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Posts posted by Schwa.

  1. Booche, check your P to the M's

    For all else, i have a lot of floor space, just bring the padding of your choice (the floor is carpeted)

    warning, me and the other Chathamites, that better be dragging their pimply asses up here, don't sleep, so you probably won't either.

  2. i live in Ktichener. you need a place to crash for the show here in a couple of weeks you got it Booche, that goes for any other Otta-wanks that want to come down for this....t'will be a rocker fo sho'!

    Whose got my heady MR OYSTERHEAD!!!!!!

  3. Special thanks to Summer and the rest of the boys for lettin me sit in on Chico too!!!!!!!!!!

    That tune was deadicated to the two lovely ladies that have since left us only to land in Chico, CA. you know who you are 8)

    Ker, that was one kickassnevergonnaforgetthatnightnight. thanks for all the hard work....total success. oh ya, how was zombie school? you were all headed down to the detention room when i left. hilarious you and crazycory....and James wandering into the field and Chandler trying to get his attention made me laugh harder than i have in a very very long time.

    Great to see all the out-of-towners there too, you all rock!

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