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Posts posted by Schwa.

  1. Steve Miller circa 1991 i think...or was it 92?

    smoked my first joint at that show too :) i remember jules pietras and ceppi getting super drunk on the bus and the bus driver pulled over on the 401 to have a cop inspect our bus for booze. they didn't find it though, jules ripped the entire back seat apart and stashed it. oh the good ole days.

  2. BOOO litter!

    i am actually considering writing a letter to the editor of the Kitchener Record to complain about the contrast in Kitchener's and Waterloo's downtowns. they are night and day as far as cleanliness goes. i have a 5 minute walk to work every day and i bet i could fill an entire garbage bag with tim hortons cups and beer store plastic bags....and i work at the beer store so i feel obligated to pick up the ones i see on the way. GRRRRRRR!

  3. Someone left their pants at my house....and yes, i am THE MAN!

    a pair of black jeans with big pockets in the front possibly left here prior to going to Tigger's place a couple of weeks ago.

    they go to the first person who claims them not unlike the jacket giveaway last week. Congrats Becky on your new preppy-type fancy coat!

  4. And they say to me, "You don't need three dogs boy."

    And I say we all need a friend.

    And they're asking me, "Don't they give you hard times?"

    And I say, " Yeah, but they'll be there in the end."

    And they're asking me, "Who you look like Jesus?"

    And i say, "It ain't because I try."

    But when they're asking me, " How much do you smoke pot?" and I say,

    "I just like to get high, and high, and high, and higher!"

    'cause I'm a loner. I'm a loner.

    And I'm a stoner. Won't you please leave me alone?

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