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Posts posted by Schwa.

  1. New song for the person who wants to be left alone.

    The post screams "Read Me!".....i think.

    Welcome to where time stands still

    no one leaves and no one will

    Moon is full, never seems to change

    just labeled mentally deranged

    Dream the same thing every night

    I see our freedom in my sight

    No locked doors, No windows barred

    No things to make my brain seem scarred

    Sleep my friend and you will see

    that dream is my reality

    They keep me locked up in this cage

    can't they see it's why my brain says Rage

    SANCTUARIANS!, leave me be

    SANCTUARIANS!, just leave me alone

    Build my fear of what's out there

    and cannot breathe the open air

    Whisper things into my brain

    assuring me that I'm insane

    They think our heads are in their hands

    but violent use brings violent plans

    Keep him tied, it makes him well

    he's getting better, can't you tell?

    No more can they keep us in

    Listen, damn it, we will win

    They see it right, they see it well

    but they think this saves us from our Hell

    SANCTUARIANS!, leave me be

    SANCTUARIANS!, just leave me alone

    SANCTUARIANS!, just leave me alone

    Fear of living on

    natives getting restless now

    Mutiny in the air

    got some death to do

    Mirror stares back hard

    Kill, it's such a friendly word

    seems the only way

    for reaching out again.

  2. I was just doing a little email checking and whatnot when i heard some rustling from beside my desk. I peer into my empty garbage can and there is a tiny mouse. WTF!!!!! I have had no sign of any critter living in my house in all of the 15 years that i have been living here and then BOOM, infestation. Took him outside and put the bugger in the school yard behind my house. A little squeemish now as i have to go to bed after a midnight shift. Mousey dreams sure to come [smile]

    Looked a little like this guy -

  3. Karin!!! Great to see ya here. Can't wait for the next one.

    OTHER ONES FUCKIN RULED. I am pretty glad we didn't set off for Indy. I am still having trouble getting over that damn pool party [Wink] All i remember is sitting(or standing) with the misner brothers and watching that one guy floating in the pool like he was dead......and then he popped up. whew. I know i was down there for a while but for how long i cant say. i'm pretty sure backbacon did a jump in the hhottub. hehe.

    Heard coming from room 211 at around 12 when everyone was getting up: "Man, that was one crazy night, i feel like Cargo on the toilet!" Nuff said [big Grin]

  4. So much to say i don't know where to start. 17th row tix, Scarlet>Fire, GDTRFB!!!

    Best after party i have ever been a part of. Those people at the Inn need to pat themselves on the back for the scene they put up with in that pool. Everyone peaceful and just havin fun in the water [smile][smile]

    Cheers to all at the INN.

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