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Everything posted by TheSloth

  1. Probably no one here but who among us consistently and endlessly sputters out complete fucking bullshit all the fucking time. In my opinion my favourite (meaning the one I'm most blown away by how full of crap you are) is your complete fabrication of going to the cottage with your Dad listening to the Habs game (thanks Mr. BigTime). It narrowly edges out the forum ghost one. Douchebaggery at it's best.
  2. I'll be surprised if he's even in the league next year.
  3. I was just joking around and thought you had just made the simple mistake of missing Booche's post thus the mildly humourous pic, now I'm baffled why you felt the need to link to an article that you knew was quoted in it's entirety 2 posts above but then again I thought it was obvious Booche was quoting. No biggie but I want you to issue a refund for the depreciation of one mouse click on my mouse, that shit adds up.
  4. Fools, this is your chance to fall in love with International Grass Diving, like Booche, I'm amped.
  5. Booche, pathetic trolling, you can do better, the fact Kev is along for the ride demeans you.
  6. That's understandable, we all realize that this thing called "winning" is a strange and foreign concept to you, try to settle into it.
  7. Thanks for the morning snicker. Can't wait until Saturday.
  8. I surprisingly and strangely found myself pulling for Phillie (Claude Giroux still lives in the glorious oasis that I call home, d'Orleans!) but I can live with the results. Unlike some, I'm happy for Hossa, nothing wrong with exercising your free agent rights IMO and he was a great Senator. For me it's really about the Leaves now being tied for the longest no cup streak and sole owner of the dubious 43 years and not a sniff of the finals streak. So awesome they're officially the most futile franchise, not that there aren't a bunch of teams that are far behind but every one of them has at least made the cup finals in my lifetime. Thanks Hawks.
  9. It's not over! (but probably still won't happen)
  10. I actually shocked you haven't piped up more about your Reds, Guigs. Hope you're enjoying it but the Cardinals look strong, we shall see.
  11. I'll just ignore all that in an effort to keep us focused on England and the Cup.
  12. I think you should probably click the link Slippery. ..... and really, that was much more of a back breaker than an arm breaker. I remember it well but not fondly.
  13. The only thing I'm disappointed by is I haven't found footage of him breaking his arm yet. He's currently by far my least favorite player.
  14. Drogba out! Good riddance you diving piece of shit.
  15. TheSloth

    Duck challenge

    I fired one of these puppies off on my coleman at Deer Creek 97 using this exact recipe only substituting human sweat for sea salt and crack cocaine for rock sugar, it was delicious. I think the master stock is still in my cooler. Good luck!
  16. Let's all start praying Argentina doesn't win the Cup.
  17. I know I'll immediately regret even asking what the fuck are you going on about but it's like a car crash, you just have to look. What the fuck are you going on about? The Forum ghosts? Wouldn't you have to fucking win something, ie the Stanley Cup, to have any fucking notion that the so called Forum ghosts have finally made their migration to the Bell Centre? Here's a fucking update, Les Brahs got crushed in the conference finals. Is Le Curse over as well because you have a decent goaltender?
  18. To be fair it's now being reported that he was playing through a tough groin injury but whatever fuck him, I'm glad he's done and his rep, fairly or unfairly, has hopefully followed him to SJ.
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