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Everything posted by TheSloth

  1. Standard rhetoric. I'm not disagreeing Eugene is a massive fucking homer and too meddlesome but what did you expect him to say? It's a cluster fuck? That'd work for me but I think marketing might have an issue. You ever see Dan Gilberts response to Lebron leaving Cleveland? He made some promises as well. Don't change a thing now Sens, aim for the bottom. (Still love you Eugene but it’s waning and you are starting to remind me of Dan Snyder)
  2. GB Pitt (I kind of think the Jets are going to win, but if I pick them and they win then the Jets will have given me some small measure of happiness and I'm not going to let that happen, all hate all the time)
  3. Can we just get the rest of this bullshit out of the way and get this team into a lovable losers era. Lehner in the pipes getting shelled, Special K doing most of the scoring and when I say most, I mean around 20 goals. A bunch of others guys skating around like the Timbits. Our coach will wear a fedora and as soon as we get a sniff of a good player we'll trade him for a goon, but a really really good goon. The first line will be made of Daniel Marois and Eddie O-esque players. You know, crap, but you think they're decent when they're on your team. I followed that type of team for years and it's more fun than this. Someone should skate across Alfie's face and he can be the deformed, Swedish elder statesmen. PS Interesting gif Booche
  4. Get a longer look at Lehner, here and there, while saving some thousands here and there? Maybe Murray is just fucking with our heads. Just you and I. He is the devil after all.
  5. Wow, the kid must drool every time he makes it up. I've changed my mind, keep Lehner up and when Bucky comes back they'll have 5.7 mil in crappy goaltending. (actually more like 6.6, christ)
  6. That's actually what I assumed was going on but it just seems so unnecessary, what would the savings amount to?
  7. B-b-b-bu-bu-but Fish scored!?!?!?! What the fuck is with the revolving door on our obviously inadequate goaltenders? What am I missing? What is Clouston trying to say about his staff's ability to access talent? Okay, neither are good enough or ready enough. Fine. Brodeur is 27, leave him up. Leave Lehner down and let him build confidence. Is is that fucking hard? Maybe Im just confused.
  8. Ollie’d (you fucker) Well I have to give credit where credit is due, the Jets secondary was unbelievable, their pass rushers were effective and the o-line made Sanchez’ day a lot easier than it should have been. Christ!!! Steelers, Jets, Bears and Packers advance. Hate to say it but I’m pulling for the Pack but only for lack of a better choice. Maybe Rodgers will get killed on the final play of game as he throws the game winning TD over Revis (or Polamalu).
  9. NE is completely out of synch and shitting the bed. Brady throws a pick initial drive, they drop a touchdown and they blow a fake punt. Just terrible. Patriots are playing the exact way they had to to let the Jets win this. Groan, this could get ugly. edit: Damn, Jets got that in fairly easily and the Patriots follow that up with an after the whistle personal foul to kill any hope of going into the locker room with the slightest bit of momentum.
  10. Maybe we should open a Green Bay/Atlanta thread in the main forum and see if we can reach consensus on whether or not, in this day and age, one team should be allowed to asswhip another team like that. Rodgers shredded that team, maybe there's a reason I couldn't name a single Falcon defensive player (and I still can't). Disappointed the Ravens couldn't hang on.
  11. Hasselbeck has a lot of experience (ie he's old) and Cutler has never had a sniff of the post season, who knows. The thought of Seattle vs Atlanta is groan worthy but who the fuck am I to judge, they've both had more sucess in the last decade that the team I like. I should have watched more Altanta games, the whole team to me is Ryan, Turner and White. I'd have to think for a bit to name another Falcon.
  12. I'm mildly surprised how many people are going with Seattle. Chicago isn't great but their defense went toe to toe with GB week 16 17 and it was a slugfest. A far superior GB with more to play for barely made it out alive. I don't think Seattle has ever won a playoff road game either and I'm pretty sure Hasselbeck will shatter into a million pieces on his first hit in the sub zero weather. Now that I've said that watch Hasselback eat big hit after big hit while setting up screen after screen for Lynch who will burn the Bear's over pursuit defense and crush them.
  13. They're going to try to smash the ball down NE's throat. It's going to be interesting.
  14. GB Chi Pit NE I've got nothing against Atlanta and I don't mind Baltimore but please god don't let the Jets win, the Golden boy is the only thing I've got left in these playoffs ....... with Green Bay, Chicago, Pittsburg and New York potentially advancing things could get grim real fast.
  15. 6 goals baby! Take that Jehovah! Satan's choice! Go Sens Go!
  16. It's also Bryan Murray's sixth season with the organization. We should probably burn him at the stake or something.
  17. Meh, a 6-0 loss for their 6th straight loss. From a numerology stand point I think that signifies that this is the point they turn it all around and make a run for playoffs (or Bryan Murray is the devil).
  18. I'm a little surprised Bucky didn't get the nod.
  19. Please. There are still two teams worse than us in the East, no need to panic.
  20. Yet I'm still going to. It's fine by me, I was Auburn all the way. You should rent yourself out as a jinx.
  21. Well the team with the better paid quarterback won. (though really Dyer was the MVP) That game pretty much had a little of everything. That's sixth straight for the SEC I think. edit: nope, fifth
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