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Everything posted by Schwa.

  1. What is that guy thinking? I guess he isn't so much. Very stupid play getting thrown out from the outfield at 1st.
  2. Every time I look at you I go blind.
  3. he only bought shots cuz the doesn't like CUPS.
  4. ZING! this was right in the middle of his little scandal he had goin' back then. sexual assault or something like that.
  5. I saw Joe Thornton at a 54-40 concert in St. Thomas about 10 years ago. I won the tickets on the radio and figured, what the hell. He bought anyone who was leaning on the bar at the time a shot of tequila...probably about 20 shots. I said thanks, he said no problem. the show was alright. ~the end.
  6. thanks zero. good read.
  7. IN! Others that i'm pretty sure are going: Meaghan and her friend Anna elemeno Joni Tonin Boss and Aubrey (maybe) QQC and FairySari Beerbottle LXQ42 (mickey) Reggaemuffin (heather)
  8. a guy only has so much skin, dude.
  9. Happy Birthday Mr. McCartney
  10. Phish at the Fabulous Fox theater in St. Louis
  11. you know what, you're right. what was i thinking actually disagreeing with something that the almighty Booche says. silly me. You're right, we're wrong, praise you. I'm sorry i even brought it up. From now on I'll clear all of my opinions with you before i actually express any of them to make sure i'm correct first. Now that is angré! I am forced to listen to 107.1 at work, Hamilton. Certainly not by choice. Better than no radio, i suppose.
  12. ...but i reiterate. I wasn't trying to be mad at him or anything. I don't expect a product of the "mainstream" to understand anything about Phish.
  13. So you're defending Kim Mitchell then Booche? What, do you owe him money or something? I can just picture you rocking out to some Patio Lanterns right now and crying in your soda. Max Webster is one of the worst bands Canada has to offer and he needs to fall from his nerdy as fuck, high horse. No Phish isn't prog rock by definition but they certainly dabble. YEM for example. Perhaps SillyProg should be the term
  14. I was referring to the pitching staff woes. thought it was obvious. ...the curse thing i'm not going to explain to ya. Punky knows the score.
  15. Or bore him to tears like they do to everyone else. When i want your opinion i'll give it to you....and if i wanted any of your comeback i'd scrape it off Davey Boy's teeth. [color:gray]j/k brah
  16. Cool Spinning Baseball Bat Trick - Watch more Funny Videos
  17. LOLOLOL. this season is such a joke. i wonder who cursed them?
  18. with 3 birthdays a year you've gotta be in your 40's by now. Old-towns.
  19. exactly Everyday he claims at least once to be such a fan of the "prog" as in Rush or Yes or Crimson and yet he has no knowledge of Phish who has a plethora of proggy material. I wonder if he knows who Umphrey's are? they'd "prog" his face off.
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