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Everything posted by TheSloth

  1. Post a pic of the new puppy Schwa or GTFO. (and don't give me that I don't have a camera bullshit, these are the formative years, snap some pics, they grow fast)
  2. Another good read, if you're interested, is "How to be your dog's best friend", especially if you're dealing with a larger breed. It contains a lot of insight into how your dog may be thinking. The Monks of New Skete
  3. The true and fair contest would be which Otis can oink and grunt more in a set period of time....no encouragement...just straight, natural oinking.
  4. The vastly superior Otis....... He's my girlfriend's but I can tell he loves me more.
  5. Yeah, that just plain hurt.
  6. He's no Gene Simmons, I'll tell you that much. Les Claypool sucks!
  7. If a single for Friday turns up I'd gladly take it.
  8. Way to go Booche, you'd think you'd be able to correctly spell the name of a band that you played in but still ......... QFT.
  9. Hux, you'd have a pretty sweet poster if you managed to photoshop Blue Grassy High out of there, that band was kife.
  10. If I had photoshop skills I'd make the ice look like molasses. So long crappy version of Alfredsson. Serioulsy though, end of an era, great player, good luck.
  11. Well, at least he's saying the right things.
  12. Okay, you know what, paying a fucking floater for a single year is probably the best way of getting the most out of the guy. If it happens and it's only for a single year, I could live with it but it still makes me feel dirty. Really I would have rather seen Camalarri in Sens uniform.
  13. No! FUCK NO! No! We don't need that piece of shit floater in Ottawa, we already have enough problems.
  14. 53 Million over 5 I'm not really qualified to say if its a good signing or not but I loved the way he played over Cleveland (and I was cheering for Cleveland).
  15. Two and a half months in, downloaded and printed the book, haven't read it (but still may). Cravings are negligible except for drinking+patio action where there's the occasional dicey moment but nothing I can't handle.
  16. Four out of five are tuck ins.
  17. The Bed? You just shat it moderator
  18. ......and the good news for Lions fans is their interception rate will go up this year.
  19. I hope the Islanders continue their tradition of acquiring gigantic defenseman and then trading the defenseman along with a first round draft pick to Ottawa for some piece of shit that doesn't want to play there anymore.
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