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Posts posted by TomFoolery

  1. I got KISS - Destroyer for my 6th b-day. All the kids in my neighbourhood were about 6 or 7 years older than I was and they all thought KISS was the bomb.

    Tapes - My first tapes (that weren't taped from my own vinyl and apart from the Raffi Sings etc.) were The Specials, "What Is..." The English Beat, Madness, and The Alarm - Declaration.

    There was a pretty heavy brit influence in the fam... I had a pretty cool friend of the family who took me to see the Clash at the Ottawa Civic Centre when I was ten.

  2. Just learn to chord along with any tunes that get you excited. The main thing is to have stuff that keeps you coming back because it feels good. If you do this by ear, its good training for your ear (not that you can't learn a lot from tab).

    Technique can come with time. You'll learn more and more technique as you go back and learn all the fills and tough parts of songs that you started chording along with.

    Just get amped about playing and download some chording tab for songs that you love. Just know in advance that most tab that you'll download from the internet is riddled with flaws (fixing it is more opportunity to learn technique and to tune your ear)

  3. A pipe burst on the while we (its my gf's place) were away (11 days). Unfortunately, the landlord didn't install a drain on the floor. Fortunately, the shower stall floor was only 3 inches off the main floor so most of the water drained through the shower drain.

    Thanks for the tips! Fingers crossed.

  4. Nah, been too busy trying to deal with all the other shite involved with 60,000 gallons of water surging through three furnished rooms...

    I think the tapes are being tackled today. We'll give that a go. Its going to be a bitch. There are some pretty priceless tapes that I'm sure will never be found again.

    My personal fav is a 72 Santana/Buddy Miles. I think I'm going to cry just thinking about it.

  5. My brother is in Phuket right now and is fine. However, he's told me that its a complete mess - and Thailand wasn't badly hit compared to some of the other countries.

    I've gone and thrown a bit of cash at the red cross to try to help out. Its not much, but its something.

    If you're interested, here's their website. You can make secure on-line donations for as little as $5.


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