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Posts posted by Velvet

  1. For the record, Bruce referred to the local attraction as "Magnet" Hill. Over and over.

    And...Tom Cochrane sucked balls. I was actually pleasantly surprised to see he was on the bill, I've seen him a few times (including a Moncton show circa 1983) and think he's written some really good stuff. He just could not sing any of his tunes. Like, none. Also, his band sounded not-so-very-tight. I'm guessing this was a one-off that they did little or no rehearsing for. If I'm wrong about that then he sucks even more.

    When he held Springsteen's arm up boxing-style after the show I wanted to find him and punch him. Here's hoping 'ersh did it for me.

    Please 'ersh. Please tell me you punched Cochrane in the face after the show. Or at least snuck some snot into his fruit cocktail. Please tell me these things.

  2. Great gig man, congratulations.

    I was all smiles watching you on stage with Bruce for Twist & Shout! Sharing a mic with Tom Cochrane and standing four feet from the Boss...How cool was that?

    You owned that stage, from singing one of Bruce's lines to kicking Nils Lofgren off of his mic!

    Awesome, just f'ing awesome.

    This was my first Magnetic Hill concert (if you don't count the Pope) and I gotta say they do it right out there. Zero complaints about the venue and frankly I'd be hard pressed to suggest any improvements. I'll definitely make a point of going to a show there again.

    C'mon McCartney!

  3. Excellent, it will be good to see her.

    Tonight is the last one for a while folks! Looks like Monkeyjunk will be touring again in October/November so hopefully we'll be back at Irene's then.

    As for tonight, it's Heather's birthday so c'mon out, buy her a drink, and watch as she gets drunker and drunkerer.

    Hope to see everyone tonight!

  4. Well friends, Doug and I have finally agreed on a name for our act. It didn't come easy; we've been throwing around ideas since the first Irene's gig.

    Just when one of us thought we had a winner and would shout out his idea in a scream of glory the other would scowl and shake his head, then things would get all quiet again. It's a process we've been repeating for over six months now.

    Last Sunday under the influence of several homemade Long Island Iced Teas I shouted out yet another brilliant idea and was shocked to find Doug being agreeable. We tried it out a few times and still didn't hate it.

    On Monday came the ultimate test: Would we still remember the great name? And more importantly, would the name pass the scowl test under the cloak of sobriety? It did.

    Ladies and gentlemen, friends of liberty, freedom and nitrous oxide, henceforth Doug and I shall be collectively known as:

    Burnt Reynolds.

    For the record Doug shot down several suggestions that were much superior. Hope to see some of you tonight.

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