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Everything posted by TheSloth

  1. You might want to take a second look at that contract. They can't trade him but they'll cut him with no harm done. Link
  2. At this point just keep unleashing SexieRexie and draft a QB. There's all sorts of talk going around the Grossman vs McNabb and Shannie vs Snyder thing. One theory was they just want to tank the season so they're starting the Dragon. Another is going on about how it's a power struggle between Shannie and Snyder. Another it's just that Shannie's kid doesn't get along with McNabb. Who fucking knows?
  3. I was praying that Saint Tebow would beat the Raiders. The indignity of it all would have been awesome but it didn't happen. The sad truth of the Raiders and seemingly the Bills turning things around depresses me. I guess there's always Detroit to commiserate with but they just won a road game. Carolina seems tragically bad.
  4. Yeah, he was coming on pretty strong at the end of last year, maybe we all got our expectations a little too high.
  5. Oh no, I understand the difference between a forward and defencemen and I get your point buuuuuuuuuut Karlsson is young and he's playing for a team that's going nowhere. Play him and coach him. He can score in the NHL, why bother sending him down when he needs to learn to play against the big boys. If we weren't in a nosedive I'd agree with you.
  6. Arsenal faces Barcelona for the second straight year and they fucking deserve it for finishing second in their group. They should just let Cesc put all his crap into a sack, throw it on the plane and he can just stay in Spain after Arsenal gets hammered.
  7. Well to be fair, of the two, I kind of assume Karlsson will eventually get a grip on defensive responsibilities and learn to make the easier play. He's only 20. Spezzer, god bless him, I think he won't change shit until he gets traded.
  8. Rex Grossman. Jesus christ.
  9. Let the Rex Grossman era begin. About time.
  10. So the Redskins cut that punter/holder guy. Not the kicker that shanked two field goals but the punter/holder who missed the high snap of a wet ball from a long snapper who has arced quite a few this season. To be far he was a pretty crappy punter or at the very least having a bad year. Michael Wilbon called the Redskins the LA Clippers of the NFL last night. It's funny because it's true.
  11. Good ole Onion but lampooning the Redskins is almost too easy.
  12. Yeah, not much out there on the injury other than lower body. Bucky giveth, Bucky taketh away.
  13. No, no. The cry you've linked to is much more of a "My supposed Stanley Cup contending hockey team got a few cheap calls against them and couldn't persevere so I'm going to not only blame the refs for that loses but blame the aforementioned refs for the subsequent loss to the longest running joke in hockey as well" kind of cry. I was more just annoyed about the loss. Who you cheering for in real football tonight?
  14. I streamed the first half, saw Park's goal, thought things were a little chippy and didn't think Arsenal was playing all that great, caught the bus and now that I'm home I'm unsurprised the score remained 1-0. Aaaaah well.
  15. I'm not shocked, after the Roller "incident" I was operating under the assumption that Montreal/Montrealers is/are a cesspool of racism.
  16. I'm hoping for Pats vs Saints but I just looked at the remaining schedule and if the Saints run the table and manage to beat the Falcons then it ends up in one of those NFL tiebreaker clusterfucks, assuming the Falcons beat the Seahawks and Panthers (which they will). They'll have the same division record, split their games and have the same conference records. I can't remember what the next tiebreaker is? Results in common games? Long story short, I think if the Saints get home field they'll go to the Superbowl, if they don't it's a toss up.
  17. Kudos! That's some atomic grade trolling. 10/10.
  18. and in the same article read this about their old kicker: The Redskins are a disaster and will be for years to come. Shanking two short field goals and then missing an extra point to go into overtime, jesus christ it actually hurt to watch it.
  19. Is there any doubt at this point? All Bucky all the time.
  20. Missed the entire game due to commitments but it goes without saying they could have used more Bucky. Carkner is pretty dope but not Bucky dope.
  21. Hey Ollie, Toss them to Rob, it's a work related xmas thing I'm trying to weasel out of anyway, I should probably attend. Enjoy the game Rob.
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