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Posts posted by scottieking

  1. I just passed that mark too.


    The highwater mark for when I offically became an internet junkie.

    Edit: hold the phone a second. I joined three days before Schwa and yet I'm member 130. I haven't been this pissed off since the great member rating scandal of 2003!

    And Schwa ta boot!

  2. 1. The Apartheid of the Canadian Aborginal

    2. The on-going role of "faith" in "God" in a significant amount of the world's conflicts.

    3. The failure of North American society to come to grips with the end of its oil based way of life.

    Sorry, I couldn't just choose two.

  3. here we go!

    I think that Rae could go here. But who will he support? Why can't I shake the feeling that he will do the wrong thing. Oh yeah, I lived through the nineties!

  4. Dion - This poor guy had his time monopolized by Glen Pearson, who spent most of his time selling the Green party and London voters (yay us!) His message was clear and important, but failed to deliver the knockout punch.

    Kennedy - I want to like this guy. I do. He'll make a great Justice Minister someday.

    Rae - Reminded me of Phil Donahue. But I felt like he was all over the place and lacked that propagating feeling a good convention speech should have.

    Ignatieff - Say what you will about how creepy this guy looks when he smiles, but THAT was the Liberal stump speech we've come to know and love. Nice premediating crowd to propel the message over the top.



    Volpe has already jumped ship to Rae.

    Apparently there are Ignatieff/Brison and Ignatieff/Hall Findlay bumper sticker made already.

    After hearing Rae speak, I'm really hoping he doesn't get it. It looks like he is practicing to be the leader of the opposition, but nothing more.

  5. Bama Man, its OK. You really would like his early shit and his stint in Whiskeytown. Stop at about GOld and grab Cold Roses and Jacksonville.

    Me and Guigsy just listened to those "albums" WOW! This guy just has money to burn, drugs to take, and recorded WHATEVER came out of his mouth for 3 months.

    Wow, what a party it must have been to see this materialized.

    That being said, I'm worried as shit about the guy.

  6. Great list of docs. I've seen half of those. Looks like I'll keep a few of those titles in the back of my head to be sure to watch sometime soon.

    The Corporation is fantastic. Loved it. A real eye opener on many levels.

    I'd also suggest, and i hate to continually bring it up, but check out Russo's America: Freedom To Facism. http://www.freedomtofascism.com/ Neither left, nor right-wing this startling examination of government exposes the systematic erosion of civil liberties in America since 1913. Some may see it as a Michael Moore-ish type of doc, but it's scary. I can get you a copy on CD (as an AVI file if you like).


    Later . . .

    Kanada Kev =8)

    YES please! Avi is great.

    The Take eh? I'll try it.

  7. I just thought I'd get some feedback. These are a list of documentaries that I am currently using in my 4U politics classroom in part or in whole. Any left off the list you think should be included

    Frontline: Company of Soldiers

    Part III Power of Nightmares

    Control Room

    Manufacturing Consent

    The Corporation

    The Yes Men

    Life and Debt

    The End of Suburbia

  8. After each vote the candidate with the lowest amount of support will automatically lose and drop off the ballot. With each consecutive vote the candidate with the lowest amount of support drops off the ballot until someone wins.

    This I did not know or forgot. My predictions remain the same. Just ignore ballot 4 and 6 and call it for Rae in the fifth!

  9. If I had to take a shot at this now (and truly this is crapshoot) here is my fictious account of the coming weekend:

    Igniteff gives the best "closing" speech, causing early whispers of "Iggy, Iggy"

    Early ballots will remove the Brisons and Drydens leaving the big four to get down and dirty.

    3rd will see Iggy and Rae deadlocked, with stronger than expected support for Kennedy and a ton of former Chreteinites propping up Dion.

    4th will see a similar scenerio, little to no moment.

    5th will see Kennedy drop out and throw all of his support behind (wait for it) Dion, turning this into a real shitkicker, Rae takes a slim lead

    6th see 5th

    7th will see all pretenders vanquished and in the slimmest of margins, Bob Rae emerges as leader of the federal Liberals , all but clearing the way for a Harper Minority in 2008 and the Trudeau in 2009 campaign.

  10. Ollie See Post 6, 11 AND Scott Reid for details.

    Megs, once again, thank-you. I do not doubt that this happened in the least.

    However, I'm now going to have to spend the rest of my afternoon after class (my American History class is writing a test, my Politics is next, hmmm myabe we should talk about this) searching for an article and not an editoral on the matter. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but I need more than commentary before I can endoctranate (sp) myself on the matter.

  11. Wow, I've got to post hourly in here lest the lords of the internet smite me. Dude, have you seen me lately? I am neither little or a bitch.

    That aside, Megs, that is an insightful post considering the crux of this thread is the management of Harper's image.

    "Prime Minister Stephen Harper's churlish rhubarb with the parliamentary press gallery went a few steps too far this past weekend when, on a trip to Hanoi, Harper allowed an utterly false reporting of the status of his meetings with Chinese leader Hu Jintao to remain on the public record for 14 hours."

    Okay this is clearly an editoral and bias laden.

    The falsehood appears to have emanated directly from Harper's entourage, which continued to tell reporters that the Harper-Hu meeting was off, even though the two men had, in fact, already met. It was only after the Chinese officials gave details of the meeting that the Prime Minister's aides owned up that, indeed, the two had met and discussed some key points of friction, including trade and human rights.

    I believe this could be true. Do we have any proof?

    This was not a question of going out of their way to correct reporters who had overstated what they did or did not know. This was failing to correct misinformation that had emanated from the Prime Minister's Office. This obfuscation of events unfolding at the APEC summit in Vietnam steps over the fine line between managing the government's communications strategy and deliberately allowing the public to be misled.

    Jesus Christ, isn't that the sole purpose of the communications dept? See Scott Reid for details.

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