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Everything posted by Schwa.

  1. Next example is the United Steelworkers of Montreal at the Horseshoe a few winters back. Ultimate boogie show...so much energy in the room it was impossible NOT to dance. And yet, there they were again, the snob-a-riffic dicks of Toronto. We had worked our way up to the front (c-clowns and I) and we were totally givin'er not paying any attention to the rest of the folks behind us.....when I turned around to get a beer (I had to go through the entire crowd to get to the bar) I was threatened and told not to try to come back to my buddy at the stage. Seriously, I can't make this shit up. I snicker at the guy and his buddies and of course return with beer. I tried to pass by this guy on my way back with my hands full of a couple beers and i was pushed several times and they actually tried to trip me. Another horrible Toronto experience. I could tell the band was in a little bit of shock at the complete stillness of the crowd. They kept trying to kick it up a notch and get the crowd into it, to no avail. Not a wonder they love Hamilton so much. ***edit*** I'm assuming my Toronto friends know I'm not including them in these generalizations
  2. Next example is Xavier Rudd (a very danceable show) at the Phoenix back in 2006 or so...i forget the date. we were just about gang beaten by a bunch of dudes that were standing perfectly still on the floor. called every sort of slur, name and generally horrible thing so we decided to book it up to the balcony and got ourselves a corner in which to dance. Several friends lives that were still on the floor were threatened by short women that simply couldn't see and people that wanted to stand perfectly still.. Another horrible Toronto experience.
  3. haha, nice one FBN. Reminds me (srota) of the Neil Young "Greendale" show at ACC. The skids directly in front of us were in the midst of a domestic when the lights were still on before the show prompting everyone to watch them....quite the show. Then when the lights went off and the show began the dude took off and left her there by herself. From the 1st note she was screaming for Cinnamon Girl and Old Man!!!!! Non-stop. Then she'd turn around and kept saying "what the fuck is this?! Seriouisly, what the fuck is this?!?!" My brother finally snapped and told her to shut the fuck up and she did....then the boyfriend got back with two giant beers....she finished about half, they got into it again and dumped the rest on his head.....then the funny shit happened. he went and got security and had HER kicked out. She went batshit crazy and started beating on him and security dragged her out. This all happened during the first 2-3 songs. If you were there you may remember a round of applause completely out of place in the show (mid song) and it was our section applauding her removal. There was some flack for standing at this show too, but too bad.
  4. Hope I wasn't the catalyst, although I was the only one bitching there. Recently was the Black Crowes show. I was 1st row on the balcony, dead center on the aisle. A fella is literally yelling at me to sit down. I turn around mid-boogie and simply smile and shrug my shoulders. He then shuts up until the song is done and asks me where my seat is and I tell him that I'm at my seat. No more words are spoken, he gets security, security looks at my ticket looks back to the dude and shrugs his shoulders. Funny moment. Then a girl from about 5 or 6 rows up abandons her boyfriend, who is sitting, and comes down to dance with me at the railing. She gets some flack from the guy that was yelling at me and totally tells him off. Nice....but then security comes down and forces her to go back to her seat after Josephine. Bummer, she was hot too Buddy then gave up and yanked his female companion out of her seat and stomped off. Angré as could be. Fuck'em. Problem through all of this was that we became the show and sooooo many people were turned to watch us instead of the show which was awesome. I have several more but I'll let some others chime in
  5. re-injured something....i think I heard them say that.
  6. First game I've watched til the end in a month.
  7. absolutely....don't get me wrong though, no one but no one tells me to sit down and succeeds. They even had the ushers on my ass at the Crowes but failed at that too seeing I was at my seat. I rocked that balcony, but good.
  8. Oh, I don't sit...but being the ONLY one actually showing any sort of enjoyment surely takes away from the "concert experience" A random girl and myself (only ones standing on the balcony for the Crowes) were joking about it and actually scanned the balcony for someone even bobbing their head to the music and there were none that we could see. I hold no real position one way or the other, other than to say Toronto is fucking lame, i guess. Parade meet rain.
  9. I will likely skip any and all shows at Massey Hall unless they are genuine "sit down" shows. The fucking lame-i-tude of that place is a serious bring down.
  10. Schwa.

    NFL 2010

    Go Phins. hanging on to those playoff hopes....and downing the Moss-look Titans was pretty sweet.
  11. Oh, sweet irony. Like a guy that dressed up as an "I hate Halloween" costume.
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