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Everything posted by TheSloth

  1. It's starting to pour now in DC, hopefully that slows Vick down.
  2. Wooohoooo. That touchdown didn't happen until the 2nd quarter. Take that Phillie.
  3. I hadn't checked the Sens score since the end of the first when it was 2-1 Flyers. 5-1, aaaah well.
  4. Nice simultaneous post. Brutal shit. I'm sticking it out, need more mind altering substances.
  5. Boom. First down of the game. 88 yards. Groan. edit: Ron Mexico is destroying them. redit: Jesus, 28 points and the 1st quarter isn't even over yet.
  6. Jesus mother fucking christ! What is their fucking problem in that city? Why the hell would you feel the need to lock him down for that long with that kind of guaranteed coin? He's 34, sign him for 2-3 more if you really felt the need to keep him around at most. Im going to give this just a bad and not a terrbile. They're committed to McNabb for the next 2-3 no matter what, they got no one else and need to draft and develop somone, McNabb has had his moments and there aren't going to be any quarterbacks available that are better (for now) so maybe McNabb had them over a barrel but jesus 5 years, 40 million guaranteed, that's a chunk. Maybe Shannie shouldn't have benched him the week before signing him to 78 million, insane. I swear to god if the Raiders actually keep their shit together I'll be pissed because at least I always had the Raiders to laugh at for all their craziness.
  7. I tried to find out how much of that contract is guaranteed and couldn't but without knowing I suspect not a lot and there's a lock out coming so I imagine this will amount to meh.
  8. It was tons of fun watching the Steelers get rolled. Patriots looked pretty good after looking pretty terrible last week. That was one of the youngest defences in the NFL knocking around Roethlisberger. The Patriots have tons of draft picks coming to them for the next couple of years as well, I think Brady might win another soon enough.
  9. TheSloth


    Wow TiCats. Way to go out like the Buffalo Bills.
  10. That's pretty homoerotic there buddy and I'll take a pass. I'm sure cramming balls down someones throat is all fine and proper on the inbred northern shores of PEI but not around here in the pillar of light and purity that is d'Orleans. Carey has been painful to watch so far but he brought me a lot of joy during the offseason (and please god, have him flame out in the playoffs). He's still numbero uno but I have been liking Gomez lately.
  11. Mother Fucker!!! I just found out now there was a game last night and a good matchup no less.......fuck!
  12. Wade Phillips is gone. Personally, I'm a little sad about it, wish he stayed on longer.
  13. Baaah, it's Monday, I hadn't had my coffee yet.
  14. Yeah, some pretty crazy games this weekend. Look at the Raiders mounting a charge! All that really means is a few hundred more virgins will be dumped into a blender and feed to Al through his gold feeding tube in an effort to keep him around a little longer. Still, biggest win the Raiders have had in a while, Im sure you were drunk as shit Booche. I'd be excited about GB crushing the Cowboys but seeing as Punk stank up the Packers will his Ollie-espue bandwagoneering it wasn't the same. Bills, jesus christ, can't say enough about their ability to lose. Unreal.
  15. Merriman to Buffalo. No word on Tila Tequila. Updated Nov 3, 2010 6:00 PM ET Shawne Merriman now knows which team he will be playing for next. The winless Buffalo Bills have successfully put in a waiver claim for the three-time Pro Bowl linebacker. As first reported by FOXSports.com, the Bills showed interest in claiming Merriman when he was placed on waivers by the San Diego Chargers earlier this week. Bills general manager Buddy Nix was instrumental in drafting Merriman when Nix was still with the San Diego Chargers.
  16. That's Jeff Fisher's team and he gets respect. He'll, at the very least, be able to handle Moss better than that pussy Childress. Whether or not Moss plays well is another question.
  17. There has to be something in the water in DC.
  18. HOLY MOTHER OF GOD, PLEASE MAKE IT STOP! From some fox outlet....... JaMarcus Russell Meeting with Redskins Updated: Tuesday, 02 Nov 2010, 10:12 AM CDT Published : Tuesday, 02 Nov 2010, 9:24 AM CDT HOUSTON - NFL sources told FOX 26 Sports former Oakland Raiders quarterback JaMarcus Russell will work out Tuesday for the Washington Redskins. Russell, the number one overall draft pick in 2007, was released by the Raiders in May. In three years as a starting quarterback in Oakland, Russell had 7-18 record. For three months, Russell has been working with former NBA head coach John Lucas in Houston in an effort to get a second chance in the NFL. Lucas, who had his own share of off-the-court-issues as a player, is nationally known for working with troubled athletes. Last week, Russell had a blip on his radar erased when a Mobile County (Ala.) grand jury declined to indict him on charges of possession of a controlled substance. The grand jury cited insufficient evidence concerning Russell's July 5 arrest for possession of codeine syrup without a valid prescription. A friend had testified in court that a drink laced wth codeine was his and not Russell's. On Oct. 20, Russell told FOX 26 Sports he was convinced he would get another shot at playing quarterback in the NFL. "I know for a fact," said Russell then. "I have faith in God and strong beliefs. I know for a fact. It's going to happen. "I can't say when, but until it happens I am going to stay here in Houston and continue to work out each and every day no matter how long it takes." Asked if he has any doubts he can help an NFL team, Russell said, "None. None whatsoever. I need to be there."
  19. The Bills are beyond ridiculous, jesus christ, massive atmosphere of losing. Speaking of which, fucking Redskins...groan.
  20. They were just awful Saturday. Yep, Phillips looked bad.......again.
  21. Nope, straight drop. I believe, I can't remember exactly because I was young, could have been north side, there was a huge accident at the Panda Game (Carleton vs UofO football) where a bunch of students went over the edge after a rail broke. The old endzone seats used to be amazing, rickety as hell, terrifying (1 part the rowdy patrons 1 part the structure), they always felt like they were about to come down and we always got free tickets as kids because we delivered the Citizen. Goods times.
  22. Not a fan anymore. I don't even know where to begin but the whole NFL on Sunday/my girlfriend tolerates a day of it thing is pretty major and the most civil thing I could say. But hey, I work for the province of Saskatchewan and back there they eat it up...then again they don't have a ton of options. Last time I was at a game Dexter Manley (ex-Redskin legend) committed an outrageous personal foul where he grabbed the opposing by his helmet/head and swing him around, airplane-esque, until the guy popped out of his helmet and flew a few yards, then Dexter threw his helmet at him. Pretty glorious, probably my last great memory of the Riders. I'd probably go to a couple games if we got a franchise but I'd just be getting super drunk. Back in the day we used to smoke bottle tokes in the upper reaches of the empty North side...guess that's another great Rider memory.
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