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Everything posted by TheSloth

  1. I bet you would Barrett, the ones that burned in my house fire, no prob guy, I'll dig them up you fucking piece of shit.
  2. Okay, I lied, I'll waste a little more time, it’s Friday after all. Maybe if you even made the slightest bit of sense or even had a legitimate point I'd understand. Not that I care. The playing sports/press conference thing, wow, If you think you made a point there, you didn't. We all understood before you posted that press conferences don't amount to much and that Heater wouldn't be shooting his mouth off, that's so fucking obvious that only the most dense of fucks would point it out then gloat about making an interesting point. Ollie even clarified for the people that might not have known that yet. You basically just parroted what he said and then accused him of not knowing that. The Plaxico thing. Are you referring to the time he owned the Patriots in the Super Bowl like I just owned you? Or the shooting himself in the leg thing because then yeah, I don't get that either. Whatever. Christ guy, two Fridays in August (almost back to back) you completely shit the bed and barely make any sense...wow. The king is dead. I'd keep going but it's starting to feel like punching a kitten in the face....a fucking ugly and stupid kitten....but still a kitten.
  3. Groan, okay this is the last moment of my day I'm wasting on you. Yeah and Ollie pretty much alluded to that in his post and never said he expected anything more. Read it again dumb ass. It's a standard press conference and don't say you've never watched one and haven't had a bit of your time wasted as well. Like I said, wow, he's out a whole 15 minutes....mother fucker....I just realized I should have gone all Booche on the bus driver this morning because he wasted 10 whole fucking minutes of my life when he was late this morning. I'm not getting that time back. Ollie and I should probably seek out a support group and get some dialog going on what we just went through today because I don't want this type of emotional damage seeping into my everyday life. As far as nothing was going to be said that hasn't already been said....what the fuck are you going on about...nothing's been said period, Heatley been absolutely silent on why. The diminished role comment, albeit bizarre is still something. I talked about it a bit already today, Kev even made a funny point about it. It's something, not a lot, but something. What? I don't remember having to choose my words carefully at press conferences so I wouldn't piss off current or future teammates. Fuck, I don't even remember press conferences....or trades.....or contracts....or training camp. I'd like to see how you handled your press conferences when you played sports, I'm sure you were slick. The good news is you’re at rock bottom, it's only up from here.
  4. OMFG! Ollie listened to a press conference from a star player from his favorite hockey team who's been holding said team hostage and has been quiet about it all summer. What a fucking idiot. God Ollie, you're a dumb ass. Way to notice Booche, dynamite stuff. I especially appreciate your ability to read between the lines and gleam Ollie's obvious disappointment that the press conference didn't amount to much and then to proceed to rag on him for it even though he didn't even remotely mention he expected much and went as far to say he thought it was pretty standard. Christ, he's out a whole 15-30 minutes of his life, brutal. But truthfully I came to congratulate you on pointing out the correlation between watching a press conferences and not playing a sport. I never realized that was the case. But you confirmed it right? Good, it’s confirmed. It does leave me with the problem of trying to figure out whether the sports I played in the past (football mostly) were actually sports or whether the press conferences I've watched (football related mostly) were actually press conferences. It’s one or the other right? I’m guessing everyone else on this board now has this problem as well, including yourself you stupid fucking imbecile, because you confirmed it. Way to ruin a Friday afternoon. The only person that's dripping weaksauce is you. Shut it down for the night because I just read your last post in the Melnyk thread and you're obviously locked into some sort of mental retardation. Hopefully it'll be gone by morning. Look, I like abusing Ollie as much as the next guy but you can do better than that, I'm disappointed.
  5. No, I think people still remember the Sens ownership troubles fucktard.
  6. I think the vast majority of folks still view him as the saviour of the franchise.
  7. So he's finally coming out of the closet.
  8. Sexual fantasy forum please Booche.
  9. Is the answer: The last time the Habs were good?
  10. One more and then I'll let those interested explore and absorb guidoness on their own terms. And going back to the initial topic, I think #1 is pretty damn special.
  11. These photos bring me endless joy.
  12. TheSloth


    Probably. Someday.......
  13. TheSloth


    Davey Boy broke the first rule of Rich Stadium. Seriously, we managed to deal with AlphaNerd sticking his head in here in a calm, cool and collected fashion but let's not draw attention to ourselves.
  14. TheSloth


    Fingers crossed. Seriously though, well put. Ulitmately I see your point and I guess it would be unfair to say Bolt juiced and maybe I should pull the jadedness back a little and appreciate it. You're right, he ran it and it's the high water mark for speed. (still there's just been way toooo much of it and the rewards are soooooo high I just can't let my doubt go).
  15. TheSloth


    As usual, I agree with Badams. Nothing to be red faced about, Godwin'ing is an internet standard. Like I said, I've always thought steroids/genetics/sports/human limits to be an intersting topic and things are slow around here. "It is better to suffer wrong than to do it, and happier to be sometimes cheated than not to trust." This is the similar in theme Samuel Johnson quote I was thinking of so it wasn't him (and I think he was refering to business and romance in that line, not some Jamaican Juice Junky )
  16. TheSloth


    It's eighteen kinds of fugly, I can tell you that much.
  17. TheSloth


    Buuu....bbbbb...uuuu...tttttttt. Ah go fuck yourself Barrett. (is that quote Samuel Johnson).
  18. TheSloth


    Probably? I was just making a feeble attempt at humor anyway. Here's why it's probably. If someone is informed of the risks they are taking and willingly partakes in a deliberate enhancement/steroid program (which by the way is happening constantly) is it evil? Do you think it is?(Just in case you didn't know' date=' steroids are legal to possess in the UK and Greece for example, you just can't participate in regulated sports activities (in theory)) If so, would taking certain recreational drugs that are potentially harmful while being perfectly aware of the harm they may cause however minor it might be evil? I'm just saying I wonder what limits the human body would be hitting if the operations weren't so clandestine. The Nazi's were hardly informing "participants" (used very loosely in most cases) of the consequences and not all "participants" were willing thus the Nazi's were pretty damn evil (one of about a 1000 reasons) Was the East German Olympic steroid campaign evil? I'm leaning towards yes because though the athletes may have been willing in some cases no one was probably informed of the actual consequences (besides winning golds and getting the glory - quite the carrot when living in the Eastern Block). I still think the whole thing is probably evil because there's a certain type of human that will risk everything including their life span for some goal that they view as worthy in the present but they might not 10 years down the road when they may have cancer or some other ailment, thusly this particular Eden-esque apple shouldn't be available IMO <-that's for Schwa. There's no doubting the moral bankruptcy of all of it, in every regard. He’s alone, on top of the human creation, that’s not good, that’s godly. I have my doubts, the sport deserves nothing better IMO (again, for Schwa). (and yeah, my boss is on vacation so I'm killing time but really this is a topic I love).
  19. TheSloth


    Why are you convinced he's clean anyway? He shattered a world record and you have no inkling of a doubt? What are you basing your opinion on? (no I'm baiting you, I'm genuinely curious).
  20. TheSloth


    Give me some credit mon ami.
  21. So Rob should be worried?
  22. TheSloth


    I thought it was cool but it wasn't a huge moment for me by any stretch. The various doping and steroid scandals of the last 10-20 years have kind of ruined my enjoyment of track (and a bunch of other sports, cycling comes to mind). Maybe it's not even sports in general, just records that are ruined for me (ie Barry Bonds). I can still enjoy football and if everyones juiced I don't care. If he did it clean good for him, no, acutally fucking unbelievably great for him and the sport, I'm just toooooo jaded. Creation will always be a few steps ahead of testing, that's just how it works. I always thought it would be highly interesting if various labs and genetic manipulators just went all out and pushed the human body to it's limits ...... except for the fact it's probably evil and the morally bankrupt.
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