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Posts posted by StoneMtn

  1. I just saw the comment asking me if I said this about James Brown, too. I don't know that much about the bad stuff he did. I know he had some guns and things, and was a pretty bad guy. I may or may not say the world is better off rid of him. Probably.

    I do know that Ike Turner, on the other hand, brutally forcibly raped his wife, and gloated about it. He was known to do it in front of other people, for maximum humiliation. There were stories of him doing it in the recording studio.

    I do not wish for Ike Turner to "rest in peace" as this thread is titled. That is my whole point. I stick by it.

    Good riddance.

  2. Perhaps bokonon is just upset because she's having an issue figuring out how to turn "parking garage signage" into a thread about sex?

    Dude' date=' it's a thread about a [i']parking garage. I like a challenge, I didn't waste the effort on this, it's too easy.

    Too bad.

    It's always helpful and funny when you do that.

  3. Why is it so easy?

    Doesn't the meaning completely change if you include the necessary punctuation?


    Instead of...


    To me the first says that only monthly parkers can park there. The second says that monthly parkers are not allowed to park elsewhere.

    Then again, I'm not too smart or adept at the use of language or grammar. (I'm also not helpful or funny, but what can you do?)

  4. Okay. I have a pass to park in our underground garage. We don't have specific spaces, but some people have passes allowing them to park on a monthly basis, while others just get a ticket in the morning and pay for the day.

    Every day, I drive past a sign that says:


    Every day I think to myself, "Does that mean that only monthly-parkers can park beyond this point, or does it mean that monthly-parkers can park only beyond this point, and nowhere else?"

    Clearly, punctuation is missing.

    As it happens, since I am a monthly-parker, I just park beyond that point and don't worry about it, but it bugs me every morning.

    Any thoughts on this very important issue?

    (Can you tell I don't feel like working?)

  5. I was in Kingston that year. A friend of mine had power the whole time, so I grabbed my cats and moved in there. She is also an incredible cook/baker, and law school was cancelled throughout the storm.

    To say the least, I was well-fed and had a great time.

    I suffered a bit of damage to my car due to a branch landing on it the first day, and got some amazing photos driving around through carnage, including live down power-lines, and I did show up at school that day before a police-line went up to prevent anyone from getting there, but otherwise I quite enjoyed "Ice Storm 1998"â„¢.

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