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Everything posted by TheSloth

  1. Panthers are fucking stinking it up good and proper, Islanders can't keep a goaltender healthy, I'm starting to worry you might be right.
  2. Hhhhm Rangers scoring has been a little anemic last few games. If Anderson gets the call (and I don't know if he will, I hope not) 2-1 Sens. Otherwise 5-2 Rangers.
  3. I think Sens fans will reflect upon Bucky and ulitimately decide he was a fucking complete disaster but I'll always remember him as some buck toothed french guy with a great haircut. I'll still wear your official Sens gear t-shirt that Dinghy gave me last birthday with pride Bucky. Thanks for the memories.
  4. Yeah yeah, that's what i said, probably poorly. Definitely HoF talent, just didn't put up the numbers.
  5. There's 28.5% of the goals he scored that season right there. Kovie is a great talent but he's not HoF (HoF talent, definitely, career, no).
  6. Apparently Spezzer and the Butler didn't get the memo, Anderson is excused, he's new. The Edmonton and Ottawa games had eerily similar scoring lines. Glad the Oilers are keeping pace. As far as signing goaltenders goes, Anderson played two decent games, fuck rebuilding, the time is now! The Sens should immediately sign him to a long long term contract. Really committ hard. 4 mil a year over 5 sounds about right. Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out Kovie.
  7. Bah you're correct, read the wrong column. Who knows now.....Bucky and Anderson showdown for a job next year? I really don't care.
  8. Despite my wishes Bucky will not be resigned, Anderson is on the books for 2.1mil next year. It'll be him and who fucking ever, maybe Lehner. I'm disappointed Elliott won't be the sleigh the Sens ride to bottom and I’m slightly worried Anderson might try to win. Anyway, good riddance Elliott, you sack of shit
  9. I'm surprised he didn't crap himself with delight.
  10. Yeah putz, I'm constantly pouncing on the unsuspecting naives of this board or maybe you're just an idiot.
  11. Wait a second PajamaBoy. I think we've confirmed you're a dickhead, so have you deluded yourself into thinking you're the king of the internet or are you referring to me?
  12. Jesus christ, do you really have to constantly confirm you're a dickhead? You're also delusional, you've never had a quality post.
  13. I'm undecided on whether you're a fucking idiot or just trolling poorly. Actually that's not true, I decided you were a fucking idiot a while back, I guess I'm just undecided on the nature of your statement.
  14. I don't have one but I have friends that do and they're all about the nook. As Pat said, the e-library feature alone makes it amazing.
  15. So Fat Albert has now supposedly groped someone. All alleged but the rest of the article highlights what a disaster this guy is.
  16. Just watched Rooney's goal against ManCity, wow.
  17. It saddens me to think anyone that is a Sens fan isn't excited that the rebuilding process is underway. It's pretty delusional to think that this team is going anywhere and that Fish is a vital cog.
  18. It's okay, it's hard to distinguish between overpaid underachieving d-man on the Sens. Flip, for future reference, is the worst of the lot.
  19. I think Flip is around next year but I'm with you, dump salary, no one should be safe.
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