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Everything posted by TheSloth

  1. A)Seriously, you were pulling for the US national squad over the last remaining African nation in the first world cup held on African soil.....the US national squad. "USA! USA!" those guys? B)Ollie'd C)I've got two pints of Young's Double Chocolate Stout ice cold to start and vodka and mix ready to roll.
  2. Yes!!!!! Thank god and good riddance. One of the closing shots of the US fans chanting USA! USA! but getting drowned out by vuvuzelas made me chuckle, first time I remotely enjoyed them. I've heard enough about that US squad to last me a lifetime, now go away. Both goals were great efforts by Ghana, particularly the second, and I thought the defender got a bit of the ball on the US awarded penalty but whatever, I'm so blinded by dislike that I'm probably wrong. That second Uruguay goal was retarded. I'm happy for you Hamilton. Amazing results today. Seperated at birth? Maybe.
  3. TheSloth


    Only 1500 calories
  4. The masses have spoken, execute Spezza, it's the only sane choice we have.
  5. Fucking brutal. I worked late all week so I could leave early for that. I'd like to say the Algerians were entirely responsible for making England look bad (they partially were) but Englands passing as they approached the goal was complete shit at times. Rooney's touch at arond the 60minute mark at the top of the box stunk. So many poorly executed attacks. First half was just rough and they got better as the game went on but fuck, come'on, they didn't look anything like the team that qualified. If it wasn't Friday and if the Habs didn't just trade Halak I'd probably be kicking the dog right now.
  6. that's just the former Leafs fan in you I'm not sure everyone knew that' date=' thanks for digging up the past. It's not something I've said often in my life but it needs saying, that's one handsome gentleman.
  7. I was coming in here to say just that. I get what you're saying Deuce but it's pretty ridiculous to be quantitatively comparing where they were drafted when Halak has already proven beyond a shadow of a doubt he's a good goaltender, far beyond his 271st overall pick would indicate. In hind sight he was a steal. The other two guys haven't proven shit all yet (though they may). None the less at this stage in the game the draft comparison isn't really that valid. No one is whining in Sens country. Thank fucking god Halak is gone to the West. At no point while watching Raycroft play at any point in his career did I have to turn the television off because it was too painful to watch. Of course I have a lot of hatred invested in the Habs but still, Halak was agony and I’m glad the pain is over. Watching Price is a joy, we affectionately call him Juicer. That’s pretty much what it boils down to I guess and imagine the shit you can talk if Juicer works out but I think he’s more Theodore than Roy.
  8. Stunned. A center and some toughness. Currently reading more on Eller.
  9. I don't play the game but those of you that may, he's going in at an 87
  10. Is there any way to know what CBC's 7:30 pm match of the day is going to be ahead of time?
  11. I was reading some board and there was one guy on there saying he loves them, and I thought to myself, what a fucking idiot. I'm glad it's the Chelsea fan on this boards that loves them as well, very telling
  12. "Supermarkets reported selling tens of thousands of the pounds 3 plastic horns over the weekend, prompting speculation that they would become a familiar sound at British grounds next season. The Premier League and the Football League said they could not ban vuvuzelas and it was up to individual clubs to decide whether to allow them." The horror. Worst.World.Cup.Ever. (if that's what ends up being it's legacy) Please god, ban them in the Emirates.
  13. Moving out of walking distance from The Northern 2 helped me with my addiction to dumplings. Keep me posted if you have success making them.
  14. I'm torn on the whole vuvuzela issue. I fucking despise them and the lack of crowd/songs/dead silences/gasps takes away from the Cup (for me) but it's South Africa's Cup to host and it's their tradition. If they had just produced these plastic shit sticks for the Cup only, then get rid of them but they didn't, this is how they do it down there and the organizers should have put some thought into that instead of contemplating regulating how a culture should be watching football. But holy fuck, I hate them.
  15. Drubbing. Germay looks to be in good form. Lots of creative plays, the score could have been much worse, not that 4-0 isn't a disaster.
  16. Green should commit seppuku at the half, it's the proper thing to do.
  17. I sense the fun is coming to an end.
  18. No I'm pretty sure we had beers at MattyCs not more than two, maybe three years ago and we used to have beers all the time. PS I'll fix my typos because that stuff actually drives me a bit crazy when I notice I make them.
  19. You've actually mentioned that before but we've met but we were destroyed at the time.
  20. God. Sometimes I wish it were so... sometimes I wish it were so. Understandable, it's probably easier to handle some unknown thinking you're an idiot as opposed to someone you know thinking you're an idiot.
  21. Wow. Christ, I just bothered to take a second and look at your jpg. Just how stupid are you? (this is actually the second time I've asked you this question on the board). I made it pretty clear I'm not anonymous, we've know each other for over a decade. No one on this board is anonymous, we all know each other, it's proably the only reason why I post here. I'm sure as fuck not joking around and busting people's chops on fark. Look, you're a moron, we all get that and I guess because we have avatars instead of our actual pictures and we go by chosen handles as opposed to our real names you got confused and couldn't piece together who we are. Maybe you will one day. Hint: Booche is Andre.
  22. Yeah like that time you expressed your opinion on racial issues. Also, people express their opinions constantly on this board, they just put a little thought into it.
  23. Really, I'll be sure to tell it to your face if I ever see you again, I'm pretty sure I called you an idiot to your face a few times in the past. The whole internet tough guy thing is in regard to anonymity. Put it this way, you're a fucking idiot and we've known each other for years.
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