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Posts posted by TimmyB

  1. This is what Phil Lesh says about the subject.


    Last Update: November 8, 2005

    An Announcement from Phil Lesh:

    Last year, I promised to bring back the original concept of Phil Lesh &

    Friends: bringing in different musicians to provide fresh perspectives on the music. I had originally planned to mix up the lineup after New Years- but it turns out that, in order to take advantage of other musical opportunities that have come his way, Jimmy Herring will now be moving on a little earlier. I¹m sure that his new musical experiences will result in further growth, which is vital to a musician.

    Larry Campbell will be replacing Jimmy with Phil & Friends. Larry is a veteran of Bob Dylan¹s great band, and one of the premier guitarists and multi-instrumentalists of the age. One of the great joys of music making is to be challenged and inspired by a wide range of artistic visions. I look forward to Larry¹s joining the long line of influences and inspirations that have contributed not only to the music itself, but also to my personal musical development.

    - Phil


  2. Everybody should not forget that if Remembrance Day falls on a weekday that many large cities with a large population of veterans, there is often a parade on the Sunday before or after Remembrance Day.

    This year Hamilton had it before on November 4th.


  3. When I was in Ottawa from 1994-1997 at Carleton I went to every Remembrance Day Parade. Actually it doesn't matter what city I'm in I nearly make it to the parade (Minus 2001 when I went to State College to see Bob Dylan).

    We do not do enough to honour the veterans of Canada. They shouldn't have just one day on November 11, they should have many more.

    Days like June 6 (D-Day), May 8 (Victory in Europe Day) and/or August 10 (Victory Day over Japan) are just a few other days we should take a moment and remember what the Greatest Generation did for us.

    It has now been 60 years since the end of World War II, those brave veterans that still remain are getting smaller and smaller in numbers each and every year. They need us now more than ever, and when they are gone we still must never forget.


  4. Hey Deeps,

    Sorry I can't make it to this one as I'll hopefully be seeing Jeff Tweedy performing in Grantham, PA that night.

    It's a seven hour drive so I don't think I'll make it back in time.



    BTW It will be Neil Young's 60th birthday this Saturday, so if your band has ever rehearsed or performed any Young tunes or teases Saturday night is the night to pull them out.

  5. Hey Mark,

    You can keep me on your list, I don't mind. I appreciate all the great gigs you've brought to Toronto these past couple of years. Great job my friend.

    Thank you for the kind words. I was away from this board for a while this year, but now I hope I'm back to stay.

    If you need me to do another interview anybody or review a show don't hesitate to ask. I've got a lot of time on my hands.


  6. Most of us aren't able to' date=' even if we wanted to. A lot of Canadians on this board ;)


    Yup, obviously... But you Canadians also seem like the type who would 'get' the humourous nature of it (moreso than many of the Americans I know). I posted it because it was funny, not because I'm actually trying to recruit Republicans... ;)

    I knew that, I just always forget to change my font to purple. My bad.


  7. The Flash work, from a technical standpoint is fantastic. I'm surprised he did so well dealing with vector graphics and text in Flash... maybe he imported alot from photoshop. Regardless, very well done.

    WHAT!? Me thinks it was funny.


  8. Missed it all last night, but I think the Daily Show is suffering from it's own success ie. the loss of Colbert and others.

    Some of the new correspondents Jon has aren't too great.


    I have to agree with you there when the two Steve's, Carell and Colbert were on 'the Daily Show' together was the best era of the program to date.

    I especially loved it when both Steve C's did a sketch together, I nearly died laughing on several occasions.

    Yet as long as Jon Stewart is involved 'the Daily Show' will still be better than most of the other crap on television.

    Damn, that just made me think about a part of 'the Colbert Report' last night where Colbert said for all of you Canadians who don't live in Montréal, Toronto or Vancouver this is a TV. And on the right of Colbert is said "Tee Vee." Hehe.


  9. Yeah. Part of me wants this to happen. The other part of me knows I would bust the bank to see every show I possibly could.

    I'd be very surprised if Peter Gabriel broke his stance against revisiting the past. But if Roger Waters can play with Pink Floyd again then I suppose anything is possible.

    I'm going to be broke next year and if the Peter Gabriel 1971-1975 era of Genesis reform I'll be in big trouble as well.

    I always feel it is very possible that a Genesis reunion could happen. You bring up Pink Floyd and looking at them many if not all of the members hate each other. While with Genesis they all for the most part have remained close friends.


  10. Hey ollie,

    I'm posting this here, because at least you can appreciate it.


    PS I would pay more and travel further for this gig more than any other possible reunion on the planet.


    Phil Collins Says Genesis Reunion Possible

    Phil Collins Says Genesis Reunion Is 'A Possibility' After Disbanding in 1998

    British pop star Phil Collins performs during a concert in Tel Aviv, Israel, Monday Nov. 7, 2005. British singer-songwriter Collins, who is touring the Middle East, said he is open to a reunion with his bandmates from Genesis. "There's a possibility. I'm open for it," Collins said ahead of a concert Monday in Tel Aviv.

    The Associated Press

    JERUSALEM Nov 7, 2005 — Phil Collins says he's open to the idea of a Genesis reunion.

    Nothing has been announced, but the 54-year-old British singer, who is touring the Middle East, says: "There's a possibility. I'm open for it."

    "If it doesn't happen, it won't be because we don't want to. It will just be because there are too many things in the way," he said Sunday. "I'm happy to sit behind the drum kit and let Peter (Gabriel) be the singer, but if it happens, I'll be there."

    Genesis formed in 1967, performing for more than 30 years before disbanding in 1998. Collins fronted the band after lead singer Gabriel left in 1975 to pursue a solo career.

    Collins went solo in 1996.

    "We're all still good friends. We spent like 30 or 25 years of our life in the same office," Collins said. "Just because we don't play in the same band anymore doesn't mean we don't see each other and enjoy each other's company."

    On the Net:


  11. Also here's what the Slippermen keyboardist and originator of the band had to say about the gig in the same thread where I made my reply.

    I found it interesting because it answered my question and he goes into details about what happened to the band with Denis Champoux joining on such short notice.

    Here it is:


    Joseph is correct, we did not change the set list because of Denis. He agreed to do the job because he didn't have too much to learn with only 72 hours notice, but had to review material that he also hadn't played in a year and a half. He also told me that part of what attracted him to doing the gig was that he had never played material from Trick and W & W.

    We actually only had a single 2 hour practice on Thursday night and reviewed the songs that he had not played before as well as some of the longer songs.

    A 'misunderstanding' on my part, was the reason Denis didn't play 'In the Cage' part of our Medley.

    One thing that totally blew me away on Sat. was that there were several songs that we didn't have time to practice, ie TMB, Watchers, DWTMK, Hogweed, IKWIL and for the most part, we just fit together like a hand in new leather glove !! I don't think anyone else other then Denis Champoux could have pulled this off within 72 hrs.

    That and the energy we were feeling from the crowd, and the people singing and dancing and really getting into it, outside the other things, made this gig. for me something that I will never forget and it will always have a special place in my heart.

    Thanks to Joseph and Kanada Kev for their incredible promotional work, as well as organizing the pre show party. Too bad there was only one chef !!!

    By the time my supper arrived, I had to leave to prepare for the opening of the hall, so I never got to eat it. Oh well.

    A big thanks also go to Dave Bolton and Luke McDonnell for helping with the promo. work.

    I thoroughly enjoyed myself sat. and I hope everyone else did too.

    cheers !!



  12. Hey ollie,

    Yep that's the setlist.

    The crowd was bigger than I expected. Let's put it this way, there were more at the Opera House for the Slippermen than their was for the Steve Hackett Acoustic Trio at the Studio Theatre in Hamilton a few weeks ago. I always find it funny when a tribute act can pull off a bigger crowd than one of the former band members.

    The audience was also way into it during the performance.

    Here's what I wrote on a thread thanking the Slippermen on the official Genesis site.

    It was great to see the Slippermen for the first time last night in Toronto at the Opera House.

    It was made all the more special with seeing some early Phil Collins era material performed live for the first time by anybody, as the only other Genesis Tribute Band I have seen have been the Musical Box.

    Here is a question to anyone that has seen the Slippermen perform live before, or the band themselves if they are on here? Since former Musical Box guitarist Denis Champoux replaced Martin Robert due to illness, was there more Peter Gabriel material performed as a result?

    I ask the question as I felt that Michel Sergi, who was great by the way, sounded a lot more like Collins than Gabriel, therefore I expected after "Squonk" to hear more or at least an equal amount of Collins lead vocal tracks to Gabriels.

    Instead out of the 18 songs performed in part of full, 8 were Collins tracks and 4 of those were instrumentals. While only one of the 10 Gabriel tracks was an instrumental.

    It would make sense to me that more Gabriel songs were performed because of the change at the Steve Hackett spot with Champoux filling in on such short notice.

    If this is the case than I'll be all the more excited to see the Slippermen the next time they are around Lake Ontario, as I would love to hear more early Collins era material and Michel really pulls it off.


  13. I'm very much looking forward to seeing Jeff Tweedy solo again this Saturday in Grantham, PA, though this time I suppose he'll have some part-time help from Wilco band mate Glenn Kotche.

    I'm glad to see Tweedy cover one of my two all-time favorite artists Bob Dylan at one of his recent shows. "John Wesley Harding" sweet.

    Hopefully on Saturday Tweedy will cover my other all-time favorite Neil Young as it will be Young's 60th birthday.


    From www.billboard.com

    Tweedy Tapping Archive, Covers On Solo Tour

    November 07, 2005, 4:10 PM ET

    Jonathan Cohen, N.Y.

    Wilco frontman Jeff Tweedy kicked off his fall solo tour Friday in Madison, Wis., treating the crowd to songs recent ("Spiders (Kidsmoke)"), vintage ("Sunken Treasure," the Uncle Tupelo-recorded traditional "Satan, Your Kingdom Must Come Down") and rare ("Bob Dylan's 49th Beard"). His young son Spencer also joined him on drums for "I'm the Man Who Loves You," the first song of the encore.

    In addition to an as-yet-unnamed song from Tweedy's upcoming album with his side band Loose Fur, the show also featured four songs with Wilco drummer Glenn Kotche to close the evening, including "The Late Greats" and a cover of Bob Dylan's "John Wesley Harding."

    "By the nature of playing by yourself, my repertoire gets a lot bigger than what it is with the band, that's for sure," Tweedy tells Billboard.com of the shows. "The band is capable of playing everything in the catalog, but at any given point you can't just pull something out and expect everybody to know it. With this band, we have to take time to revisit things."

    "Going out by myself, I really only have myself to worry about, and I know most of the songs," he adds with a laugh.

    Prior to Tweedy's sets, Kotche is performing material from his upcoming Nonesuch solo album. Wilco guitarist Nels Cline will fill the opening slot for a lone gig on Nov. 16 in New York. "Glenn will probably come out and do a few songs with me, but I kind of like to keep it a surprise if it is going to happen," Tweedy says.

    The solo tour runs through Nov. 22 in London, after which Wilco will continue work on their next studio album, which Tweedy is hoping to release sometime next year. As previously reported, the group has been working on 13 songs at its Chicago rehearsal space, including "I'm Talking to Myself About You" and the tentatively titled "On and On and On and On."

  14. Happy 56th Birthday Bonnie,

    May you have many, many more in health and happiness.


    Bonnie is one of my all time favorite ladies in the music industry, yet I forgot to mention yesterday the birthday of my all time favorite lady in music, Joni Mitchell

    So here's a Happy Belated 62nd Birthday Joni,

    May you also have many, many more in health and happiness. And after reading the July 2005 Reader's Digest article on Joni today, she really needs the wish I gave her as she just doesn't seem like a very happy lady.

    So critical of the world, and even if justified, her criticisms are keeping her from being inspired to write new material, which I find so sad.

    Put down the cigarettes Joni and pick up a pen, angry or not, your music will still teach us more than nearly anyone else on the music scene now.


  15. Don't forget everybody, it's Neil Young's 60th birthday this upcoming Saturday November 12, 2005.

    I'll be in Grantham, PA trying to convince Jeff Tweedy from stage to perform a Young song in honour of the greatest Canadian artist ever reaching this milestone of just not dying this year, as he nearly did.

    And I'll be seeing that Tweedy show with a former/future (?) lover I met at Farm Aid 1999. Neil truly has been more than any other musician the soundtrack of my life.

    I don't know how the rest of you will be celebrating the day but that is what I'll be doing.

    Thank the Maker, that Young can still "keep on rockin' in the free world" and I hope God doesn't have any plans to take him from us any time soon.


  16. It was a great week last week looking forward to seeing Neil Young four nights of the week on Late Night with Conan O'Brien.

    Though I did drop the ball and missed Young on Tuesday. I actually got off my butt and watched and taped the other three days.

    I especially love the interview Conan had with Young on Thursday. Where it was told that Neil changed all the tunings on Conan's guitars in his office. Then when asked Neil answered why he doesn't often do television. In a very typical Young response he stated how he is a control freak, and Young can't control how the people at home watch the show. Conan asked Neil how should they watch the next performance. And again typically Young told everone to turn it up as loud as the TV could go, which was funny because the next song was "Needle and the Damage Done."

    Ah I guess Neil even wants wooden music, as his old bandmate Graham Nash used to say, to be played loud.

    It wasn't made loud, but Young still wants it played loud. Okay Neil whatever you say.


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