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Everything posted by TheSloth

  1. Just admit it Dinghy, you're a closet Pubes fan.
  2. I still clicked Roller, maybe I'm just a masochist (or maybe it's just Friday and I'm desperate to kill off the day)
  3. He's too slow.....Hal Gill slow (okay, that's pushing it a little) but maybe you're right. Wish him all best if he doesn't clear.
  4. How 'bout dem Bulldogs! Goooooooooo Dogs!
  5. I'd say something snarky but I'm too busy having some good times in the Bulldog thread.
  6. Eric Karlsson and Matt Carkner stay up for the start of the season, Christoph Schubert and Brian Lee down. Fine by me, I kind of hated Pubes (dinghy's a fan, I think) and I'm sure the organzition felt Brian Lee could no longer soil the sheets properly now that his equally inept partner in crime Brandon Bell has bolted for St. Louis (though I really did feel Lee was coming on at the end of last season).
  7. Definitely my favourite Leaf retirement as well. Good riddance you stinking mouth breather. (I'm guessing he's Hall of Fame bound)
  8. NW avoids that button at all costs because it completely cripples his ability to slam this board and its users as unfriendly, turtle like a coward and then three days later have the balls to ask people around here for mailing list help and then toss up a "you guys are grrrrrreat!" comment when he gets the help he needs. That and docturing his pro-line picks. All jokes aside if punkie says it happened then it happened but otherwise there's no way we should accept the picks. And who fucking said this was a friendly pool because if I knew it was going to be I wouldn't have particapated.
  9. Skins GB Minny NE NYJ Philly NYG Ravens Houston NO Chicago Pitt Denver SD Indy Dallas MNF 41 (price is righting Dave-O)
  10. Stop being reasonable, it's Friday.
  11. I'm not going to look but only to be contrary and standoff-ish. I'm guessing thousands. And really I think a lot of what's being said applies to last year's thread as well, we're just getting ready for the shit stream we all know you have planned out for us.
  12. Agreed, so why do you post endless streams of Bulldog crap in it (not just recently, I'm talking all the time)? I'm not saying the Bulldogs aren't relevant to the Habs, I'm saying you are not capable of filtering out the tid bits of information that are. I click on threads when there's new posts and often a new post in the Habas thread has nothing to do with Habs, why not post it here. Like Booche said, there's probably enough interest to have it owns thread, seems to me likes it's already on a roll and it might end up being a great thread, more importantly I won't click on it unless Esau or someone other than you has posted because their post will more than likely not be some cut and paste job about a farm team I really don't care about. Do I care if Esau get's all liquoured up and heads to a game and has a hilarious time? Yes. Do I care about line changes the team is making? No. I will however continue to click on your Habs posts in hopes of starting something up.
  13. I'm with Booche on this one, it's annoying reading sifting through the mounds of Bulldog crap when you just want NHL info.
  14. "If you build it, they'll still lose"
  15. Okay, that makes a lot more sense. Jesus, that must have been crazy when he rolled into that place.
  16. Ouch, that's extreme. Yeah, I know we debated whether or not he deserved his sentence but wow, Rikers, that place is fucking nuts. He's in protective custody and he's safe but still.
  17. (unless some people out there had mom's that encouraged them to hate on people which I doubt) (all in good fun)
  18. Well that's the internet for you, I saw things exactly the opposite. From my perspective NW panties were in a bunch and I think Esau and I were just trying to say this is great and nice board by any standard and the vast majority of things that could be misconstrued as holier than though or negative are probably just jokes.
  19. I don't think you were really that flamed at all and the only slightly negative things even directed at you I think were deserved. I truly don't see what you're going on about in regard to you calling people holier than thou and saying we all talk to each other like we despise each other on a daily basis. I just don't. I think what Esau said was bang on. Up to the point where you edited your post the responses you had were genuinely interested in what you said and just simply expressed a view that was contradictory to yours......both were nicely put, far nicer than the broad asshole persona and comments you posted.
  20. Jesus just read AD's post, if you've snapped because of what AD posted you should just realize you're having a bad day, turn off the internet and crack a beer.
  21. Are you insane? What are you referring to exactly?
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