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Everything posted by Hux

  1. Hux

    LEGO art

    UNBELIEVABLE!!! This stuff must take days and days to build!!
  2. Yeah, like this: Deedeedee, deedeedeede dee, dee. Deeedle deee-deeeee-rrrrroooooonnnnm, dee. dee. dee. deedeede, dood-do, da. Bududddu-deep, dudulu-deeep, bedo bedo bedodoo, badda da. beedel beedel deedo doodum, dadalaleee, lee, leee, bada, baddandan, dadnda, deeeee.....eeeeeeeedel wahn. Wha wahn dooodleeeee deee, deedle up doo.
  3. All you Hunter/Garcia apologists need to get your heads out of the sand, they're very similar songs. I mean what song in the world sounds like Lost Sailor? Now THAT's originality.
  4. I'll deal with you in a minute, but I think it goes beyond chords, it's tempo/feel/style - come on people think outside the box here!
  5. Find me 2 GD tunes that are more similar!? (and Women R Smarter/Iko doesn't count)
  6. I just realized last night they're pretty much the same song. Seriously, check it out sometime. I choose Half Step.
  7. Hux

    New tunes posted

    I appreciate the posts Dave-O, I just worry about Booche getting fired for public masturbation when he checks the board at work....
  8. It's possible the driver didn't see the ducks. One can easily be distracted behind the wheel, how do we know there wasn't a sick My Brother Esau from 6.16.85 blasting at high volume in that car??
  9. Hux

    bbq veggie idea's?

    Here's one I was surprised about: carrots. Use smaller/skinnier ones, olive oil, salt, etc...
  10. I didn't eat enough to feel the effects other than the taste.
  11. Hummus was likely the original intention (?) believe me I'm not defending this as gespacho...
  12. Like most people here, I consider myself a bit of a gourmet and more than capable in the kitchen. However, we've all had those nights when we stumble home late and decide to fire up something in the kitchen to satisfy our craving. Last weekend, facing a pretty empty fridge, I came up with this doozy. Hux's Drunken Chick-pea and Garlic Gespacho 1 can chick peas 3 cloves garlic Empty full contents of can of chick peas (with oil/juice) into blender. Add 3 cloves garlic. blend to liquid. Serve. Didn't come close to finishing it and let's just say the taste in my mouth the next morning was not pleasant. What are your drunken culinary low-lights?
  13. Unless you're referring to Weir sitting in with moe for those tunes, Ratdog did not play Help->Slip->Franks in 1997.
  14. Hux

    Ottawa blues acts?

    Yes me too, she had that Heart thing going on.
  15. Anyone know who the local standouts/regulars are? Any blues fans around? Thanks.
  16. Check out Vince Welnick:
  17. Tim "Disco-trips" Leary
  18. That is beautiful!! Moreso because I had them all stacked up like that as well.
  19. Hux

    Sens Rally

    Can somebody boo Harper for me if he shows?
  20. ....of toilet paper leftover from last years Canada Day keg party. Just want to thank everybody for subsidizing my shit tickets for 11 months. That is all. God Bless.
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