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Everything posted by TheSloth

  1. Kudos to the Redskins for managing to find multiple ways to lose. Fuckers.
  2. B-b-b-b-b-b-but we changed the name of the Favre thread already....... Glad he's still hanging in there.
  3. For me the Carey thing is just something I like to keep going after the snowstorm that was the Ottawa Sens a few years back. God Bless his coke habit, whoring and poor goaltending skills, easily my favorite Hab.
  4. What's the netiquette rating on a malware related avatar Roller?
  5. Good stuff, Arsenal already up by two. Arshavin's was decent.
  6. Habs get all 82 games in HDTV again this year (RDSHD)... Much Sweet-er Dope! You'll actually be able to look through Juicer's mask and see the blow caked around his nose as he sits in the crease not giving a fuck that he just got owned after giving up yet another juicy rebound.
  7. Ollie's a mod? Wow this place is going to shit.
  8. I'm completely comfortable saying that Bucky is one good looking man. Ladies killer for sure.
  9. With Bucky closing the door this year we won't need Volchenkov blocking all those pucks! If they cared about the fans they wouldn't have Fan Fest starting at 9:30am on a Saturday.
  10. Asking too many questions will get you killed Todd. drhendrick@gmail.com - that's right, I'm a doctor.
  11. I like the improved pass atttack for the Ravens. Ray Lewis was great last night.
  12. Yeah that was just terrible. Ultimately I guess they interpreted the rule by the letter but even then I don't know, it almost seemed like the putting the football down was a second football move, not a continuation of him recovering from the hit (which knocked him to his ass and knee and he slid a bit) and therefore a touchdown. Being a Detroit fan must be hell. Stafford got leveled as well. All in all a fun weekend though, Raiders got crushed, Indie lost and Washington beat their rival (though it took a lot bad penalties from Dallas to do it).
  13. If you don't hate the Cowboys or aren't a Redskin fan I imagine that was a tough game to watch at times buuuuuut Fuck Yeah! Take that Dallas. Great way to start the season.
  14. I can't find exact stats but I think Peterson had 77 yards on 16 carries in the first half. That's 4.8 yards a carry. What exactly is your standard for establishing the run? A big run? No, thats not what I think establishing the run means but if you're a big run fan then handing AP the ball 3 times in the 2nd half is sure limiting your chances of that happening. Toss in the fact Favre seemed a bit rusty, missed training camp and is coming off an injury is all the more reason to live or die on the run. Really, Im not so sure about that. Did you see the look on NOs collective faces when the Vikings feed it to them on their touchdown drive in the 2nd quarter. Id say Drew Brees and the rest looked all sorts of fucking concerned on that drive. My take on what happened was NO scored quick in the 3rd and Childress panicked and got away from the game plan but I'm biased, for a supposed offence specialist I think Baldy sucks.
  15. For those that may have missed them, Old Balls' post NFC championship game photos. The Saints beat the fuck out of him.
  16. Old Balls could have used a few more reps in training camp that he, of course, missed most of. He almost had a 3-4 int game. Getting away with 1 was lucky and as Booche said NO had some big drops, could have been a blowout. I think Peterson had three carries in the second half after putting up 70+ yards in the first. If he had 6-8 carries for bullshit in the 3rd and then the Vikings threw all 4th you could say NO took the running game away but I have no idea how you could come to that conclusion otherwise unless they injured AP (maybe, who knows) or you were drunk (I sure was). Terrible play calling in my opinion. NO's play calling was great on the otherhand, air show in the first half that set up a nice balance in the second. Also those photos of Favre's injuries were grizzly. Wow. I think someone one this board who has a reputation for being angry (other than myself) needs to bust out his personal stationary and pen Old Balls an apology letter for calling him a faker.
  17. Did you know i grew up in Washington and our family had season tickets for five years? True fact.
  18. For fuck's sake! Seriously, just plain fuck. Groan.
  19. TheSloth


    Thoroughly addicted to this...... and don't plan on dealing with my problem any time soon. Supposedly not nearly as good when it comes out of the can so get the bottle.
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