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Everything posted by TheSloth

  1. Rumour has it that Murray will announce that the Sens will be giving 110%, be keeping their noses to the grindstone and taking it one game at a time....I'd tune in.
  2. I can generally get it going but yeah I get similar problems sometimes. You have anything better?
  3. You know exactly what I'm talking about. But this isn't like Emery where he would show up at the same after hours club I was at, there was some first hand information than was undeniable but I'm not touching this, it could all be bullshit.
  4. He had an ass goal against Celtic as well .... he's a pioneer in the field.
  5. Might as well post this decent streaming site just in case people missed the link last year (Thanks Jakis) http://atdhe.net Any other good sites out there?
  6. I'm still wondering about what might have been with that Edmontion trade. It might be another tough year for the Sens, we shall see.
  7. Don't throw facts and logical thoughts at us, it's our year.
  8. I think what concerns me is actually why Heater wants out. If it's simply just butting heads with the coach then fine but there's rumour of bigger problems in which case there's already something negative there and this is Heater's reaction to it. Before all of this I had quite a bit of optimism for this season for a few reasons. It's disappointing all this is taking place.
  9. Wait until Alfie spears Spezza for missing a defensive assignment, it'll be plenty exciting.
  10. We all get it Andre (long, long, long before you felt the need point it out and blast someone for essentially saying the same thing). How's Gomez doing with those french lessons?
  11. and here I thought you were being a baby, wrong again. Like I said, I stand corrected, you've never watched a press conference. On second thought.
  12. You know what you're right. You win. I believe you when you say you've never watched a press conference in your entire span of being a huge sports fan. Kudos. The rest of us of are dumb. Well played.
  13. That's a gem. You and all the other moguls of society. Guy, you've watched press conferences from star players from your favorite teams. Let it go.
  14. I will agree to being called a hypocrite if it has to do with football costumes. Jesus fucking Christ. You are making no sense at all, yet again. Wow, what is wrong with you? What does that even mean? Are you trying to say you're a hypocrite for making a joke about a cheerleaders costume when you wear one regularly yourself? Okay, thanks for sharing. I'll break it down for you, first you bitched at someone for expecting some big announcement in a press conference when they said the exact opposite, then you back pedalled to saying they were stupid just for watching a press conference when we've all watched press conferences, including yourself dumb ass, thus you're a hypocrite. Okay, I'm getting suspicious now, there’s no way this is Andre. I'm going to contact Mike and get him to look into the IPs these posts are coming from because I'm thinking the Booche account has been jacked. (Still love you, but I can’t get into the fun today, boss is back shortly)
  15. I'd like to see the footage of that.... Gallas scored again, unbelievable. Arsenal is pouring them in.......against Everton and Portsmouth, but still. Anyone know if the Lpool match is televised today?
  16. Yeah, I was just going to post that.... 10-64-4-6.... damn they were bad.
  17. Hey, we played an important role in team spirit. Now go back to being a hypocrite.
  18. Just checked my inbox and apparently Lynn snapped this picutre of you last night just before you picked up the phone and begged Barrett for help. I just told a bunch of people I know that Ollie watched a press conference as well and they're all as dismayed as you, a few of them cried as hard as you did last night.
  19. WTF is that picture depicting. That's all sorts of creepy. What's it from?
  20. Just ran late. Check your PMs, I need a ride tomorrow.
  21. I probably should have left my attempt to make you feel bad up but it probably wouldn't have worked anyway and from an outside perspective it just seemed like too much.
  22. It just occured to me that someone that doesn't know us well might actually take what I said there seriously, so I'll change that to "Well it's about time you came to rescue your bum buddy but it's too late so why don't you just pour yourself a beer"
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