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The Chameleon

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Everything posted by The Chameleon

  1. Keep on Growing was done by the Grateful DEad a few times in 85 & 86. It was sung by Phil with Brent trading off on a few verses. The Derek and the Dominoes version was sung by keyboardist Bobby Whitlock.
  2. It's a shame the rest of his fellow citizens are not treated withthat kind of leaniancy. If anyone of us was caught in Louisianna, with 1 1/2 pouds of weed and 90+ grams of mushrooms, we'd all be in serious trouble and be looking at possible jail time. I love that Willie got treated lightly, but everyone should. It's only drugs. And contrary to right wing beleif there are much bigger issues.
  3. Todd Rundgren - Something/Anything It takes a while to realize this guys genius. But once you realize his mastery at crafting great songs, and the fact he is an amazing guitarist, producer and singer, you will be hooked. Soon you will also realize he has a very signature sound you will crave. Todd grows on you.
  4. Hey Vanillan Fudge were a great psychedelic band! That aside, I totally concur with Melle Mel. Glad to hear one of the originators tell it with conviction. Hip-Hop died in 1995, save a few last gasp here and there.
  5. Ya know I was real excited to see this guy live and he was very so/so I thought. I mean he did his job and was adequate, but he couldn't hold a candle to EC, Trucks or Robert Cray. His solos seemed chocked and never really peaked with any energy. In reality Trucks blew everyone off stage, with the exception of Clapton. And Trucks even gave Clapton a run for his money. Maybe it was an off night for Doyle, btu I wasn't impressed.
  6. Agreed "Wonderful Tonight" is a little rich, but at least its from his classic era. And yes I was hoping for more Derek & the Dominoes material... ...specifically "Keep on Growing" what a tune. Even so, it had a more urgent driving feel, like the Dominoes due to Derek trucks involvement. I see another show in a minute on this tour. P.S. if you don't know this album, check it, it's a waaay underatted effort, one of EC's best solo outings:
  7. Too bad she was one of the remaining first generation blues artits. She lived long though, b.1913, and hopefully passed peacefully. R.I.P.
  8. Eric Clapton @ The ACC, Toronto, ON Pretending ->I Shot the Sheriff Got to get better in a little while Old Love w/Robert Cray Everybody gotta change sometime My love is true * ???new acoustic tune??? * Nobody knows you * Running on faith Love comes over you After Midnight Little Queen of Spades Further on up the road Wonderful Tonight Layla Cocaine E: Crossroads *Clapton on acoutsic Eric Clapton (guitar / vocals), Doyle Bramhall II (guitar), Derek Trucks (guitar), Willie Weeks (bass), Steve Jordan (drums), Chris Stainton (keyboards), Tim Carmon (keyboards), Michelle John (backing vocals), Sharon White (backing vocals) ------------------------------------------ [color:green]I was very impressed witht his show. Gone are the days of the soft sappy r&bish Clapton. He's back to kickin' ass, it flet like a very 70's show. I shot the sheriff was stellar and hit hard. As did Pretending and After Midnight. As suspected Derek trucks was on fire. But even more so was Clapton thunderous rhtyhm section of bass legend Willie Weeks and Steve Jordan. I'd pay to watch those two guys groove alone. Top notch! Glad to see E.C. playing hard and diggin' in.
  9. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that whoever it is High Plains drifter wil be opening.
  10. In that case' date=' try The B-52s, Talking Heads, The Breeders, The Pixies, The Von Bondies, Patti Smith, The New York Dolls , Big Brother & The Holding Company, Sleater-Kinney, The Indigo Girls, Heart, Pet Shop Boys, Soft Cell, Culture Club, Level 42... [/quote'] [color:red]Hey lay off the LEVEL 42 tough guy!
  11. OK maybe "proud of" was a little strong. I mean we are talking about politicians here. Let's say who you though the last PM to do a decent job was.
  12. Who was the last PM you thought did a good job, upheld Canada's good name and made positive progress for this nation? This is my choice: All the rest since have either been inept, grossly corrupt, on at best absentee and done nothing. And given our current PM I'd love a do nothing prime minister right now. Ugh!
  13. I can't decide if Harper is insane, or clossally stupid to infer that Canadian casualties and our lock-stepo with US foreign policy has improved our world image as a military power. Does he think this is winning him supporters?! I'm sure he is even turning the stomachs of staunch conservatives with these types of Bushesque comments. I am in awe of this man's lunacy. We have no place in Afaganistan or Iraq, unless it's at the direction of the UN. That's UN people, not US...I know it's one measly consonant, but it makes all the difference. This guy's gotta go.
  14. So as luck would have it Level 42 has just released their first album of new material in over a decade! I just checked thier web-site. Sounds good too.. I hope this means tour... Level 42 Homepage
  15. I encourage you to listen to thier live shows Jaimoe, nothing sappy in the slightest and much harder edged than thier albums. The live stuff is what converted me.
  16. I hear ya dr. Mouse, that's my point. If it is going to be played exactly as on the album, at this point in time, that is so predictable that I would be board to tears. Why not play these songs, but in new arrangements, new feels. I mean bands/artists that stay togetther a long time always do this to keep things fresh. The Grateful dead certianly did, Phish did, even the Allman from time to time. Change it up already. Be damned the Q107 Crowd!
  17. Like many folks I knew a few Level 42 songs, and thought they were OK, but in my mind I relegated them to 80's fluff/pop. Boy was I ever wrong. I recently got some live Level 42 shows and a bass video of Mark King. Insane! I always knew Mark King was serious player, but the more I listen to Level 42 the more I realize how kick ass they were. Killer songs, great hooks, really funky at times and even on the edge of jazz fusion and a nice mix of falcetto vocals with King's speech/song vocals. I read up on thier history and founf out they started out as a jazz/funk/fusion band and then a the request of thier label added vocals to make the sound more accessable (damn!). In any case take another listen Level 42 is more than they appear at first!
  18. I really think there sould be a moratorum on Dark Side/Wall performaces and recreations until Floyd reuintes. I mean these landmark masterpieces have been played and performed into the ground. So sad, that such great music can get to the point of be boring by over exposure. My 2 cents.
  19. What time do things get underway deeps? Any tasty covers up your collective sleves?
  20. This is true in the traditional sense of "Ragga". However the term "Ragga" is also applies to a certsain type of jungle/dum & bass music. In this framework the term "Ragga" inferes that the jungle/drum & bass in question has strong reggae and jamaican overetones, with dancehall chatted vocals or dub samples withtin. Ragga jungle also is usually sampled and chopped as opposed to programmed .
  21. Typical. You know who else said "we'll bomb 'em back to the stoneage: US General Curtis Emerson LeMay in Vietnam in 1968, under the direction of President Richard Nixon. to which the North Vietnamese replied: "We are already int he Stoneage." The point is, we all know how that war turned out for the Americans. The biggest loss of all time for them. A defeat they are still reeling from and the are in the midst of repeating that blunder to the letter. This middle east debacle really is Vietnam part two. The similarities are stunning.
  22. Just when I thought I hated Harper as much as I could, he does something to make me despise his party and his policies even more. Harper is so out of touch with the vast majoirty of this country it's scary. He speaks really, to no one in an urban center in this country, whcih makes up the majority of the population. He really is bush light. I am just thankful he has a weak minority and his afgan policy is crucifing his poularity. I pray his ass gets handed to him come next election. Harper makes me ashamed to be Canadaina at times. Now I know how Americans feel in a small way.
  23. This is awesome Bouche. How did you capture yours and turn it into an avatar? I couldn't save mine.
  24. Here's Ricky Bionix myspace for more info on this rockstar DJ: http://www.myspace.com/rickybionix
  25. Nice! Have a great show atthe Jazz this Friday. And if y'all ain't had egnough fun, hang around for the Saturday show featuring The Chameleon Project & DJ Ricky Bionix! also at the Jimmy Jazz Groovalicious! And Free! What a weekend!
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