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Posts posted by Schwa.

  1. Just returned from work. Interesting night i must say. Maybe because it was Christmas and the powers that be decided to make things interesting. I had to evict a Prostitute and her dude because of excessive "sex sounds coming from the room next door." as the complainer put it. i diligently investigated and sure enough, there was a fucking porno going on inside. The woman was screaming shit i haven't heard since i lost my Satellite dish service and when i knocked to ask them to keep down the noise (at 6:30 in the morn i might add) They proceeded to tell me to "fuck right off asshole!!"

    OUT YA GO! Funny as hell!

    Being a hotel manager, i have been trying to return some of the good karma that came my way after the Other Ones show in Detroit, but this was the proverbial straw. -

  2. Hey i suspect you two did not get tickets to the saturday night phish show so i suggest that we use the $ we were going to spend and stay in Cinci and go see The Shantee. I've never seen them but hear good things (mostly from nomad) Just an idea because i have already taken the time off of work and that is pretty precious to me these days.(i work too fuggin much) Let me know what you think, perhaps we can go elsewhere for another show?

  3. I met my sweet Heather at work. She no longer works there now and attends teachers college. She is into some bands that i like (hookah + ratdog + PLQ + SCI) but dislikes Phish. It is the same as every other person that i have met.....they just don't get it. But i'm sure that if she saw them...BLAMMO! Just like every other person i have met. Before i met her she had no idea that any of these bands existed except for dead and phish. She's a very open minded chick and always gives every band a chance before passing judgement.

    But you already knew that though didn't you Chewie [smile] What are you doing on Saturday night? Doobies and beer?

  4. excellent response to this one.

    I myself am a Duty Manager at the Wheels Inn in Chatham. It is a 350 room Hotel/Amusement park family type fun place.

    Oh ya, i'm a full time student as well taking Mechanical Engineering Technology (Mechatronics) at St. Clair College here in Chatham as well. backbacon, how did that last exam go for ya?

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