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Everything posted by TheSloth

  1. If Ottawa ever gets a team back I'd probably go to two or three games but that's kind of always been the problem, a bunch of people just going to two or three games (that and fraudulent ownership and a terrible product on the field). Still, sipping beer at Lansdowne can be pretty fun.
  2. I hear you. The whole CFL defence style doesn't really do it for me.
  3. And the endzone is dynamite in the way it doesn't let defences tighten up and go into redzone shutdown and force brilliant tiptoe plays from receivers.
  4. That's it? No b-b-b-b-but three downs make for more exciting football? No b-b-b-b-but the yard apart at scrimage makes for bigger runs? For shame Ollie! (still actually curious who your team is though)
  5. If Montreal still had a franchise you'd probably be a bigger fan but yeah, I'm kind of bored with it as well. I'm sure if I lived in Chicago or NY I'd love it though.
  6. The good football -> NFL Preseason Aug 9 - NFL Regular Season Sep. 10 featuring Steelers vs Titans. (yeah that's pretty dope). I may be willing to bitterly fight and attack people that think the CFL isn't garbage to kill time until the NFL season starts. So who's your CrapFootballLeague team Ollie? (just so I know who's not going to win) PS Forgot to thank you for the rooting for the Wings, thanks. I'll assume you're big Dwight Howard fan as well, thanks again.
  7. Let's also keep in mind Crosby's reputation as a whiney little bitch might be affecting peoples opions of the whole situation and maybe that's why a few people aren't giving him the benefit of the doubt. (once again, I think he didn't do anything on purpose and as much as I like to hate on him he did get the job done)
  8. And by gripe about it for a bit you mean post countless pictures, bitch up a storm and not shut the fuck up about it for years. I'd do the same if someone did it to the Sens. (but I do feel Crosby probably just got caught up in it all and should simply just say that)
  9. The celebrity girlfriend trifecta is now in play.
  10. See, isn't that much funnier than telling me to fuck off.
  11. Who's this "Lindstrom" character you're talking about Roller?
  12. I think they should transfer him to Real Madrid for 80 million pounds and then use the money to buy a solid striker and shore up the midfield......uuuh wait a second........ I remain unmoved (denial) but I'm almost onto the "Fuck him!" stage of the eight steps to Losing Your Star Player Get Well Program . It pretty much forces the Sens hand into rebuilding (who knows though, we got Heatley in a disgruntled star for disgruntled star trade, could happen again) it will force the organization to look at Murray (again), and what the fuck can you do if he wants out..... FUCK HIM! WE'LL WIN WITHOUT THAT FUCKING FLOATER! Seriously though, tough break. I realize the win streak for the Sens started against the league's backup goaltenders and a bevy of teams that were looking past the Sens for a good portion of it but the team really did seem to be playing decent hockey for the second half. Those two nightmare of defencemen Lee and Bell were actually playing well (okay, better is probably more fair)...it no longer looked like Bell had someone shining a headlight in his eyes. I was really excited about the new goaltender. Folignio came on. There's no fucking way Fish could be that abysmal again. I kind of wanted to see what the team could do. Aaaah well.
  13. I'll go 3-2 Pens but only because I called the Pens to win the series (home ice and getting the match-ups you want seem to be all the difference in this series, hopefully the Pens can reverse the tide).
  14. That's really all I could ask for. Can't wait for the 2009-2010 season, brought to you by Coors and NBC.
  15. You should be comish. What would ticket prices average? $250-1000 a game, well worth it because you know that one time the Leafs or Habs are in town the game is going to be nuts.
  16. And we're talking about a league where over half the teams make the playoffs, and the teams that don't are generally garbage, so yeah the jockeying in the standings is still pretty meaningless. The neck in neck between two to three teams at the end is always exciting but that would happen in a 40-60 game season as well (and no I don't think the NHL is going to change, but shorter seasons make for more meangingful games)
  17. I recall Ottawa being in the basement, and yeah I think the season is too long.
  18. I agree, the 82 game NHL season is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too long, filled with bland, meaningless, and inconsequetial games. The playoffs on the other hand, love it, wish they stretched until NFL pre-season.
  19. Yeah, because that other guy they got playing behind him is a monster! (got nothing, just killing time). I like Bosh.
  20. Halladay's gone next year - blow his fucking arm out Kerry Wood style.
  21. Perfect fit, if he plays well, he'll be a god down there - they'll absolutely love him.
  22. Except, of course, for 2003 and last year. I really don't care that much but seriously what's with your complete lack of fucking facts in the shit you're posting lately.
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