's QOTD, Aristotle.

    On average, 11:00 to 12:00 am.

    Generally, stoned.

    Going to bed is a bit of misnomer. Passing out on the couch is more like it.

  4. Based on the 90 or so kids I see a day, and having no personal experience with the stuff whatsoever (cough) I would estimate 4 of 90 would during the school day.

    Depends on the class. I had a 10 Applied class where I would say a group of 5 to 7 on any given day.

    5-10% sounds about rightish.

    60% is ridiculous! I don't even think you could find that many people stoned at the average rock concert (note average and not "jamband")

  5. I've had this one for about a week now and the verdict is in for me after about the fourth listen.

    I really like it.

    For me, the album isn't all killer (there's some filler) but the attention paid to the detail has Bob Rock written all over it.

    The Hip have a way of hiding some of their best songs in the last three (see Phantom Power for details) The same happens here.

    This isn't crawling into the top 5 Hip albums but it's above Music @ Work and In Evolution but still below Violet Light.

  6. Yeah, that was taken during your unfortunate "private dick" phase.

    And not in the good way.

    P.S. That Simple trans. was one of those drop the brush moments.

    P.S.S. C-Towns, just cause you ignore me doesn't me I'm going to go away

    I'm watching Space Ghost interview Jimmy Cliff right now. It seems like the right thing to do.

  7. Medication is one part Sleeman's Cream, one part harverst goodness, a pinch of Mono cocking, and the residual after effects of BBQ Pulled Pork Quesedillas.

    Add this :

    Mike's Song-> Simple-> Contact-> Weekapaug Groove

    and stir.

    Ingest liberally while holding gorgeous dink in one hand and this picture in the other


  8. We're paintin and drinkin tonight. I just got the SBD's of Clifford Ball this week. I physically had to stop on three separate occasions because I had heard something that YEARS of listening to my shitty tape copies did not uncover.

    What a show.

    I need to medicate. Anyone want to join me?

  9. I stand by what I wrote on the 6th

    I have this friend. He's a first class top rate harmonica player. Then, inexplicably, he decided he was going to focus on two things, songwriting/singing. While he is a decent songwriter, he lacks the natural talent and brillance that he used to bring to the harp (he doesn't even play anymore)

    Trey Anatasio seems to suffer from the same ailment. And while I would never, ever, begrudge anyone their happiness, it always amazes me when they fail to see that the path they pursuing is clearly one that pales in comparison to their earlier genius.

    The album has some nice guitar playing, but overall suffers from fairly weak songwriting. The lyrics fail to inspire, the vocal presentation varies from soft to downright weak and the compositions, while ultimately being more complex than Shine's drivel, still lack any real hook. Some like Dragonfly have even lost any momentum that they gain live by a slowing of the tempo and lack of "jam" development.

    It's tough being an aging rocker, let alone an aging solo rocker. On a Trey solo scale, with first album scoring an 8, Shine scoring a 2, the most I can give this one is 5, and unfortunately, that's mostly due to the inclusion of Bennevento, Russo, Gordon and others.

    Serves me right for listening to Deer Creek 2003 right before this came out I guess.......

    And on 18 Steps

    It's official.

    I like 18 Steps more than I like Bar 17.

    I don't get it. How is the bonus disc the better album? Is it ike an in-joke?

    The playing is better, the production is more sparse and less cluttered.

    Warning: Trey's singing on the first track is enough to push stop.

    Push through. Track 2 and 3 are quite enjoyable. I've always liked Discern and this version is outstanding.

    Warning 2: Still contains unnecesary horns and strings throughout.

    The last two tracks are really, really nice acoustic tunes.

    Baffling....6.5 for Step 18.

    That being reinerated, I've listened to both 3 times each and then focused on the Clifford Ball SBD's I just got.

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