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Everything posted by Hux

  1. Haven't you guys heard? "tool" is the new "cool".
  2. I'm spinning: "Ooooh Look At Me And My Diverse Music Tastes" by The Who Cares Orchestra.
  3. Dinghy wanna borrow some of my McCartney and Wings CD cases to store your discs? Better protection than a car alarm.
  4. Here's some inspiration....brilliant....
  5. Come on - have at that blank t-shirt!!
  6. Here's my gift.... This is Weir's newest tune "Money for Gasoline" if you don't think Sir Bobness can still bring the heat, check this out...(Mp3) Money for Gasoline 7.17.06
  7. Wow - it appears the B-Dub Army is still in sync. Representin'.
  8. Thanks for coming out guys, we had a blast. You will be hearing from this band again! We'll have a new name and be playing our own stuff, stay tuned. (no NFO - it is permanently retired)
  9. I loved seeing Hampton weeping like a baby last night. Eat it bitch.
  10. If you haven't seen these guys I encourage you to go check 'em out.
  11. I'm really enjoying Ollie's contributions to this thread, keep it up champ.
  12. That's how Olivia Chow was elected in Trinity-Spadina.
  13. Dave-O already is a rock star.
  14. Yes, I'm extremely pumped about kids around here checking out Matt, he's a smokin' player.
  15. ...funny you should ask: If you were thinking about coming to the Chips for Charity Event this Thursday at Al's Steakhouse with friends, we are offering a group rate. 5 tickets for $400...that's almost half of the original cost! This will still include a $75 tax receipt each...so basically, it's only going to cost you $5 for a steak dinner, glass of wine, tournament entry for a chance to win a trip to Vegas/LCD TV/much more, and a Blues for Kids concert ticket!!! In order to be eligible for this discounted rate, you will have to buy tickets by Wednesday, October 10th at 12 noon. Please call Kellie at613-226-3051 ext. 232 to reserve your tickets today.
  16. Cover will now be a donation! I suppose we'll put up a sign that says "recommended donation $20" or something, but we'd rather you show up with whatever you want to donate to support the kids and listen to some great local blues than stay home! See sticky topic above for infoskis.
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