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Posts posted by StoneMtn

  1. Shortly before he died, he contacted those psychos known as the "Raelians" to try to get himself cloned! I wonder if he ever got that going (presuming anyone actually believes that those nuts have the technology to pull it off; as they claim). There could be a petrie dish somewhere with a little Rodney-to-be...

  2. For what it's worth, I can tell you that in BC you would not even have been charged. It is a different system here, though, and the police do not have the authority to "charge" you; which makes perfect sense as they are not schooled in "the Law", rather in enforcement. Unlike Ontario, here the cops can "recommend charges" to Crown Counsel, who then decides to pursue the charges or not. (In Ontario, the police can and do charge you themselves.) As it happens, the Department of Justice has a policy against prosecuting "simple possession" of marijuana in BC, unless there are other charges involved as well; such as guns, harder drugs, violence... so if you were here, the cops would have recommended that charges be brought, and the Crown would have tossed the case out. (Practically speaking, the police here rarely do recommend charges in your type of case, as they are aware that it will not be pursued.)

    Alas, you are in Ontario, and the DOJ does not have that policy in your province...

    Call John Conroy and get a referral from him for an Ontario lawyer. Seriously.

  3. As far as getting community service without a record, that may be true to a degree; but not entirely. It sounds as though this person was probably given a conditional discharge. This means that when that person performed that community service the conditions for the discharge were met, and the charges were dropped. However, that would leave that person with a record of the conditional discharge itself. Those, however, are expunged after seven years; to my knowledge. The other possibility, however, is that this person was given a "diversionary remedy", meaning that the matter was dealt with informally via counsel and the person was allowed to get no record in exchange for doing something. I doubt that is what occurred in the case of the community service, however, as diversions usually involve some form of rehab.

    You do need a lawyer, and you should get one ASAP. Unless you can prove a Charter violation and this goes to trial there will be a conviction. If that is the case, then you can only address the issue of sentencing, based on your husband being a good guy. You don't want it to get to that stage. Get a lawyer and see if that lawyer can strike a plea bargain with the Crown for a diversionary remedy such that you don't have a record or even a record of having no record, as is the case with a conditional discharge.

  4. It sounds to me as though there was at least one, if not several, violations of your Charter rights. You are correct, however, that regardless of whether you have a lawyer you will almost certainly need to appear in Court to contest the charge.

    I am not a criminal defence lawyer, merely a lowly civil litigator, so I cannot swear that there were Charter violations in your case, however, I am quite certain. I suggest you contact one of the top criminal defence lawyers in the country who specializes in marijuana charges. His name is John Conroy and you can reach him via his website www.johnconroy.com . He practices here in BC, but he also handles matters across the country for anyone who is willing to pay the fee for him to do so. I don't recommend that you retain him in this case, as it would be very expensive, however he would be able to recommend the best hired gun in or around Marathon, ON to deal with this for you.

    Good luck with it.

  5. I am not trying to insult Calgary by any means. That was just what I was told by the people I was staying with, and the way they said it I thought it was common knowledge in Calgary. (Maybe it was something entirely different and they were just fu-king with me.) They told me they won't let their dog run in the nearby park off leash at night because of packs of coyotes, and that was the noise we heard. Were they making this up? It really had me on edge at the time since we were walking in this park at like 1 am. (I hope you weren't offended.)

  6. I was just in Calgary this summer during a cross-country drive. The one thing I found really freaky was while I was out for a late-night walk. I was near a large park, and I could hear a crazy cackling, yelping, chaotic sound. It turns out that there are vast numbers of huge packs of coyotes running around Calgary eating pets and things. I'm certainly used to coyotes in my neighbourhood, and even bears and cougars, but that cacophonic yelping pack noise was just freaky! ::

  7. eggs
    beget creatures in the sea and on land,

    But have nothing to do with any jamband

    Of which I'm aware from now or from then,

    But maybe this posting is truly Zen?

    I look to badams, the Zen guru in question,

    To clarify, expound or make a suggestion

    Of his reason for making such a cryptic post.

    Was this merely an attempt to see whether most,

    Or any of us, could maintain this rhyme,

    In spite of one-word posts that do take some time

    To fit into context and keep this rhyme going?

    As you can see, this rhyme is not slowing

    And in fact allow me to even suggest

    This thread will live on, as it is the best.

    So badams I leave it to you to expound

    Upon why it is that you seem to have found

    It necessary to add your post about "eggs".

    By doing so, I think, the question it begs

    Is you intended to stump us and make this thread die,

    But I will not so presume until I hear your reply...


    :(So, even though I was ready to pay insane prices, my tickets are now gone.

    Check this out: Apparently Tom Waits' own policy is that each person in the ticket lineup can buy up to two tickets. However, in order to actually be sold the ticket, every person who will be going to the show must be present and holding picture identification. This is to prevent people from attending the show who didn't actually wait in line; or so I am told.

    Correct me if I'm wrong as I am no mathematician, but, does that not amount to a ONE TICKET LIMIT, not a two ticket limit, per person? ::

  9. Please give me orders.

    Tell me what to do.

    I'm just waiting for orders from you.

    Gee how will I know what to do with my life?

    If you don't tell me I'll never get to say:

    I don't have to.

    I don't have to.

    I'm not going to.

    I'm not going to.

    I don't have to so I'm gonna take your world and trash it; trash it.


    I'm not quite sure how it worked out, but I just got a call from my guy in the lineup. He struck a deal with someone else on my behalf, and I snapped it up. Since each person could only buy two tickets (at $115 each ::) I am buying someone else's ticket for him in exchange for extracting one other ticket from him so that I and my much better half can go. Otherwise, there is only a single ticket for me, so I had to go for it. Should be worth it though!

    Blane: How are things coming with you and the momentous Amsterdam show?

  11. Thanks Esau! I love the Gourds. (A Birthday show of mine too! I'm not saying how old I was that day. - BUT TOO OLD!)

    If you're not familiar with him, you should check out "Ryan Shupe and the Rubberband". I think you'd dig him big time. Check out the tune "Banjo Boy".

  12. I agree with the poster with the name Number 2.

    We all must give credit where credit is due.

    If not for the Dead and the Allmans and Feat,

    (And of course the man who wrote Uncle Meat)

    There would be no scene of which to speak.

    There would be no place for the average phreak

    To phreak out with abandon; to trip and to sin

    Don't forget "what a long strange trip it's been".

  13. It is currently 6:55 pm on the West Coast. Tickets go on sale tomorrow at 9:30am. Apparently there is already a huge crowd waiting outside the Commodore in Vancouver. I have someone going down there for me tomorrow morning, but I'll be lucky if I get tickets. Good luck Blane! I'll let you know how it goes for me...

  14. Ronald Dworkin's chain-novel is not truly a book,

    Rather, a theory, and I suggest that you look

    At his text "Law's Empire" on jurisprudence

    And you can see if it does not convince

    You that this chain-novel compares to this thread

    As applied to the law written by those now long dead.

    Although long since dead, their words still live on,

    And those who are judges must opine upon

    What the drafter had meant in that age long ago

    When drafting the statute, but how can we know?

  15. I just love their Bio:

    Millions of years ago GWAR rampaged across the galaxy with a gang of Space Pirates called The Scumdogs of the Universe. Falling out of favor with their Master, they were imprisoned on the most remote mudball planet in the universe... Earth.

    Killing off the dinosaurs and inadvertantly creating the human race by having sex with apes, GWAR began to influence the development of the planet until after that wild gig in Atlantis when it was decided that they should be entombed in Antarctica to prevent them from screwing up the Earth any worse.

    `Several thousand years later Sleazy P. Martini, known pimp, pusher, pornographer, and record business executive for Capitalist Records, accidentaly stumbled into their Antarctic tomb and woke them up. He took them to New York, gave them electric guitars and began to market them as his latest Rock ‘n’ Roll sensation.

    Some of GWAR’s adventures are chronicled in their albums, comics and videos but there are still many GWAR stories waiting to be told.

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